Grab the crayons, glue, glitter, and paint and let your creativity shine with these fun activities for kids and families to do at home.
Monster Rock
Lava Lamp Craft with Marlo
Watch as Marlo shows us how to make a lava lamp using household materials.
Make a candy rainbow with Marlo
Follow along as Marlo shows us how to make a candy rainbow with a simple at-home experiment.
Spring Snail Craft Activity with Katelyn
Enjoy making a spring snail craft from home with Community Recreation Coordinator, Katelyn!
Sock puppets with Katelyn
Follow along from home with Katelyn as she shows us how to make sock puppets!
Making "elephant toothpaste" with Shauna
Enjoy a fun craft at home by following along with Shauna as she makes "elephant toothpaste."
Tire Track Painting

Group Size: 1+ people
Goal: Create your own masterpiece with toy cars and then bring them through the carwash
Set up :
- A small bin/bowl with soapy water
- Paper
- Different colours of paint
- Small toy cars
How to Play:
- With an adult's help, place dabs of paint onto your paper
- Roll your car through the paint to make tracks
Marble Painting

Group Size: 1+ people
Goal: Create your own masterpiece with paint and marbles
Set up :
- A pan or container big enough to hold your paper (a cookie sheet would work well)
- Paper
- Different colours of paint
- Marbles or other small balls
How to Play:
- With an adult’s help, place dabs of paint onto your paper
- Place the marbles onto your sheet of paper and move your bin around to make the marbles roll though all the different colours.
Popsicle Stick Puzzle

Group Size: 1+ people
Goal: The goal of this activity is to have some puzzle fun with your preschooler
Set up:
- Tape popsicle sticks side by side so they don’t move while drawing/painting
- Grab some markers or paints
- Incorporate older siblings to create the puzzles for their younger siblings, or you can draw the puzzle and allow your young child to be creative and colour it, or if you are adventurous, your preschooler can create their own puzzle!
How to Make/Play:
- Draw/Paint a picture on the popsicle sticks while they are taped side by side
- If using paint allow for them to dry
- Once dry mix up the puzzle sticks and give them to your preschooler to put back together!
Chalk Yourself

Group Size: 1+ people
Goal: Create a self-portrait out of chalk
Set up:
- Chalk
- Driveway / sidewalk
How to Play:
- Trace an outline of yourself on the ground
- Then have fun colouring and decorating your outline
Activity/Craft disclaimer
These online recreation programming sessions are hosted by the municipality to promote online learning, have some fun, learn something new, and challenge your mind. These sessions are “use at your own risk,” so don’t work beyond your capability and seek help if you need it. Remember, safety first! If you choose to share your or your family’s results online, please do so responsibly and safely. We hope you enjoy this free programming.