Events Grants

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The Events division of Halifax Regional Municipality administers two different event grant programs: the Marketing Levy Special Event Reserve (MLSER) Grants and the Regional Special Events Grants. 

Program Contact:
Shari Dillman, Events Grants Administrator

Marketing Levy Special Event Reserve Grants Program

The MLSER Grant program is governed by Administrative Order Number 2014-020-GOV Respecting Marketing Levy Special Event Reserve Grants . The MLSER Grant program provides financial support for non-profit organizations to host large scale special events in Halifax Regional Municipality that support and promote tourism and business development.  Funding for the MLSER Grant program is generated from the hotel tax that applies to overnight sleeping establishments. The program has four funding categories: Distinguished Events, New Events (Emerging), Signature Events and Major Hosting Events. 

Marketing Levy Special Event Reserve Grants Deadlines

Program First Intake Deadline for Events that occur after April 1 of each year: Second Intake Deadline for Events that occur after October 1 of each year:
Program First Intake Deadline for Events that occur after April 1 of each year: Second Intake Deadline for Events that occur after October 1 of each year:
Distinguished Events November 30, 2024 May 30, 2025
New Events (Emerging) November 30, 2024 May 30, 2025
Signature Events November 30, 2024 Applications are accepted on a 3-year basis, the next intake will open November 1, 2027
Major Hosting Events Open intake -

The Distinguished Events program supports one-time large scale events that have high potential for national and international exposure, encourages multiple day visits to the Municipality, provides the Municipality with a competitive advantage and has a minimum budget of $50,000. The maximum grant award through this program is $50,000. Events in this program are scored on number of room nights generated, economic impacts and media exposure. This program offers two intakes per year.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place April 1, 2025 through to March 31, 2026.

A second intake will open May 1, 2025 for application to fund events taking place October 1, 2025 through to March 31, 2026.

The New Events (Emerging) program supports organizations that bring or create a new event in Halifax Regional Municipality that address gaps in the existing event calendar and have the potential to become an annual tourism event. Organizations must have operated for a minimum of one year with demonstrated experience in event management, and the event must have a minimum budget of $50,000. The maximum grant award through this program is $25,000. The business case must show how the event would benefit the Municipality and increase tourism and business development in the “shoulder/off season” (November to April). Preference will be given to organizations that have secured corporate and other levels of government funding. This program offers two intakes per year and sustainable funding up to a maximum of five years.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place April 1, 2025 through to March 31, 2026.

A second intake will open May 1, 2025 for application to fund events taking place October 1, 2025 through to March 31, 2026.

The Signature Events program supports annual large scale special events that have been in existence for a minimum of five consecutive years, have a minimum budget of $100,000  and the organization have operated for a minimum of three consecutive years. The maximum grant award through this program is $100,000. Events in this program are scored on number of room nights generated, economic impacts and media exposure. Sustainable funding is offered up to a maximum of three years.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place in the following three fiscal years: 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28.

The next three-year funding cycle intake will open November 1, 2027 to fund events taking place in 2028/29, 2029/30 and 2030/31.

The Major Hosting Events program supports organizations bidding on the rights to host major events and supports programs, activities and services specific to the delivery of a major event being hosted in Halifax Regional Municipality. Events must be of a size and scope sufficient to draw tourists to the Municipality’s communities, attract significant media exposure, nationally and globally. Interested organizations for this program are to contact Shari Dillman, Event Grants Administrator at or 902.497.3729. 

  • consumer shows
  • tradeshows
  • meetings
  • seminars
  • symposiums
  • public lectures
  • fundraisers
  • professional training and development
  • educational initiatives
  • banquets
  • conferences
  • fundraising events 
  • marketing initiatives
  • events held outside Halifax Regional Municipality

Grants may be applied to programing, operating, marketing and promotional expenses. No portion of the grant shall be applied to volunteer bursaries or honoraria; or paid to members or officers of an organization’s Board of Directors either directly or indirectly.

Regional Special Events Grants 

The Regional Special Events Grants program is governed by Administrative Order Number 2014-021-GOV Respecting Regional Special Events Grants. This program provides financial support for non-profit organizations that host events which foster positive community development, celebrate heritage, arts and culture, build bridges between diverse populations, enrich quality of life for residents and improves civic pride in the Municipality. To be eligible for funding, events must be open to the general public to attend, held within the geographical boundaries of the Municipality and be fourteen days or less in duration. The program has four funding categories: Community Celebrations, Established Community Events, Significant Anniversaries and Cultural Events & Showcases.

Regional Special Events Grants Deadlines

PROGRAM 2025/2026 Deadline: For events that occur after:
PROGRAM 2025/2026 Deadline: For events that occur after:
Community Celebrations November 30, 2024 April 1, 2025
Cultural Events & Showcases November 30, 2024 Applications are accepted on a 3-year basis, the next intake will open November 1, 2027
Established Community Events November 30, 2024 Applications are accepted on a 3-year basis, the next intake will open November 1, 2027
Significant Anniversaries November 30, 2024 April 1, 2025

The Community Celebrations program supports organizations that deliver small civic events that are a maximum of five days in duration, are organized primarily for the benefit and enjoyment of local residents, coincide with a community gathering or civic holiday, and are free to the public to attend. The maximum grant award through this program is $1,000. This program offers one intake per year.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place April 1, 2025 through to March 31, 2026.


The Established Community Events program supports organizations that deliver events that are a maximum of seven consecutive days, organized primarily for the benefit and enjoyment of local residents and are accessible to the public with free or low cost activities. Events must have been in existence for a minimum of three consecutive years and have a minimum budget of $10,000. The maximum grant award through this program is $25,000. Sustainable funding is offered up to a maximum of three years.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place in the following three fiscal years: 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28.

The next three-year funding cycle intake will open November 1, 2027 to fund events taking place in 2028/29, 2029/30 and 2030/31.

The Significant Anniversaries program supports organizations that deliver events organized around major quarterly (25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, etc.) anniversaries that celebrate Halifax Regional Municipality's heritage and community. Events must have a minimum budget of $7,500 and cannot be eligible for consideration under any other HRM event grant program. The maximum grant award through this program is $10,000. This program offers one intake per year.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place April 1, 2025 through to March 31, 2026.

The Cultural Events & Showcases program supports organizations that deliver arts and culture festivals that have strong cultural content, are accessible to the public with free or low cost activities and further the disciplines of literary, media, performing and visual arts. Events must have a minimum budget of $50,000 and further the principles and objectives of the HRM Cultural Plan specifically the ‘Seven Pillars of Culture: (1) Heritage, (2) the Arts, (3) Community Design, (4) Life Long Learning, (5) Diversity, (6) Leisure and Celebration and (7) Economic Development. The maximum grant award through this program is $60,000. Sustainable funding is offered up to a maximum of three years.

The intake is CLOSED for application to fund events taking place in the following three- fiscal years: 2025/26, 2026/27 and 2027/28.

The next three-year funding cycle intake will open November 1, 2027 to fund events taking place in 2028/29, 2029/30 and 2030/31.

  • sporting tournaments
  • consumer shows
  • tradeshows 
  • meetings
  • seminars
  • clinics
  • symposiums
  • public lectures
  • fundraisers
  • professional training and development
  • educational initiatives
  • banquets
  • conferences
  • marketing initiatives 
  • events held outside Halifax Regional Municipality 

Grants may be applied to programing, operating, marketing and promotional expenses. No portion of the grant shall be applied to staff wages, volunteer bursaries or honoraria; or paid to members or officers of an organization’s Board of Directors either directly or indirectly.

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