All Online Services
Anniversary message from the mayor
- Online FormAsk the mayor to send an anniversary message to couples celebrating a 50th, 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th, or 75th anniversary.
Apply for a Vendor's License
- Online ServiceApply for a Vendor's License
Ask a question to 311
- Service InformationHave a general question? Send 311 a message and receive and answer by email.
Barrier Maintenance
- Online FormRequests for maintenance of guiderails, retaining walls, fences, or railings.
Birthday message from the mayor
- Online FormAsk the mayor to send a birthday message to someone turning 80, 90, or 100 (also available every year after 100).
- Online ServiceCreate a customized list of necessary permits and licenses from the municipal, provincial, and federal governments for your business.
Book a park or facility (wedding)
- Online FormBook one of the municipality’s beautiful venues for your wedding. Indoor and outdoor options available.
Building Related/Additional Permits
- Online ServiceApply for building related/additional permits - demolition, blasting, grade alteration, and lot grading.
- Online FormReport on damaged headstones, fallen over headstones, grave depressions, or general cemetery inquiries. HRM Owned cemeteries only.
Civic Event Grants
- Service InformationFind out how to apply for a Civic Event grant application.
Commercial Building Permits
- Online ServiceApply to make changes to existing buildings, new buildings, signs & application to occupy.
Community Clean Up / Adopt A Highway
- Online FormSchedule pick up from Community Clean Up programs. Please ensure you have registered for the program prior to contacting HRM
Contact your councillor
- Service InformationContact the mayor or your councillor.
- Online FormRequests for new crosswalks, crosswalk repairs, or crosswalk painting.
Curb and/or Gutter Maintenance
- Online FormRequests for repairs on curbs or gutters
Data Analytics
- Online ServiceInteractive dashboards that help visualize data, trends and patterns to inform decisions that affect the municipality.
Deceased Animals
- Online FormReport issues on deceased animals or marine life on HRM Property, including parks, playgrounds, and fields.
Drainage Infrastructure Maintenance or Repair
- Online FormReport issues related to repair or maintenance of drainage assets (where flooding is not currently happening). Examples include culverts, ditch, street drains, catch basins, other.
Drainage Infrastructure Request
- Online FormRequest for new drainage infrastructure (e.g. new catch basin, culvert, street drain).
Election Signs
- Online FormReport concerns on the size of election signs, signs in prohibited areas, signs on a travel way, path, or other concerns.
- Online ServiceMaps - a user-friendly interactive map of the Halifax Regional Municipality. Find addresses, streets, bus stops, property information and more.
Find your district
- Online ServiceFind your electoral district map, review district maps, and find your councillor by entering your street address.
Flooding Requests
- Online FormReport active incidents of flooding; catch basins, water running into the street, culverts and ditches.
Graffiti Removal
- Online FormRequests to have graffiti removed.
- Online FormRequests to cut grass in parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, cemeteries and in the boulevard.
Halifax Police crime map
- Online ServiceView online maps to see timely information about crime within the municipality.
hfxALERT - mass notification system
- Online ServicehfxALERT is the our mass notification system, keeping residents informed about emergencies and operations updates, including the winter parking ban.
hfxALERT - submit feedback
hfxALERT is the municipal mass notification system keeping residents informed about urgent and non-urgent situations.House and Home Permits
- Online ServicePermits for home improvements, new home construction, developing your property.
Illegally Parked Vehicle
- Online FormReport illegally parked vehicles.
Invite the mayor (Public Event)
- Online FormInvite the mayor to attend your special event.
- Online FormRequests for pruning and maintenance of foliage, vegetation, shrubs, flower beds, hanging baskets. Examples include weeds in shrub beds, rodent holes, etc.
Lights - Parks, Playground, Fields
- Online FormLighting requests for HRM owned sports fields, sports courts, ball diamonds, all-weather fields and courts. Includes HRM owned parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, open spaces and walkways.
Mapping Applications
- Online ServiceMaps and Mapping Applications that answer questions about municipal services.
Military Retirement Congratulations
- Online FormAsk the mayor to send a congratulatory message to someone retiring from the military.
New Litter Bin in Park Request
- Online FormNew Litter Bin in Park Request
New Litter Bin in ROW Request
- Online FormRequest for new litterbins in the right-of-way.
New Sidewalk Request
- Online FormRequest for new sidewalks.
New Traffic Signal Request
- Online FormRequest new traffic signals.
Non-ROW Signage
- Online FormRequest for a new sign in a park (sign maintenance, complaints about signs in a park -including election signs).
Nova Scotia Directional Signage
- Online FormApply for Nova Scotia Directional Signage