Active Planning Applications

The sites listed below are intended to provide more detailed information on selected current land use applications requiring discretionary approval. Not all active applications are listed. Applications not included in this map may include certain Land Use By-Law amendments or Variance applications. Furthermore, the map shown below is updated 12 times each year on the third Monday of every month (except holidays). Halifax Regional Municipality, while making every attempt to ensure accuracy, does not guarantee that the extent or exact location of the below planning applications is accurately represented on the map below. For the most up to date information available, please contact the planner listed on the file, or for further information please contact us.

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Planning Applications

A Planning Strategy Review and Community Benefit Action Plan for the Beechville Community

Application by Sunrose Land Use Consulting for a substantive amendment to the existing development agreement for Paper Mill Lake subdivision to allow for the construction of 214 residential units (lots) and one commercial parcel over 4 phases, prior to completing the road connection from Moirs Mill Road to Hammonds Plains Rd, Bedford (Parcel ID 00428375, 40810228, 40810210)

Application to amend the HMPS and HPLUB for a development of approx. 400 res. units and up to 32,000 square feet of commercial at Robie, College and Carlton Streets

HRM initiated a comprehensive secondary planning process for the Middle Sackville Urban Local Growth Centre.

Planning & Development is working to update the zoning for Aerotech Business Park and surrounding lands within Airport Industrial Designation. This project includes introducing new zones that will protect and support these valuable industrial lands.

A Regional Council initiated project to consider industrial and highway commercial development on the Conrad Quarry lands (PID: 00276105; 00276188; 00275966; 40174286 and 41168279).

West End Mall Future Growth Node

The Cogswell District is a transformational, municipal-led city-building initiative, which will convert the underutilized Cogswell Interchange into a vibrant, mixed-use neighbourhood that will reconnect Downtown Halifax to the North End

Application by Eco Green Homes to enter into a heritage development agreement on lands at 2537-2359 Agricola Street, Halifax.

Application by WM Fares Architects for a comprehensive planning process to allow the development of the Mic Mac Mall lands bounded by Micmac Boulevard, Horizon Court, and Highway 111, Dartmouth

Halifax and West Community Council initiated an amendment to the Planning District 5 (Chebucto Peninsula) Land Use By-Law.

Applications by Clayton Developments Limited for amendments to the Regional Municipal Planning Strategy and two Development Agreements to Southdale / Mount Hope Special Planning Area (PIDs 41280546 and 41362161) as well as the Port Wallace Special Planning Area (PIDs 00249672, 00268599, 00258228, 40686966).

Application by The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation to demolish the registered municipal heritage property at 1259 South Park Street, Halifax.

Application by the property owner for a vacant parcel of land located at 12 York Redoubt Crescent, Fergusons Cove for deregistration.

Halifax Regional Municipality proposes to repeal Downtown Halifax Plan Area and to consolidate all the remaining downtown lands into the Regional Centre Plan Area.

Amendments to the Regional Centre Land Use By-law to address housekeeping changes

Staff-initiated amendments to the Regional Centre Land Use By-law to address regulatory barriers that dictate built form and design requirements of a Cultural Use. The proposed amendments are needed to accommodate Indigenous design principles for Cultural Uses in the Downtown Halifax Zone to support the development of a new Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre (MNFC) at 1940 Gottingen Street, Halifax.

Urgent Changes to Planning Documents for Housing – Additional Sites

North West Community Council initiated an amendment to the Musquodoboit Valley/Dutch Settlement Land Use By-law to allow for a reduction in the minimum parking requirements for a ‘Day Care Facilities’ use.

Sunrose Land Use Consulting, on behalf of the property owner, is applying to amend the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB) for Planning Districts 1 and 3 (St. Margarets Bay) at 5249 St. Margarets Bay Road and 51 Sonnys Road, Upper Tantallon.

Zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of the property owner, has applied to amend the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB) for Planning District 4 (Prospect) and enter into a development agreement on lands at 1540 Prospect Road and PID 00656074, Hatchet Lake.

Universal Contract Limited, on behalf of Universal Properties Inc. is applying to amend the Halifax Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and the Halifax Mainland Land Use By-law (LUB) for 30 Ridge Valley Road, Halifax.

Application by Patrick Kane and Myles Baldwin for a substantive amendment to a development agreement at 2720 Gottingen Street, Halifax.

Application by WM Fares to enter into a heritage development agreement to permit a 79-unit, 12-storey, multi-residential building on the registered heritage property, adjacent to but physically separate from the historic St Mark’s Church building.

Application by Sunrose Land Use Consulting requesting to enter into a development agreement on lands at 1226 Cole Harbour Road and 77 Bissett Road, Cole Harbour

KWR Approvals Inc., on behalf of property owner Rysco Properties Inc., is applying to enter into a development agreement at 893 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville.

Grace Lutheran Church is requesting to discharge an existing Development Agreement and to enter into a new Development Agreement.

Application by ZZap Consulting Inc. to enter into a development agreement at 1146 St. Margarets Bay Road, Beechville.

Application by ZZap Consulting Inc. for a Development Agreement at 600 Bedford Highway, Halifax.

JHAL Ltd. is requesting to enter into a development agreement at 247 Main Street, Dartmouth.

Zzap Consulting Inc. is applying for a development agreement at 445 Winslow Drive, Upper Tantallon (PIDs 41277765 and 41277773).

Armco Capital Inc. is applying to amend an existing development agreement on PIDs 41292137, 41291758, 41290925, and 41290917 in Middle Sackville.

Application by ZZAP Consulting Inc. (ZZap) requesting to enter into a heritage development agreement on lands at 173-175 St Margarets Bay Road, Halifax.

A request by WM Fares Architects, on behalf of the property owner, for a substantive amendment to an existing development agreement on a site located on the Mainland Common area in Clayton Park (PIDs 41477720, 40550774, and 00330845).

Application by Sightline Planning + Approvals, requesting site specific amendments to the Bedford MPS and a development agreement.

Stephen Adams Consulting Services Inc., on behalf of CRM (Coastal Resources Masonry), is applying to amend the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law for Planning District 4.

Fathom Studio is applying to enter into a development agreement at 400 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville.

Application by KWR Approvals Inc., on behalf of John and Judith MacDonald to enter into a Development Agreement at 3136 & 3124 Hwy #2, Fall River.

Application by Mackay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects on behalf of a property owner, requesting to enter into a heritage development agreement on lands at 10 Kirk Road, Halifax (PIDs 00280263 and 00280115).

Zzap Consulting Inc. is applying to enter into a Development Agreement at 1491 Sackville Drive, Middle Sackville.

Application by Fathom requesting to enter into a heritage development agreement on the lands at 1262 Bedford Highway.

An application by Paul Skerry Architects Limited to enter into a Development Agreement at 498 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville.

ZZap Consulting Inc. is requesting to enter into a development agreement at 101 Research Drive, Dartmouth (PIDs 40305328 & 40003600), also known as the Southdale lands.

Application by Zzap, to enter into a heritage development agreement on the registered property at 86 Ochterloney Street, Dartmouth. The proposed development also includes 61 Queen Street (building), 39 (vacant lot) and 43-45 Dundas Street (building).

Zzap Consulting, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting to amend an existing development agreement on Market Lane, Timberlea.

Sunrose Land Use Consulting is applying to enter into a development agreement on Montague Road, Lake Loon.

Application by property owner, Tom Lavers, to enter into a development agreement on PID 00381715, near 2712 Prospect Road.

David Zareski is applying to rezone and to enter into a Development Agreement at 209 and 211 Waverley Road, Dartmouth.

Application by Kevin Riles to rezone 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Catamaran Road from R-2P to R-3.

Application by Stephen Adams Consulting Inc. for a development agreement at 143 & 153 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville .

Zzap Consulting is requesting to rezone and enter into a development agreement at 23-28 Norwood Dr., Dartmouth

This application is in the pre-engagement stage. Once it is deemed ready to proceed to public engagement, residents within an 80-metre radius of the site will be notified by mail of the public engagement process and given an opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed development.

Application by UPLAND Planning + Design Studio to amend an existing Development Agreement at 1200 Lucasville Road.

Application by Sightline Planning + Approvals, on behalf of the property owner, to enter into a development agreement at PID 40000382 off Lockwood Avenue, Herring Cove.

To enter into a new Development Agreement for the lands at 119 Merrimac Dr in Cole Harbour (PID 40145641).

Request from Matthew and Jordyn Howse to enter into a development agreement at 204 Conrad Road, Lawrencetown.

Application for a development agreement at 229 Beaver Bank Rd., Beaver Bank.

Application by Clayton Developments Limited to amend the phasing and subdivision requirements of the development agreement for the Port Wallace Special Planning Area, 220 Avenue Du Portage, Dartmouth.

Application by ZZAP Consulting Inc., on behalf of the property owner, requesting to amend the existing development agreement for Brunello Links.

ZZAP CONSULTING INC. is requesting a substantive amendment to the existing Development agreement at 2 Montebello Drive, Dartmouth.

Application by Charles Freeman Architect to enter into a development agreement at 5933 Prospect Road, Big Lake.

Application by Bernd Stolz to amend Schedule E – Areas Subject to Reduced Road Frontage to allow the issuance of a permit for a single unit dwelling at 1110 Wilderness Drive, Portuguese Cove.

Application by OSO Planning + Design to enter into a development agreement near the intersection of Hammonds Plains Road and Larry Uteck Boulevard in the Bedford West Area 1 & 12 Special Planning Area (PID 00645846).

Application by Zzap Consulting Inc. and Fares & Co. Development Inc. requesting Stage 2 Development Agreement approval for the remaining King’s Wharf development site.

Application by Fathom Studio to enter into a heritage development agreement to permit a 31-unit, 6-storey, mixed-use development, including the rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of the historic building and construction of a new rear-addition.

Amendment to Appendix A-1 within the Beaver Bank/ Hammonds Plains/ Upper Sackville Land Use By-law.

To amend the existing Development Agreement for the lands at 112-114 Wyse Rd, Dartmouth

Application requesting to add “automotive and recreation vehicles, parts, & accessories sales and services” as a permitted use within the Light Industrial (ILI) Zone of the Bedford Land Use By-law.

Request from WM Fares to enter into a Development Agreement at 658 Pockwock Road, Upper Hammonds Plains.

Application to amend the Eastern Shore (West) Land Use By-law in the R-6 (Rural Residential) Zone.

Request for development at 10 Cumberland Drive, Cole Harbour.

Application by Fathom Studio to amend the Fall River Business (FRB) zone in Planning Districts 14 & 17 Land Use By-Law to add ‘Vehicle Services’ as a permitted use.

Request by Prime Creations Ltd. to rezone PIDs 40179202 & 00208280 on Craigmore Drive, Halifax.

Amendment allowing removal of a portion of lands and non-substantive amendments allowing time extensions to approved development agreement.

Application by Innovation Architects to amend the Planning District 4 (Prospect) Land Use By-law and to substantively amend the existing Development Agreement at 2287 Prospect Road, Hatchet Lake.

Application by Dexel Development Ltd., requesting non-substantive amendments to an existing development agreement at 5970 Spring Garden Road, Halifax.

Non-substantive amendment to existing development agreement on PIDs 41332503 and 00619627, Westphal.

Application for a development agreement at 65-71 Sunnybrae Avenue and 70 Central Avenue., Fairview.

Application by Fathom Studio (Fathom) on behalf of a property owner, requesting to enter into a heritage development agreement on lands at 5663 Nora Bernard Street, Halifax, also known as the Mayflower Factory, to permit a mixed-use development consisting of a 17-storey, multi-residential addition to the registered heritage property, and the rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of both the registered heritage property (the Mayflower Factory) and the adjacent unregistered building (the yellow townhouses), as mixed-use commercial/residential spaces.

Application by Zzap Consulting on behalf of the property owner (3088962 Nova Scotia Limited), requesting to enter into a heritage development agreement on lands at 1389 Robie Street, Halifax

PLPROJ-2023-01763 Halifax Exhibition Centre Mixed Use Development
Fathom Studio, on behalf of the property owner BANC Group, has applied to enable a mixed use development on the Halifax Exhibition Centre lands at 200 Prospect Road, Beechville.

Municipal project to consider amendments to the Regional Centre Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy and the Regional Centre Land Use By-law to restrict water lot development and infilling in Dartmouth Cove, Dartmouth.

A staff report on what the HRM, the Port of Halifax and other relevant stakeholders should undertake to situate pyritic slate disposal sites.