Prohibited Conduct

The following is not acceptable on vehicles, vessels and properties owned and operated by Halifax Transit. If you witness or experience this behaviour on Halifax Transit, notify transit staff or call 311.

Prohibited conduct

Behaviour that threatens the safety of others or the safe operation of transit vehicles.

Threats or assaults.

Harassment of any kind.

Discrimination based on protected characteristics (such as age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin,
disability or religion) under the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act.

Loitering or soliciting.

Use of profanity.

Excessive noise or disorderly conduct.

Consumption or distribution of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances.

Use of tobacco, cannabis, and e-cigarettes in non-designated areas.

Carrying of firearms or dangerous materials.

Littering, vandalism, or graffiti.

Skateboarding or bicycle riding.

Additional Rules for Ferry Operations

Halifax Transit ferries are governed by the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and the Domestic Ferry Security Regulations. As such, the following additional rules apply when riding Halifax Transit ferries.

  • No one shall jeopardize the safety of passengers, crew, ferries or impede access to or tamper with safety equipment. 
  • The Captain has the overriding authority and responsibility to maintain safety, security and good order. The Captain’s decision will be final in such matters.
  • Passengers may be subject to security screening, including their possessions, as per the prevalent Maritime Security (MARSEC) level. Failure to comply with regulatory screening requirements may result in denied access to the ferry.

Reporting Unsafe or Disrespectful Behaviour

If you experience or have witnessed inappropriate, disrespectful or dangerous behaviour on a Halifax Transit vehicle or on transit property, we encourage you to:

  • Notify the bus Operator or Transit staff
  • Report the incident to 311

Halifax Transit Supervisors have the authority to deny service and restrict future service.

Incidents that are reported directly to Halifax Transit are investigated internally, and if warranted, may be referred to Police for further investigation and follow up.

Prohibited Conduct Support Resources

The following organizations support individuals who may have witnessed or experienced prohibited conduct on Halifax Transit: