Middle Musquodoboit Park

Summer 2024 Update

The construction of the splash pad was tendered in 2023, but the cost exceeded the park development budget. Under the 2024-2025 Capital Budget, staff requested an additional $450,000 from Council, which was approved, and a new Request for Proposals was posted in March 2024.

The tender for the splash pad was awarded to Lindsay Construction, who has started the process of securing permits. They expect the job to take at least 60 days to complete, depending on weather and permit approvals. Above is a rendering of the design of the splash pad.  

Next Steps:

A separate Request for Proposals has been posted for the play equipment and landscaping. It is expected that this portion of the park will be completed by late Summer or early Fall. Please check this webpage for updates. 


Halifax Regional Municipality purchased Lot 74-1 Highway 224 (PID 40219396) in Middle Musquodoboit in 2021 for the purpose of constructing an outdoor recreation facility. To determine the best recreation features for this site, Parks & Recreation staff must engage residents in the area

Initial Survey

A survey was launched on February 7 and open until March 7, 2022. It was available online and paper copies were left at prominent locations throughout Middle Musquodoboit. The purpose of the survey was to understand what outdoor recreation facilities residents believe the community would most benefit from, who the park would serve, and any suspected challenges that could be associated with developing the park. 192 surveys were completed and a "what we heard" summary was prepared for public review. 

Steps Taken

Spring 2022

Residents were invited to a public open house on June 2, where staff shared engagement results and next steps and provided opportunities for you to share your ideas.

Late Spring 2022

Staff shared engagement results and next steps at a public meeting.

Late Summer 2022

Parks staff developed a concept park plan for future capital budget consideration.

Fall 2022

Based on engagement results, Parks & Recreation staff created the below concept plan.* Funding will be recommended for approval in a future Capital Budget.

*A concept plan uses generic graphics to demonstrate where features will be located on site. The specific design of these features is determined when a contract is awarded to a proponent to complete the work. 

The concept plan includes a swing set, playground equipment for those aged 2-5 and 5-12 years old, a spray feature, an open lawn to be used as a play field, various seating options, shade trees, shrubs for privacy from neighbouring properties, rail fence to protect park users from the road, a light feature, waste receptacles, bike rack, a potential path connecting the park to the existing Cornerstone Park, and a driveway for maintenance vehicles. 

We welcome comments and feedback. Please reach out to Meaghan Dalton at daltonm@halifax.ca or 902-456-9683 

an aerial view of the land proposed for the new park area
Concept plan for a future park in Middle Musquodoboit

Contact Information

Requests for additional project information, questions, or comments can be directed to Meaghan Dalton, Community Developer, Parks & Recreation.

Email: daltonm@halifax.ca
Phone: 902-456-9683