Updated: Jan. 31, 2020

Gorsebrook Park is located in the South End of Halifax. Since its establishment in the 1940s, on what was formerly a golf course, it has had little in the way of comprehensive planning. In 2015, area residents and the local Councillor met with an interest of identifying issues and possible improvements to the park. Subsequently, Regional Council directed that a park plan be prepared through the adoption of the 2018/19 Parks and Recreation Business Plan.
A public open house was held on December 10, 2018 at the Dalhousie Student Union Building. The public was in attendance to review a preliminary park concept and to provide feedback on design and layout options. The feedback received at the open house and via electronic submission informed an updated concept.
The proposed park plan was approved by Regional Council on January 28, 2020. Stay tuned for project updates.
Requests for additional project information, questions, and comments can be directed to Stephen Cushing, Landscape Architect, Parks and Recreation.