Active Transportation (AT) Grants Program

Community associations in HRM play a significant role in operating and maintaining HRM's AT network and promoting and educating the public about walking and cycling.  This grant program aims to support the work of these associations.

The program was established to support those elements of HRM’s AT objectives that are implemented in conjunction with community associations as outlined in the 2014 Active Transportation Priorities Plan (AT Plan) and/ or 2018 Integrated Mobility Plan and any subsequent HRM Regional Council approved amendments or transportation plans. 

Eligible Applicants for AT Capital, AT Recapitalization, AT Maintenance and Operations, AT Emergency Repairs Grants

Detailed eligibility is outlined in the Administrative Order Number 2020-011-ADM Respecting HRM’s Grant Programs for Active Transportation and Recreational Trails and the respective Grants' Terms and Conditions. Below is a summary:

  • Applicant shall be located within the geographic boundary of the Municipality;
  • Applicant shall be a Trails Organization or a Community Organization at the date an application is made;
  • Applicant shall have been a Trails Organization or a Community Organization for a minimum of one year prior to the date of submission of the application;
  • The applicant has written permission from the land owner(s); 
  • Applicant has Commercial G/L Insurance and/or event insurance or is covered under a group insurance;
  • Applicant demonstrates that is supporting, encouraging and promoting active transportation; 
  • Applicant demonstrates commitment to construct and maintain the facilities managed at a standard that is accessible, safe, and comfortable to all users of all abilities; 
  • Applicant demonstrates recent (within the past year) local community engagement and consultations regarding the proposed project;
  • Applicant has not defaulted/ breached Grant(s)’ requirements in the past years.; and
  • Applicant can access matching funds for any project proposed on a land that is not owned by the Municipality.
Eligible applicants for AT Education and Promotion Grants

Detailed eligibility is outlined in the Administrative Order Number 2020-011-ADM Respecting HRM’s Grant Programs for Active Transportation and Recreational Trails and the Grant Terms and Conditions. Below is a summary:

  • Applicant shall be located within the geographic boundary of the Municipality;
  • Applicant shall be a Trails Organization or a Community Organization at the date an application is made;
  • Applicant shall have been a Trails Organization or a Community Organization for a minimum of one year prior to the date of submission of the application;
  • Applicant has Commercial G/L Insurance and/or event insurance or is covered under a group insurance;
  • Applicant demonstrates that is supporting, encouraging and promoting active transportation; 
  • Applicant has not defaulted/ breached Grant(s)’ requirements in the past years; and
  • Applicant can access matching funds for any project proposed over $1,000.

Active Transportation (AT) Grants Program is composed of five available grant streams. Please follow the links below to access terms and conditions and application packages for each grant. Applicants are eligible for one or more grants pending on the type projects proposed. 

Active Transportation Capital Grants

2025 - 2026 Applications' Intake Deadline is October 6, 2024.

AT Capital Grants are awarded after Regional Council Capital Budget approval in 2025 (usually in May). 

These grants are awarded to eligible applicants for planning, design, construction and inspection (related to construction of new structures) of new AT connections, infrastructure and/or amenities that enhance AT users’ safety, comfort and accessibility to AT facilities.

2025 - 2026 Active Transportation Capital Grants Terms and Conditions outline eligibility, evaluation criteria, terms and timelines.

2025 - 2026 AT Capital Grant Application Package:

Eligibility form, project(s) proposal and supporting documents required must be received by email at on or before the deadline posted to be considered for an AT Capital Grant. Incomplete or delayed applications might not be considered. 

2025 - 2026 Organization Eligibility Form

Only one form is needed to complete for any of the following AT Grants: AT Capital, AT Recapitalization, AT Maintenance and Operations, AT Emergency Repairs. Download the form, complete the information requested and save file as <202526Organization acronym_Eligibility Form>.

2025 - 2026 AT Capital Grant Application
Please fill out one form for each type of project proposed. Download the form, complete the information requested and save file as <202526Organization acronym_ATCapitalProposal>

Active Transportation Recapitalization Grants

2025 - 2026 Applications' Intake deadline is October 6, 2024.

AT Recapitalizations Grants are awarded after Regional Council Capital Budget approval in 2025 (usually in May).

These grants are awarded to eligible applicants for proposals on AT Facilities for:

  • Engineering study to assess cost-benefit analysis for future recapitalization project(s).
  • Engineering design and tendering package for future recapitalization project(s).
  • Reinstate a trail or section of a trail to accessibility and safety standards as per current HRM and Provincial guidelines.
  • Infrastructure mandatory inspection, engineering design and reinstatement to safety standards as per current HRM and Provincial guidelines.
  • Replacement of amenities damaged beyond repair.

2025 - 2026 Active Transportation Recapitalization Grants Terms and Conditions outline eligibility, evaluation criteria, terms and timelines. 

2025 - 2026 AT Recapitalization Grant Application Package:

Eligibility form, project(s) proposal and supporting documents required must be received by email at on or before the deadline posted to be considered for an AT Recapitalization Grant. Incomplete or delayed applications might not be considered.   

2025 - 2026 Organization Eligibility Form 

Only one form is needed to complete for any of the following AT Grants: AT Capital, AT Recapitalization, AT Maintenance and Operations, AT Emergency Repairs. Download the form, complete the information requested and save file as <202526Organization acronym_EligibilityForm>.

2025 - 2026 AT Recapitalization Grant Application
Please fill out one form for each type of project proposed. Download the form, complete the information requested and save file as <202526Organization acronym_ATRecapitalizationProposal>.

Active Transportation Maintenance and Operations Grants

Applications submissions for projects in fiscal year 2024 - 2025 are now closed.

Grants were awarded after Regional Council Capital Budget approval in 2024 .

AT Maintenance and Operations Grants are awarded by HRM to eligible applicants as outlined in the Administrative Order Number 2020-011-ADM Respecting HRM’s Grant Programs for Active Transportation and Recreational Trails and the 2024 - 2025 Active Transportation Maintenance and Operations Grants Terms and Conditions. These grants can be requested for routine maintenance expenses on existing Active Transportation corridors and their infrastructure and amenities to an accessible and/or safe standard for public use. 

To submit a proposal, download and save the application package to your computer. To be considered for a grant, applications and supporting documents required must be received on or before the deadline posted at the email:


2024 - 2025 AT Maintenance and Operations Grant Application Package:

2024 - 2025 Organization Eligibility Form 

Only one form is needed to complete for any of the following AT Grants: AT Capital, AT Recapitalization, AT Maintenance and Operations, AT Emergency Repairs. Download the form, complete the information requested and save file as <Organization acronym_202425EligibilityForm>.

2024 - 2025 AT Maintenance and Operations Grant - Application

Note: Recreational Trails Maintenance and Operations Grant Terms and Conditions and application package can be accessed by following the link below:


2024 - 2025 Recreational Trails Maintenance and Operations Grant Application Package available at the link below:

Recreational Trails Maintenance and Operations Grant 

Groups cannot submit applications or duplicate expenses with the Recreational Trails Maintenance and Operations Grants for the same facility, even if some is AT corridor and some recreational trails. 

Active Transportation Emergency Repairs Grants

No submission deadline. Available until funds approved by Regional Council are all awarded.

AT Emergency Repairs Grants are awarded to eligible applicants to respond to emergency maintenance resulted from natural disasters, vandalism, failure of structures on existing Active Transportation multi -use pathway and its infrastructure and amenities to restore a safety standard for public use and avoid long-term facility closure within the fiscal year. 

Below is a link to the complete Active Transportation Emergency Repairs Grants which outline eligibility, evaluation criteria, terms and timelines.

Active Transportation Emergency Repairs Grants

To submit a proposal, download and save the application template. Complete the info requested and sent it along with required supporting documents by email:

Active Transportation Emergency Repairs Grants Application

Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grants

Submissions for 2024-2025 Fall-Winter Intake will open on August 19, 2024. 

Submissions deadline is September 23, 2024

OPTIONAL: Q&A sessions to clarify application and terms are scheduled for Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 3:30pm and 5:30pm. Please register by email specifying which session you would like to attend and you will receive a link. 

Projects can only start after October 15, 2024 and should end before March 31, 2025.

Below is a link to the complete Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grants which outline eligibility, evaluation criteria, terms and timelines.

2024 - 2025 Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grants Terms and Conditions

To submit a proposal, please download and save on your computer the application package below. Complete the info requested, save it as <Organization acronym_ 202425ATEPGrant > and sent it along with required supporting documents by email:

2024 - 2025 Active Transportation Education and Promotion Grant Application


AT Education and Promotion Grants are intended to support community organizations interested to propose projects that address, or partially address the HRM’s objectives identified in the 2014 AT Priorities Plan and 2017 Integrated Mobility Plan to increase the number of people walking and bicycling and improving the safety of people using these modes. Projects may include:

  • Safety and skills training programs  
  • AT promotions and marketing programs  
  • AT education and engagement
  • Transportation Demand Management programs
  • AT related events

There are three types of projects measured in funding and reach:

  • Small Community project (or event):  smaller project (localized) in one or more communities in HRM can receive a grant up to $1,000:
  • Large Community project (or event) requiring significant logistics efforts, meant to reach a broader audience in communities across HRM can receive a grant of up to $5,000
  • Major project (cannot be a one-time event) with significant logistics, partnerships and duration efforts with an intended reach across the municipality could receive a grant over $5,000


Submissions period for 2024 -2025 Spring - Summer Intake is now closed.

OPTIONAL: Q&A sessions to clarify application and terms are scheduled for Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 3:30pm and 5:30pm. Please register by email specifying which session you would like to attend and you will receive a link.

Projects can only start after May 15, 2024 and should end before March 31, 2025.



Reporting templates and requirements for Active Transportation Grant recipients can be accessed by following the link on the right side panel. 

Active Transportation Grants awarded in previous years, can be accessed by following the link on the right side panel.