Construction of Phase Two (Spring Garden Road to Sackville Street) is complete and opened to people walking, cycling and driving in December 2020. This segment includes one-way bicycle lanes on each side of the street, raised to the height of the sidewalk and separated from traffic by a hardscaped buffer and concrete curb. Installation of decorative street lighting will be completed in spring/summer 2021. Construction of phase one (Spring Garden Road to Inglis Street) was completed in fall 2019.
Features of Phase two include:
One-way protected bike lanes on each side of South Park Street
- Designated on-street parking areas with pay stations
- Decorative street and walkway lighting.
- Asphalt milling and paving.
- Sidewalk renewal on the west side of the street.
- Intersection upgrades at South Park and Sackville streets, including traffic signal adjustments and the installation of tactical curbs to reduce crossing distances and improve pedestrian safety.
- Streetscaping elements, such as unit pavers and bike racks.
To view a typical cross section and plan view of the upgraded street, click here.
This project is part of Halifax's Regional Centre AAA Cycling Network aimed at making it more comfortable and convenient for you to get around Halifax by bicycle. The upgraded bicycle lanes feature physical separation between people cycling and traffic, along with new features on the street such as two-stage turn boxes.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when travelling down South Park Street:
- If you are cycling, always yield to people walking, even if they find their way into the bicycle lane.
- If you are walking, look left and right before crossing the bicycle lane and avoid standing in the bicycle lane unnecessarily.
- If you are driving and looking for places to park, from Spring Garden Road to South Street, there will continue to be short-term metered parking on both sides of the street. From South Street to Inglis Street, there is on-street parking on the east side of the street only. Other changes to parking include a small "permit parking only" zone and additional short-term parking on side streets for visitors to the area. There are also many off-street lots in the area.
- If you require a place for loading, you may load people or goods across the bicycle lane but must avoid loading directly into the bicycle lanes. Loading is permitted anywhere along the street where stopping or parking is permitted.

Two-Stage Bicycle Turn Boxes
How to use the two-stage bicycle turn boxes
If you are cycling:
- On a green light, enter the bicycle turn box and wait.
- On the green light for the cross street, proceed through the intersection when it is safe to do so.
- Always yield to pedestrians.

If you are driving and turning right:
- If you have a red light, wait behind the stop bar. Right turns onto South Park Street on a red light are prohibited.
- After the light turns green and any people cycling have cleared the intersection, proceed when it is safe to do so.
- Right-turns on red onto South Park Street at signalized intersections are restricted (follow posted signs).
- When turning right across the bike lane onto a side street, driveway, etc., you must yield to cyclists in the bike lane. Always do a right-shoulder check and mirror check for cyclists approaching from behind in the bike lane before you make the turn.
- Do not wait in the bike lane when queuing to enter a driveway, parking garage, etc.
- Always yield to pedestrians.

Shared Bicycle Lane-Bus Stop
How to use the shared-bike-lane-bus-stop
If you are cycling:
- Slow down as you approach the shared bicycle lane-bus stop.
- If a bus pulls up to the platform, stop behind the white pavement markings.
- After passengers have loaded on and off the bus and it has closed its doors, you may proceed.
- Be aware that buses may deploy their ramps into the bicycle lane when stopped.
- The white pavement markings are sharks teeth that alert cyclists of the point where they need to yield and give priority.
If you are using transit:
- Wait for your bus on the sidewalk or in the transit shelter. Do not wait in the bicycle lane.
- Once the bus has pulled up to the curb, look for any oncoming cyclists.
- If there are no cyclists, or if the cyclists have stopped, you are safe to proceed onto the bus. Enjoy your ride!
- If you are getting off the bus, make sure to look right for any oncoming cyclists before stepping into the bicycle lane.
Project Overview
The South Park Street bicycle lanes are being upgraded and extended to create an "all-ages-and-abilities” cycling connection between Sackville and Inglis streets. The South Park Street facility will feature one-way protected bicycle lanes on each side of the street, with a wide buffer and pre-cast concrete curb to separate bicycle and vehicle traffic. This route will eventually connect to other planned bicycle corridors, including a new facility on University Avenue/Morris Street and enhanced bicycle lanes on Bell Road.
Halifax Transit provides service on South Park Street with Routes 4, 10 and 14. Where bicycle lanes intersect with transit stops, the shared bus stop-bicycle lane will feature:
- A ramp in the bicycle lane to bring it to sidewalk height.
- A shared bicycle lane-transit platform at sidewalk height.
- Tactile Walking Surface Indicators (TWSI) to ensure that people with vision impairments are aware they are crossing the bicycle lane.
- Pavement markings and signage to warn people cycling to slow down and yield to people boarding and exiting the bus.
There will be changes in the number and location of parking spaces on South Park Street as a result of this project. Where space permits, existing parking lanes will be moved away from the curb to create parking-protected bicycle lanes. From Spring Garden Road to South Street, there will continue to be short-term metered parking on both sides of the street. From South Street to Inglis Street, there will be on-street parking on the east side of the street only. Other changes to parking includes a small "permit parking only" zone and additional short-term parking on side streets for visitors to the area. The staff report for this project includes more information about the parking changes.
Project History:
March 2018
Regional Council approves the implementation of a protected on-street bicycle facility for South Park Street. Click here to view that report.
December 2017
Regional Council adopts the Integrated Mobility Plan, which identifies South Park Street as a connection within the Regional Centre AAA Cycling Network.
January and February 2017
Public engagement sessions are held and a survey is posted to Shape Your City to collect feedback on the proposed options, including consideration for level of comfort and safety for people cycling and impact on parking along the proposed route.
April 2016
Initial open house is held for the project to present potential options for enhanced or protected bicycle lanes on South Park Street.