The Street Improvement Pilot projects use the installation of inexpensive, temporary features designed to improve the safety and comfort of those walking, rolling, cycling and driving.
The Integrated Mobility Program (IMP) creates a vision for moving around the Halifax region and helps direct future investment in transportation demand management, transit, active transportation, and the roadway network by improving the links between residents and their communities.
The IMP supports the use of pilot projects to test new street design and placemaking strategies to improve the safety and comfort of pedestrians. These pilot projects allow the municipality to roll out temporary improvements quickly and at a lower cost. These enhancements are also referred to as "tactical urbanism."
Project sites are selected and designed in-house by Planning and Development staff, in collaboration with other business units including Transportation and Public Works (TPW), Halifax Transit and Parks and Recreation. Where possible, partnerships with local Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) may be sought.
Do you have feedback or questions about any of the projects? Please call 311 or send us an email.
All pilot projects are developed and implemented as temporary measures for improving the existing street condition. Projects will be monitored and assessed over an extended period to inform future permanent infrastructure changes.
Here are some examples of street improvement pilot projects in our region:
Crichton Avenue, Jubilee Road, and Dutch Village Road
Temporary curb extensions using pre-cast curb units and flexible bollards will be installed at the following intersections:
- Crichton Avenue & Ochterloney Street
- Jubilee Road & Preston Street
- Dutch Village Road & Rosedale Avenue
- Dutch Village Road, Alma Crescent, & Mcfatridge Road
Curb extensions reduce the width of the road by extending the curb into the roadway. These features are intended to improve safety for all road users by decreasing vehicular speeds, reducing pedestrian crossing distances, and improving sightlines for those driving.
Rainnie-to-Brunswick Tactical Bikeway
A protected two-way bikeway will be installed down the portion of Gottingen Street between Rainnie Street and Brunswick Street. This facility will protect cyclists connecting from the existing two-way Rainnie Street bikeway, down to Brunswick Street.
Additionally, this design closes the slip lane at the intersection of Brunswick Street and Duke Street, improving the safety of cyclists and pedestrians trying to cross that intersection. Bollards within the closed slip lane will further delineate the pedestrian waiting area, further reducing any potential conflict.
Cyclists should dismount and cross the street to enter the facility heading up Gottingen Street.
Artillery Place
Temporary curb extensions using curbs and bollards will re-align the intersection of Queen Street, Artillery Place, and Birmingham Street. These changes will better designate space for pedestrians, shorten crossing distances, improve visibility, reduce the roadway width and clarify expected vehicle movements. An additional temporary curb extension will be located at Artillery Place and Dresden Row, where Dresden Row changes from one-way traffic flow to two-way.
Alongside this project, Dresden Row and Birmingham Street have been converted to one-way traffic flow between Clyde Street and Artillery Place. Dresden Row will become northbound traffic, and Birmingham Street will have southbound traffic, together creating a couplet. View more information on these changes.
Lower Water Street Tactical Bikeway
The addition of bollards and planters in a painted buffer upgrades the current bicycle lane on Lower Water into a tactical protected bicycle lane and extends it to the Cogswell Interchange. Green pavement markings will highlight areas of potential conflict at bus stops, intersections and busy driveways.
If you are cycling in this area, you can expect: Safer, more comfortable cycling experience with the addition of protection in the form of planters and bollards. A green two-stage turn box will accommodate two-stage left turns onto Duke Street for cyclists.
If you are driving in this area, you can expect: Removal of some loading space on the east (bicycle lane) side of the street.
Robie Street, Ochterloney Street and Crichton Avenue
Temporary curb extensions will be installed at the following intersections:
- Robie Street & Quinpool Road
- Ochterloney Street & Victoria Road
- Crichton Avenue & Oakdale Crescent
Curb extensions reduce the width of the road by extending the curb into the roadway. These features are intended to improve safety for all road users by decreasing vehicular speeds, reducing pedestrian crossing distances, and improving sightlines for those driving.
Young, Kaye and Isleville Intersection
We've installed a pilot project which brings a temporary raised median closure, back-in angle parking, and curb extensions to the intersection of Young, Kaye, and Isleville. These installations aim to improve safety for those walking, rolling and cycling.
Raised median - Young Street
A temporary raised median was installed at the intersection of Young and Isleville streets to facilitate a safer crossing for those walking, rolling and cycling. This measure also serves to calm traffic on either side of Isleville.
Vehicles are no longer be able to turn left on Young Street at the intersection of Isleville Street. Vehicles travelling on Isleville must turn right at the intersection of Kaye and Young streets.
The raised median will reduce the overall crossing distance for those walking, rolling and cycling and allow the intersection to be crossed one lane at a time. A small central passage allows those on bicycles, as well as emergency vehicles, to continue to travel through the intersection.
Back-in angled parking – Kaye Street
Twenty-three angled parking spaces were installed on the north side of Kaye Street between Isleville and Gottingen streets. The new parking spaces replaced the fourteen parallel spaces that were previously on the north side section of the street.
The existing parallel parking spaces on the south side of the street will remain in place.
The new, angled parking design is safer and more efficient for pedestrians, drivers and cyclists.
Curb extensions – Kaye Street
Curb extensions were installed on Kaye Street at the intersections of Gottingen and Isleville streets.
Curb extensions reduce the width of the road by extending the curb into the roadway. These features are intended to improve safety for all road users by decreasing vehicular speeds, reducing pedestrian crossing distances, and improving sightlines for those driving.
Residents are encouraged to visit Shape Your City Halifax to share feedback. Alternatively, residents can call 311 or email their feedback. View more information on this pilot project.
Corner of Wentworth Street & Ochterloney Street
Phase 2 includes the replacement of jersey barriers with bollards at the south corner where the streets intersect. This was done to reduce the pedestrian crossing distance as well as the likelihood of illegal parking near the crosswalk.
Coburg Road & Edward Street
This pilot project resulted in permanent change. The original request was to review the intersection angle and pedestrian crossing distance along the side of St. Andrews Church. As a pilot project, the intersection was realigned and narrowed with temporary concrete barriers. After a trial period and engagement with the church this became a permanent change.
Agricola Street
Bollards have been installed to improve pedestrian safety by reducing the pedestrian crossing distance.
Tactical urbanism in play at the corner of Wentworth and Ochterloney - Downtown Dartmouth

Tactical urbanism on Agricola Street
Spring Garden Road Stoplet

Tactical urbanism in play at the corner of Wentworth and Ochterloney - Downtown Dartmouth
Tactical urbanism in play at the corner of Wentworth and Ochterloney - Downtown Dartmouth
Tactical urbanism in play at the corner of Wentworth and Ochterloney - Downtown Dartmouth
Street Improvement Pilot project at the corner of Coburg Road and Edward Street

Tactical urbanism on Agricola Street

Tactical urbanism on Agricola Street