Accessible Parking

Accessible Parking Locations

On-street accessible parking spots for Halifax Peninsula or Downtown Dartmouth can be viewed either by list or by map.

With the Accessible Parking Spots – Interactive Map, users can zoom in and out to view more detail about accessible parking spaces. Information available includes if the spot is in service, the location, number of parking spots, parking duration or other restrictions, surface material, and obstructions. A list of accessible parking spots can also be viewed here [PDF].

Accessible Parking Design Guidelines

While we await province-wide direction from Nova Scotia on accessible parking, we've developed a comprehensive On-Street Accessible Parking Design and Planning Guideline to help us make informed decisions about on-street accessible parking in our municipality.

Starting in 2019, we embarked on a process that included public engagement and a review of best practices across Canada. This research highlighted five key areas for improvement:

  • Clearer Signage and Space Marking
  • Careful Consideration of User Needs
  • Providing an Adequate Number of Spaces
  • Developing a Consistent Approach
  • Incorporating Proven Best Practices

These guidelines will now be our standard for urban on-street accessible parking spaces. Whether we're reviewing a request for new accessible parking on a street or assessing accessibility as part of new construction or road improvements, we'll follow these guidelines as closely as possible.

The guidelines address two main situations:

  • Responding to requests from residents for new or improved on-street accessible parking.
  • Integrating accessible parking into major road or building projects.

By following these guidelines, we aim to create a more consistent and positive experience for accessible parking permit holders. We want everyone to be confident that the spaces they find are well-located, properly designed, and easy to use.

Read the Accessible Parking Design & Planning Guideline here [PDF].

Accessible Parking Questions

Does my accessible permit allow me to park for free in paid parking areas?

  • No. All on-street Accessible Parking spots within the municipality are free for those with a valid accessible license plate or permit, but payment is required in paid parking areas.

Can I temporarily park in an accessible zone if I am loading/unloading?

  • Motorists may only park in an Accessible Parking zone if the vehicle has an accessible license plate or accessible permit displayed. Accessible permits are issued to the person as opposed to the vehicle, so please ensure you bring it with you when you are travelling.