Parking Permit Modifications

For modifications to your existing parking permit or online account, please contact with the following information. Please note that requests are only accepted from the registered account holder(s).

To modify the vehicle linked to an existing parking permit:

Annual Resident Parking Permit

  • A copy of the valid Vehicle Permit for the vehicle you wish to add
  • If the permit holder is not the registered vehicle owner, please also include a written authorization letter signed by the vehicle owner authorizing the permit holder to use the vehicle (or a signed Vehicle Use Contract). If the vehicle is a rental, please include the signed rental agreement.

Monthly Commuter Parking Permit

  • The license plate, make, and model of the vehicle you wish to add

To remove a vehicle from an existing parking permit:

  • The license plate, make, and model of the vehicle you wish to remove

To modify the address linked to an account:

  • The new address to be updated on the account
  • NOTE: Annual Resident Parking Permits shall be immediately void if a permit holder changes their place of residence

To add an additional account holder’s name to the account:

  • An authorization letter signed by both the account holder and requested additional person to be added to the account