There are a variety of parking restrictions and signs in place around Halifax Regional Municipality. A green circle indicates what the area allows, while a red circle indicates what is prohibited.
Common signs you may see around the municipality:

Paid parking sign: Payment is required to park in this area between 8AM and 6PM Monday to Friday. Payment is not required after 6PM, on weekends, or most holidays.

Accessible parking sign: Only vehicles with a valid accessible parking permit/plate may park here. Please ensure your accessible permit number and expiration date is easily visible.

No Parking Except by Permit sign: To park here during the hours the sign is in effect, a vehicle must have a valid parking permit. Outside of the posted hours, any vehicle may park here.

No Stopping sign: Once a vehicle has ceased moving, it is deemed stopped (even if it is occupied). If your vehicle is parked in a No Stopping zone, it is at risk of being towed.
Some helpful tips to remember when reading parking signs:
- If there are multiple signs on a post, read from top to bottom.
- The arrows on the bottom corners of the sign indicate where that parking restriction is in effect.
- A sign is in effect on the same side of the street that it is posted.
- A sign may not be posted immediately in front of your vehicle. Take a look up and down the street when you park to confirm whether there are any restrictions. A sign is in effect until another sign, signal, device, or intersection – whichever comes first.
A few things to keep in mind once you decide to park:
- Some parking restrictions are only in effect during certain days or times (IE: No Stopping 4PM-6PM or Street Cleaning Wednesday 12:05AM-6AM). Check the sign to confirm when the restriction is in effect. If no day or time is listed, the sign is in effect 24/7.
- An area can have more than one restriction in place depending on the day or time (IE: A paid parking zone may turn into a No Stopping zone during certain hours).
- The entire vehicle must be parked within the parking zone (IE: If the front of a vehicle is parked in a paid parking zone but the back of the vehicle is in a No Stopping zone, the vehicle is not legally parked.)
- Parking in front of a pay station does not always mean you are in a paid parking zone. Check the area to ensure there is paid parking signage.

Street cleaning sign
Street cleaning signs can be found around peninsular Halifax. Please refer to on-street parking signage for your street’s service day. As a reminder, parking permits do not exempt from street cleaning signs.

There are multiple parking restrictions in effect in the area around the pictured sign post. To determine if/when you can park, read the signs from the top to bottom:
A No Stopping zone is in effect between 7AM and 9AM to the left and right of the sign post. Vehicles may be towed away if they are parked here during this timeframe. Outside of these hours, paid parking is available between 9AM and 6PM.