Multi-Use Pathways are off-street pathways for walking, rolling, and cycling. They are sometimes branded as “trails” or “greenways” when they pass through parks. They create connections between key destinations for getting to work or running errands while providing a comfortable and attractive experience for new or recreational users.
There are many trails in Halifax that serve different purposes, but there are two types of Multi-Use Pathways that are meant to support active transportation between destinations within the municipality. Long Distance Multi-Use Pathways cross long distances between origins and destinations, often connecting small rural communities using existing corridors such as abandoned railroads, natural corridors, or utility corridors.These pathways typically have lower numbers of users and are usually no more than 3m wide. Some of these pathways may be paved while others may feature crusher dust on their surface. Urban Multi-Use Pathways include mutli-use pathways within the Regional Centre, where denser forms of development mean that higher volumes of users can be expected. These multi-use pathways are normally up to 4m wide and paved to ensure accessibility for a variety of active transportation users.
Multi-Use Pathways have the following features:
- Two lanes for travel in each direction, sometimes separated by a yellow painted centre line
- Asphalt pavement or crusher dust surface
- Access to open spaces, green spaces, and waterbodies
Safety & Etiquette for People Cycling
- Keep to the right of the pathway except to pass
- Yield to people walking
- Travel at safe speeds
- Use your bike bell before passing

Asphalt surfaces create accessible walking and cycling conditions along the Halifax Urban Greenway

Abandoned rail beds provide opportunities for connecting communities via walking and cycling
Crusher dust is used to create a surface for walking and cycling
The Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail provides connections between downtown Dartmouth and key residential, education, and employment areas