UPDATE: Waverley Road Reopening
On Friday, July 29 at 7 p.m., Waverley Road will open to one lane of traffic, controlled by temporary traffic signals.
The traffic signals will be in place 24/7 to direct traffic flow at the work site near 2342 Waverley Road. The traffic signals will be removed on August 5, and both lanes of traffic will be operational at that time.
Motorists should expect delays and are asked to use alternative routes whenever possible.
Guiderail and retaining wall repairs
Work Description: The Halifax Regional Municipality is implementing a project to replace deteriorating guiderails and a retaining wall as well as apply road embankment erosion protection measures at various locations along Waverley Road. The road safety work is required to improve traffic barrier protection for the traveling public, repair road shoulder washout areas, and protect against erosion along the shoreline. This project has been tendered and awarded to Dexter Construction Company Limited.
Location: The work includes guiderail replacement and erosion protection at the following locations:
- Site 1) Just north of 831 Waverley Road – Lake Charles
- Site 2) 1514 to 1572 Waverley Road – Lake William
- Site 3) Across from 2342 Waverley Road – Lake William
- Site 4) Just north of 2615 Trunk 2 – Lake Thomas
View a map of the project areas here.
Traffic Impact: On Friday, July 29 at 7 p.m., Waverley Road will open to one lane of traffic, controlled by temporary traffic signals. The traffic signals will direct traffic flow at the work site near 2342 Waverley Road. The traffic signals will be in place 24/7 until 7 p.m. on Friday, August 5.
The traffic signals will be removed on August 5 and both lanes of traffic will be operational. Motorists should expect delays and are asked to use alternative routes whenever possible.

Example of guiderail replacement and shoreline protection area along Waverley Rd.

Location of proposed retaining wall at site 3, referenced above.

Road Closure - 2342 Waverley Road
Work Description: The Halifax Regional Municipality is completing work this summer near 2342 Waverley Road to install a retaining wall and guiderail and address drainage and icing issues.
Traffic Impact: To allow this work to be completed, Waverley Road will be closed to all traffic and will be impassable at this location starting July 4th, 2022 for a period of approximately 5 weeks.
Motorist are asked to use alternative routes to avoid construction. Local and emergency access will be maintained on Waverley Road via the intersection with Montague Road up to civic 2300 and Maheux Lane. Addresses beyond (north of) civic 2350 will have access to Waverley Road via the intersection with Rocky Lake Drive. A signed detour route will be in place and Traffic Control Personnel will be available to help guide motorists.
Pedestrian access will be maintained during the street closure and cyclists will have the opportunity to dismount and walk their bike around the construction site using the temporary walkway provided.
Timeline: The road closure is expected to start on July 4, 2022 and last for a period of approximately five (5) weeks. The closure will be in effect between Monday at approximately 7 a.m. until Friday at approximately 7 p.m. and Waverley Road will be reopened to one-lane stop-and-go traffic during the weekends using temporary traffic signals.
- What construction work is being done on Waverley Road?
The Halifax Regional Municipality is implementing a project to replace deteriorating guiderails and a retaining wall, and apply road embankment erosion protection measures at various locations along Waverley Road. The work is required to improve traffic barrier protection for the traveling public, repair road shoulder washout areas, and protect against erosion along the shoreline. This project has been tendered and awarded to Dexter Construction Company Limited.
- Where is this work taking place?
The work includes guiderail replacement and erosion protection at four locations:
• Site 1) Just north of 831 Waverley Road – Lake Charles
• Site 2) 1514 to 1572 Waverley Road – Lake William
• Site 3) Across from 2342 Waverley Road – Lake William
• Site 4) Just north of 2615 Trunk 2 – Lake Thomas
A map of the project is available above. - Why is this work necessary?
There are several sections of guiderail along Waverley Road that are badly deteriorated and in need of replacement to provide proper roadside safety protection for the traveling public. Many of these sites are located next to a lake where the road shoulder is washing away which has caused the guiderail posts to lean and lose their effectiveness. The upgrades will replace the guiderails, replace a retaining wall, address drainage issues, repair the road shoulder, and provide rock lining along the shoreline to protect against erosion.
- How long will construction be underway?
The total project duration is expected to run between July and August 2022. During this period, work may be taking place at one or multiple sites.
The street closure at civic 2342 is expected to start on July 4 and last for approximately five weeks, until August 8.
- Is there a road closure?
There will be a road closure at 2342 Waverley Road which will start on July 4, 2022 and will last for five weeks, until approximately August 8. This road closure will be in effect for 24 hours a day from 7 a.m. Mondays to 7 p.m. Fridays.
- Is the road closure in effect 24/7?
The road will be closed 24 hours a day from 7 a.m. on Mondays to 7 p.m. on Fridays. The road will be closed from 7 a.m. on Mondays to 7 p.m. on Fridays. The road will be opened to a single lane of stop-and-go traffic from 7 p.m. on Fridays to 7 a.m. on Mondays.
- How will this impact my commute?
You can expect delays at the various work sites including one-way stop-and-go traffic during work hours during June, July and August 2022. It is anticipated that work will take place at only one site at a time.
The road closure at civic 2342 starting July 4, 2022 will affect your commute differently depending on where you live and where your destination is:
a) If you live on Waverley Road between Montague Road (civic 763) and 2342 Waverley Road and you are traveling southbound (towards Dartmouth), your commute will not be affected by the road closure. If you are traveling northbound (towards Fall River) during the period between Monday at 7 a.m. and Friday at 7 p.m., the street will be closed to all vehicular traffic at civic 2342 and you will be required to travel south to Montague Road and follow the detour route.
b) If you live on Waverley Road north of 2342 Waverley Road and are travelling northbound (towards Fall River), your commute will not be affected by the road closure. If you are traveling southbound (towards Dartmouth) during the period between Monday at 7 a.m. and Friday at 7 p.m., the street will be closed to all vehicular traffic at civic 2342 and you will be required to take the detour route.
Pedestrian access will be maintained during the street closure and cyclists will have the opportunity to dismount and walk their bike around the construction site using the temporary walkway provided.
- Are pedestrians or cyclists impacted as a result of this work?
Pedestrian access will be maintained during the street closure and cyclists will have the opportunity to dismount and walk their bike around the construction site using the temporary walkway provided.
- Are Halifax Transit services impacted as a result of this work?
There are no impacts to Halifax Transit.
- Is curbside collection impacted as a result of this work?
There are no impacts to curbside collection.
- How will this affect emergency services in the area?
We have communicated the project details with first responders to ensure proper planning and coordination. Proper planning allows emergency crews to access the same areas surrounding the closure site and dispatch crews who will have the quickest response time.
- Will local access be maintained for people who live on Waverley Road or use Waverley Road to access their houses?
The full closure, 24 hours a day from 7 a.m. Mondays to 7 p.m. Fridays, applies only to Waverley Road near civic 2342 and the road will be open to local traffic at all other locations throughout the construction period. Local vehicle access will be maintained on Waverley Road via the intersection with Montague Road up to civic 2300 and Maheux Lane. Addresses north of civic 2342 will have access to Waverley Road via the intersection with Rocky Lake Drive. A signed detour route will be in place and Traffic Control Personnel will be available to help guide motorists. For full details see the detour route.
The road will be opened back up to through traffic during the weekends via single-lane stop-and-go traffic starting at 7 p.m. Friday until 7 a.m. Monday.
- Why can’t Waverley Road be opened during peak hours at the construction site near civic 2342?
For the safety of the public, as well as workers, a full closure of this section is needed. Due to the size and height of the retaining wall, the depth of the hole required, the narrow width of Waverley Road, and related complexities of the work, we are unable to ensure safe vehicular passage in this section beyond the planned weekend schedule. To do so would require substantial daily project delays, which would significantly extend the length of the project and related traffic impacts.
- I thought this road closure begun on June 20 – why the delay until July?
The road closure was originally scheduled to begin on June 20; however, it was delayed by two weeks to confirm details of the Traffic Control Plan and temporary signals.
Overall project inquires – Phil Nickerson, P.Eng, Project Manager, Project Planning & Design or call 311