Hornes Road Bridge replacement

Profile photo of the culvert and bridge crossing along Hornes Road.

As part of the municipality’s 2024/25 Capital Plan the Hornes Road bridge will undergo replacement. This work is necessary to ensure sufficient hydraulic capacity is provided at the crossing. The new structure is a three-sided concrete frame, which includes a naturalized river bottom for improved fish passage. There will also be work on the water/wastewater services to accommodate the new bridge.

Current status

Starting late spring/early summer 2024, contractors will begin pre-construction set-up which will result in closure Hornes Road. Construction is expected to continue until late fall. There will be no through traffic for vehicles or pedestrians on Hornes Road and transit will be rerouted throughout the construction period.

Road closure is anticipated to begin in early July.

Latest updates will be maintained on this webpage as they become available.

Project contact

Kristin Thomas, Project Manager

Email: contactus@311.halifax.ca

Phone: 311