CN Bridge Rehabilitation projects

Last updated: March 24, 2025

CN Bridge Rehabilitation program overview

Since 2017, Canadian National Railway (CN) has completed rehabilitation and repairs on several cost-shared structures within the municipality, as listed below. Future plans for further rehabilitation work in partnership with the municipality are underway. This work includes:

  • Rehabilitation to the arch bridge structures (responsibility of CN); and
  • Full replacement of the paved surface and sidewalk(s) at each location (responsibility of the municipality).

Tower Road CN Bridge Rehabilitation project

In collaboration with the Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax Water and other partners, CN is leading the Tower Road CN Bridge Rehabilitation project, a necessary infrastructure improvement to ensure long-term safety and reliability.

This work is part of a multi-year plan to rehabilitate seven CN bridges on the Halifax peninsula. With five bridges completed, the Tower Road bridge is the sixth project.

Project status and timeline

The Tower Road CN Bridge Rehabilitation project is currently in the tender stage.

Construction is expected to begin in May 2025, and is expected to be completed in spring/summer 2026. An update will be communicated once the tender process is complete and a contractor for this project has been selected.

The municipality will provide project updates and related traffic impacts through, social media, and direct community outreach.

What can I expect when construction starts?

The municipality is working in partnership with CN, Halifax Water and other involved utilities to coordinate construction activities and minimize impacts where possible.

The nature of the work requires a full bridge closure for a portion of the rehabilitation project to allow for necessary repairs and upgrades. A marked detour will be in place via the Young Avenue CN bridge.

Halifax Transit routes will detour around this work. When updates are available, they’ll be posted on ⁠

Completed CN Bridge Rehabilitation projects

Jubilee Road

The work for the Jubilee Road bridge rehabilitation was completed in December 2023 and the road was reopened to traffic. 

South Street

The work for the South Street bridge rehabilitation was completed in September 2021 and the road was reopened to traffic.  

Coburg Road

The work for the Coburg Road bridge rehabilitation was completed in December 2020 and the road was reopened to traffic.

Belmont on the Arm & Marlborough Woods 

The work for the Belmont on the Arm & Marlborough Woods bridge rehabilitation was completed in June 2020, and the road was reopened to traffic.

Quinpool Road

The work for the Quinpool Road bridge rehabilitation was completed on July 29, 2019 and the road was reopened to traffic.