Nova Scotia Highway Directional Signage

Online Service

If your business is along one of the following highways or a side road connected to one of these highways, your business or organization can apply to display an ad on a municipal advertising structure:

  • Highway 333, Prospect to Upper Tantallon 

  • Route 3, only for a distance of 500 meters from the intersection of Highway 333 and Route 3

How do I apply for a license to display an ad on a municipal advertising structure?

Step 1 - Fill out the online Directional Sign License Form. Once you have submitted that form we'll make sure it gets uploaded and included with the online application you submit through our Permitting, Planning, Licensing & Compliance Customer Portal

Step 2 - For each sign license application, make sure you know/have:

  • the distance between the location of the subject of the advertisement and the advertising structure
  • payment of application fee ($200 initially, $50 to renew)
  • the license number, if the application is for a renewal 

Step 3 - Submit this information and all supporting documentation online or at any Municipal Customer Service Centre. In-person - service hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Closed on statutory holidays. To apply online 24/7,  you'll need a customer portal account. Not sure how to do that? View the job aide for setting up your customer portal account

What happens if there is no more room on the advertising structure? 

When the first sets of advertising structures are full, the municipality may install more structures. This would mean the area where other signs are not permitted would be expanded, to maintain the 2.5-kilometer distance between advertising structures.

Where will the advertising structure be located?

The first set of advertising structures is installed in the location identified on the map below. The highlighted section of the identified highway shown below represents the space where signs are no longer permitted. 


Nova Scotia Highway Directional Signage Map

How do I renew my sign licence?

The licence for an ad will expire after 12 months from its date of installation on the advertising structure. Any sign associated with an expired licence will automatically be removed by the municipality. Contact the municipality to renew your sign licence within the 12-month period or to notify the municipality you are not renewing the licence. The municipality does not send renewal notifications to licence holders—it is your responsibility to renew your licence.