Streets and Services Permits

Online Service

Water & Sewer

Getting Started

Your ability to develop your property is dependent on the Land Use By-laws specific to the region you live in. Halifax is divided into several zones, please refer to the Interactive Property Information map to identify which By-law zone governs your property. From the map you can directly access the By-laws for your zone.

Halifax Water can advise if water, wastewater, and stormwater service is available to your property using your civic address.
It is the property owner’s responsibility to install Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Service Connections from the mains in the right-of-way to the building. The Water Permit is largely the responsibility of Halifax Water as the primary review and approval for the permit rests with the Halifax Water Engineering Approvals staff.

Once you're aware of the development limitations of your property, you can begin to plan your project.

Things to Know

A Water Permit is required when installing, altering or relocating sewer and water equipment such as: Sewer Lines, Water Lines, Storm or sanitary sewers, or Water Connections.

Other potential related permits include:
1. Prior to any work in the public right-of-way, A Right of Way - Development Permit is required from our Development Engineering Division. 
2. A Building Permit must be issued prior to the Water Permit being issued.

For more information see Halifax Water

The Water Permit expires 2 years from the date of issuance. The permit can be renewed, and it can be amended

Common Questions

Q. Who do I speak with if I have questions about my water permit?
A. Engineering approvals at Halifax Water will be happy to answer any questions you have about the status of your application. Email Customer Service

Documents Required

When submitting a Water Permit application, you may be required to upload multiple supporting documents. These required Halifax Water documents and forms can be found on the Halifax Water website. Refer to Section 8 (Building Permit Applications) of the Halifax Water Design Specification [PDF] for Halifax Water specific submission requirements.

The following is a list of potential documents you may be asked to submit with your application:

Site Servicing Plan 
Site servicing plan must include lot dimensions and the footprint of the proposed or existing building, any additions, and any projections such as decks, roof overhangs and doorsteps. It must also indicate the proposed building’s distance from all property boundaries, the location and dimensions of the driveway, existing buildings and setbacks to existing buildings. In addition, watercourse buffer and coastal area information (calculated in accordance with the applicable land use by law), when required.

When the property is located within the Municipal Water, Wastewater or Stormwater Boundaries include the following information:
•            Water service connections
•            Wastewater service connections
•            Stormwater service connections

Water Meter Sizing Calculation
Calculation sheet to be completed when property requires a larger water meter size

Domestic Water, Meter & BFP Application 
Water Service Connection Water Meter & Backflow Prevention Device Application

Sprinkler & BFP Application (Required when installing a new sprinkler)
Application for Sprinkler Service Connection & Backflow Prevention Device

Pollution Prevention Discharge Report
Pollution Prevention Program Abbreviated Discharger Information Report Form 1

Site Servicing Plan & Profile
a. The template for this single plan can be found in the HW Water Meter & BP Device Design & Installation Manual
b. Servicing Plan Quadrant. Detail the proposed Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Service Connections to be installed, show:
- Street right-of-way containing the mains, sizes and material.
- natural gas, power, electrical conduits, transformers.
- communications, fuel tanks, and other structures. all surface classifications (undisturbed natural areas, building foot print, landscaped, graveled, concrete paved and asphalt paved areas) measured areas (m2) that are applicable to the proposed project. This information is to be provided for in tabular form and indicated on the plan
- indicate the square footage of industrial, commercial and institutional building space and the number of residential multi-units.
- Irrigation systems
c. Profile Quadrant: A profile perspective drawing of the water meter and backflow prevention device arrangement.

Fire Flow Design Calculation
Design Calculations for Fire Flow Requirements

Wastewater Connection Size Calculation
Design Calculations for the sizing of Wastewater service connection. Commercial Related.

Downstream Wastewater Calculation
Wastewater System hydraulic analysis of the receiving mains and the downstream system for capacity may be necessary. If it is determined that capacity does not exist in the local Combined/Wastewater System, it is the responsibility of the Applicant to complete the required upgrades to ensure capacity exists in the System.

Stormwater Management Site Plan - Water
A plan showing the final grading of land for a property subject to a Grade Alteration Permit, prepared in accordance with the Halifax Stormwater Management Standards, and includes stormwater management and erosion and sedimentation control features.

Inspections Required

Water Meter Installation - Final Inspection

Depending on the scope of work, other Inspections might include:
Halifax Water Connection - Residential Wastewater Service
Halifax Water Connection - Residential Water Service
Halifax Water Connection - Residential Stormwater Service
Halifax Water Connection - Commercial Wastewater Service
Halifax Water Connection - Commercial Water Service
Halifax Water Connection - Commercial Stormwater Service
Halifax Water Connection - Service Abandonment
Halifax Water - Backflow Prevention

Please note that if you request an inspection on a statutory holiday, your request will be reviewed on the next business day.


Water fees are based on the construction value.

For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Permit Fees page.

Payment Options
Full payment for the permit must be made at the time of application submission.

Payment can be made online during the application process online using a credit card.

In Person
If you prefer to pay in person you can visit our Planning & Development Counter at:
5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed between 12-1 p.m.)
Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays

Apply Online

Apply for a WATER PERMIT.

Our new online system allows you to apply for permits 24/7 through your personal customer portal account.

To apply for permits online:

1. You need to register for a customer portal account
2. If you are a contractor, you will need to create your contractor profile.
3. Ensure you have all of the information required before you apply for your permit. Refer to the Before You Begin Checklist.
4. Learn how to Navigate the Customer Portal.
5. For additional support, refer to our quick guide on how to Apply for a Permit Online.

Visit the applying for a permit page to view a library of support documents, videos and common questions to help you best use the customer portal. 

Apply Online


Driveway Access 

Getting Started

There are two types of Right-of-Way Permits related to driveway access available online. The two permits serve different purposes and are not interchangeable. If you have an existing open building permit on your property you will need to apply for a Development-Right-of-Way (DEV-ROW) permit for your driveway (ex. building permit for a garage or extending your driveway to your garage). If you do not have any open building permits on your property and are looking to modify an existing driveway then you will need to apply for a Right-of-Way (TPW-ROW) permit. Examples include modifying the curb or culvert or moving or widening your driveway. 

Your ability to develop your property is dependent on the Land Use By-laws specific to the region you live in. Halifax is divided into several zones, please refer to the Interactive Property Information Map to identify which By-law zone governs your property. From the map you can directly access the By-laws for your zone. Be aware several of the land use By-laws reference the maximum percentage of a lot that can be hard surface and this may impact the permitted size of your driveway. Once you're aware of the development limitations of your property, you can begin to plan your project.

Note for Contractors: 
If you do work in the right-of-way, please take the steps to get approval as a ROW contractor. Without the license (insurance certificate approval) you will not be able to conduct work on TPW-ROW or DEV-ROW permits or be listed as the contractor conducting work on either of the Right-of-Way permits. Please submit your insurance to with the contractor account name.

Things to Know

DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permits only apply to properties on a municipally-owned road.

Separate permit applications are required for each type of work on the project. Select driveway access as your type of work if you are installing a new driveway or widening, modifying or moving your existing driveway and that impacts the municipal right-of-way. You must have an HRM-approved Contractor listed on your application in order to submit a DEV-ROW or a TPW-ROW permit. For more information see the ROW Driveway Permit Info Sheet.

Note: For all DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permit applications the applicant may be charged a $1,000 deposit fee if the Approved ROW Contractor does not have a LoC/Bond on file with the municipality.

Common Questions

Q. Where can I find information about driveway permits?
A. Please see the link below to the S‐300 By‐Law Respecting Streets. Driveway Access begins with section 31.

Q. How wide can I build my driveway?
A. For residential properties with 4 units or less, two‐way driveways shall have a driveway width not less than 3m (10ft) and not greater
than 5m (16ft). Lots with frontage greater than 18m (60ft) may be permitted to have a driveway up to 6m (20ft) wide. For commercial, institutional, or residential properties with 5 or more units, two‐way driveways shall have a width not less than 7m (23ft) and not greater than 10m (33ft) at a point where the driveway meets the edge of the public right of way.

Q. Can I build an additional driveway?
A. Residential lots must have a minimum of 30m (100ft) of lot frontage for additional driveways, except where the lot is a corner lot fronting on two local streets in which case one driveway on each street may be permitted.

Q. Does the municipality do the work?
A. No, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to hire a contractor, at their cost, to do the work.

Q. Can any contractor do the work?
A. It is the property owner’s responsibility to find a contractor to do the work. The municipality requires the contractor to have a certificate of insurance naming the Halifax Regional Municipality as an additional insured, and have a minimum of $2,000,000.00 coverage for general commercial liability.

Q. How much does the permit cost?
A. There is a permit application fee of $250.00, and a performance security deposit of $1000.00. The deposit is returned upon a passed inspection, by a municipal inspector (Held for up to 2 years). Details on permit fees: Administrative Order 15

Q. When can the work be done?
A. Concrete sidewalk may be placed between May 1st and October 15th unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP). Concrete curb may be placed between May 1st and October 31st unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP).

Documents Required

Supporting documents are always required as part of making a permit application. 

Construction Plan
Shows the proposed location of the driveway access in relation to the property lines, any buildings on the property, and any items between the front property line and the travelled way (such as curbs, sidewalks, ditches, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, etc.)

Construction Management Plan (CMP)
Required per Administrative Order on Construction Site Management when construction activity, demolition, excavation, development process or renovation project work is expected to occur within 5 m of the street or is expected to create an obstruction within the street. A CMP is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized and how the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. The scale and complexity of the site-specific CMP will be directly proportional to the scale and complexity of the project, the site and the surrounding conditions. 

Document Naming
Automated workflows have been built to expedite the application process when customers use the document naming convention. 
If these Document names are not used during the application phase, the applicant will be required to manually assign the correct document type to each document so the system will know what document has been submitted.

Inspections Required

Most work types for this permit will require a Pre-construction Inspection to be completed by municipal staff to confirm permit details and contractor information.


Streets and Services fees and deposits are dictated by By-law S-300
For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Permit Fees page.

Payment Options
Full payment for the permit must be made at the time of application submission.

Payment can be made online during the application process online using a credit card.

If you prefer to pay in person you can visit our Planning & Development Counter at:
5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed between 12-1 p.m.)
Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays

Apply Online

If you're applying for driveway access and you have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a DEVELOPMENT- RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

If you're applying for driveway access and you don't have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a TPW-RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

Our new online system allows you to apply for permits 24/7 through your personal customer portal account.

To apply for permits online:

1. You need to register for a customer portal account
2. If you are a contractor, you will need to create your contractor profile.
3. Ensure you have all of the information required before you apply for your permit. Refer to the Before You Begin Checklist.
4. Learn how to Navigate the Customer Portal.
5. For additional support, refer to our quick guide on how to Apply for a Permit Online.

Visit the applying for a permit page to view a library of support documents, videos and common questions to help you best use the customer portal. 

Apply Online


Street Closure  

Getting Started

There are two types of Right-of-Way Permits related to street closures available online. The two permits serve different purposes and are not interchangeable. If you have an existing open building permit on your property you will need to apply for a Development-Right-of-Way (DEV-ROW) permit for your street closure. If you do not have any open building permits on your property then you will need to apply for a Right-of-Way (TPW-ROW) permit. 

Your ability to develop your property is dependent on the Land Use By-laws specific to the region you live in. Halifax is divided into several zones, please refer to the Interactive Property Information Map to identify which By-law zone governs your property. From the map you can directly access the By-laws for your zone. Once you're aware of the development limitations of your property, you can begin to plan your project.

Note for Contractors: 
If you do work in the right-of-way, please take the steps to get approval as a ROW contractor. Without the license (insurance certificate approval) you will not be able to conduct work on TPW-ROW or DEV-ROW permits or be listed as the contractor conducting work on either of the Right-of-Way permits. Please submit your insurance to with the contractor account name.

Things to Know

DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permits only apply to properties on a municipally-owned road.

Separate permit applications are required for each type of work on the project. Select Street Closure as the type of work for work that takes place in a public right of way should you wish to temporarily use/encroach in the Right of Way during construction.  Examples of equipment or materials that might occupy the public right of way include things such as scaffolding, mobile cranes, swinging booms, concrete mixers, disposal bins in the roadway, storage trailers, or construction site fencing. Type of road closures available are Partial, Full, Sidewalk Only. You must have an HRM-approved Contractor listed on your application in order to submit a DEV-ROW or a TPW-ROW permit.

Note: For all DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permit applications the applicant may be charged a $1,000 deposit fee if the Approved ROW Contractor does not have a LoC/Bond on file with the municipality.

Common Questions

Q. Does the municipality do the work?
A. No, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to hire a contractor, at their cost, to do the work.

Q. Can any contractor do the work?
A. It is the property owner’s responsibility to find a contractor to do the work. The municipality requires the contractor to have a certificate of insurance naming the Halifax Regional Municipality as an additional insured, and have a minimum of $2,000,000.00 coverage for general commercial liability.

Q. How much does the permit cost?
A. There is a permit application fee of $200.00, and a performance security deposit of $1000.00. The deposit is returned upon a passed
inspection, by a municipal inspector (Held for up to 2 years). Details on permit fees: Administrative Order 15

Q. When can the work be done?
A. Concrete sidewalk may be placed between May 1st and October 15th unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP). Concrete curb may be placed between May 1st and October 31st unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP).

Documents Required

Supporting documents are always required as part of making a permit application. 

Construction Plan
Shows the proposed location of the driveway access in relation to the property lines, any buildings on the property, and any items between the front property line and the travelled way (such as curbs, sidewalks, ditches, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, etc.)

Construction Management Plan (CMP)
Required per Administrative Order on Construction Site Management when construction activity, demolition, excavation, development process or renovation project work is expected to occur within 5 m of the street or is expected to create an obstruction within the street. A CMP is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized and how the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. The scale and complexity of the site-specific CMP will be directly proportional to the scale and complexity of the project, the site and the surrounding conditions. 

Document Naming
Automated workflows have been built to expedite the application process when customers use the document naming convention. 
If these Document names are not used during the application phase, the applicant will be required to manually assign the correct document type to each document so the system will know what document has been submitted.

Inspections Required

Most work types for this permit will require a Pre-construction Inspection to be completed by municipal staff to confirm permit details and contractor information.


Streets and Services fees and deposits are dictated by By-law S-300.

For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Permit Fees page.

Payment Options
Full payment for the permit must be made at the time of application submission.

Payment can be made online during the application process online using a credit card.

If you prefer to pay in person you can visit our Planning & Development Counter at:
5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed between 12-1 p.m.)
Monday to Friday, excluding Holiday

Apply Online

If you're applying for driveway access and you have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a DEVELOPMENT- RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

If you're applying for driveway access and you don't have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a TPW-RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

Our new online system allows you to apply for permits 24/7 through your personal customer portal account.

To apply for permits online:

1. You need to register for a customer portal account
2. If you are a contractor, you will need to create your contractor profile.
3. Ensure you have all of the information required before you apply for your permit. Refer to the Before You Begin Checklist.
4. Learn how to Navigate the Customer Portal.
5. For additional support, refer to our quick guide on how to Apply for a Permit Online.

Visit the applying for a permit page to view a library of support documents, videos and common questions to help you best use the customer portal. 

Apply Online


Temporary Work  

Getting Started

There are two types of Right-of-Way Permits related to temporary work available online. The two permits serve different purposes and are not interchangeable. If you have an existing open building permit on your property you will need to apply for a Development-Right-of-Way (DEV-ROW) permit for your temporary work. If you do not have any open building permits on your property and are looking for a temporary work permit then you will need to apply for a Right-of-Way (TPW-ROW) permit. 

Your ability to develop your property is dependent on the Land Use By-laws specific to the region you live in. Halifax is divided into several zones, refer to the Interactive Property Information Map to identify which By-law zone governs your property. From the map you can directly access the By-laws for your zone. Once you're aware of the development limitations of your property, you can begin to plan your project.

Note for Contractors: 
If you do work in the right-of-way, please take the steps to get approval as a ROW contractor. Without the license (insurance certificate approval) you will not be able to conduct work on TPW-ROW or DEV-ROW permits or be listed as the contractor conducting work on either of the Right-of-Way permits. Please submit your insurance to with the contractor account name.

Things to Know

DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permits only apply to properties on a municipally-owned road.

Separate permit applications are required for each type of work on the project. Select Temporary Work for work that takes place in a public right of way should you wish to temporarily use/encroach in the Right of Way during construction.  Examples of equipment or materials that might occupy the public right of way include things such as scaffolding, mobile cranes, swinging booms, concrete mixers, disposal bins in the roadway, storage trailers, or construction site fencing. You must have an HRM-approved Contractor listed on your application in order to submit a DEV-ROW or a TPW-ROW permit.

Note: For all DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permit applications the applicant may be charged a $1,000 deposit fee if the Approved ROW Contractor does not have a LoC/Bond on file with the municipality.

Common Questions

Q. Does the municipality do the work?
A. No, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to hire a contractor, at their cost, to do the work.

Q. Can any contractor do the work?
A. It is the property owner’s responsibility to find a contractor to do the work. The municipality requires the contractor to have a certificate of
insurance naming the Halifax Regional Municipality as an additional insured, and have a minimum of $2,000,000.00 coverage for general commercial liability.

Q. How much does the permit cost?
A. There is a permit application fee of $200.00, and a performance security deposit of $1000.00. The deposit is returned upon a passed iinspection, by a municipal inspector (Held for up to 2 years). Details on permit fees: Administrative Order 15

Q. When can the work be done?
A. Concrete sidewalk may be placed between May 1st and October 15th unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP). Concrete curb may be placed between May 1st and October 31st unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP).

Documents Required

Supporting documents are always required as part of making a permit application. 

Construction Plan
Shows the proposed location of the driveway access in relation to the property lines, any buildings on the property, and any items between the front property line and the travelled way (such as curbs, sidewalks, ditches, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, etc.)

Construction Management Plan (CMP)
Required per Administrative Order on Construction Site Management when construction activity, demolition, excavation, development process or renovation project work is expected to occur within 5 m of the street or is expected to create an obstruction within the street. A CMP is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized and how the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. The scale and complexity of the site-specific CMP will be directly proportional to the scale and complexity of the project, the site and the surrounding conditions. 

Document Naming
Automated workflows have been built to expedite the application process when customers use the document naming convention. 
If these Document names are not used during the application phase, the applicant will be required to manually assign the correct document type to each document so the system will know what document has been submitted.

Inspections Required

Most work types for this permit will require a Pre-construction Inspection to be completed by municipal staff to confirm permit details and contractor information.


Streets and Services fees and deposits are dictated by By-law S-300.

For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Permit Fees page.

Payment Options
Full payment for the permit must be made at the time of application submission.

Payment can be made online during the application process online using a credit card.

If you prefer to pay in person you can visit our Planning & Development Counter at:
5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed between 12-1 p.m.)
Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays.

Apply Online

If you're applying for driveway access and you have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a DEVELOPMENT- RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

If you're applying for driveway access and you don't have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a TPW-RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

Our new online system allows you to apply for permits 24/7 through your personal customer portal account.

To apply for permits online:

1. You need to register for a customer portal account
2. If you are a contractor, you will need to create your contractor profile.
3. Ensure you have all of the information required before you apply for your permit. Refer to the Before You Begin Checklist.
4. Learn how to Navigate the Customer Portal.
5. For additional support, refer to our quick guide on how to Apply for a Permit Online.

Visit the applying for a permit page to view a library of support documents, videos and common questions to help you best use the customer portal. 

Apply Online


Utility Work 

Getting Started

There are two types of Right-of-Way Permits related to utility work available online. The two permits serve different purposes and are not interchangeable. If you have an existing open building permit on your property you will need to apply for a Development-Right-of-Way (DEV-ROW) permit for your utility work. If you do not have any open building permits on your property and are looking for a utility work permit then you will need to apply for a Right-of-Way (TPW-ROW) permit. 

Your ability to develop your property is dependent on the Land Use By-laws specific to the region you live in. Halifax is divided into several zones, refer to the Interactive Property Information Map to identify which By-law zone governs your property. From the map you can directly access the By-laws for your zone. Once you're aware of the development limitations of your property, you can begin to plan your project.

Note for Contractors: 
If you do work in the right-of-way, please take the steps to get approval as a ROW contractor. Without the license (insurance certificate approval) you will not be able to conduct work on TPW-ROW or DEV-ROW permits or be listed as the contractor conducting work on either of the Right-of-Way permits. Please submit your insurance to with the contractor account name.

Things to Know

DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permits only apply to properties on a municipally-owned road.

Separate permit applications are required for each type of work on the project. Select Utility Work for work that takes place in the public right of way related to the installation of any new utility infrastructure or modifying existing utility infrastructure within the road Right of Way (TPW-ROW), within any municipally owned easement (Utility Right of Way) or within any municipally owned property. You must have an HRM-approved Contractor listed on your application in order to submit a DEV-ROW or a TPW-ROW permit.

Note: For all DEV-ROW and TPW-ROW permit applications the applicant may be charged a $1,000 deposit fee if the Approved ROW Contractor does not have a LoC/Bond on file with the municipality.

Common Questions

Q. Can any contractor do the work?
A. It is the property owner’s responsibility to find a contractor to do the work. The municipality requires the contractor to have a certificate of
insurance naming the Halifax Regional Municipality as an additional insured, and have a minimum of $2,000,000.00 coverage for general
commercial liability.

Q. How much does the permit cost?
A. There is a permit application fee of $200.00, and a performance security deposit of $1000.00. The deposit is returned upon a passed inspection, by an municipal inspector (Held for up to 2 years). Details on permit fees: Administrative Order 15

Q. When can the work be done?
A. Concrete sidewalk may be placed between May 1st and October 15th unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP). Concrete curb may be placed between May 1st and October 31st unless otherwise approved in advance by the inspector under the Quality Management Plan (QMP).

Documents Required

Supporting documents are always required as part of making a permit application. 

Construction Plan
Shows the proposed location of the driveway access in relation to the property lines, any buildings on the property, and any items between the front property line and the travelled way (such as curbs, sidewalks, ditches, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, etc.)

Construction Management Plan (CMP)
Required per Administrative Order on Construction Site Management when construction activity, demolition, excavation, development process or renovation project work is expected to occur within 5 m of the street or is expected to create an obstruction within the street. A CMP is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized and how the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. The scale and complexity of the site-specific CMP will be directly proportional to the scale and complexity of the project, the site and the surrounding conditions. 

Document Naming
Automated workflows have been built to expedite the application process when customers use the document naming convention. 
If these Document names are not used during the application phase, the applicant will be required to manually assign the correct document type to each document so the system will know what document has been submitted.

Inspections Required

Most work types for this permit will require a Pre-construction Inspection to be completed by municipal staff to confirm permit details and contractor information.


Streets and Services fees and deposits are dictated by By-law S-300.

For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Permit Fees page.

Payment Options
Full payment for the permit must be made at the time of application submission.

Payment can be made online during the application process online using a credit card.

In Person
If you prefer to pay in person you can visit our Planning & Development Counter at:
5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed between 12-1 p.m.)
Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays

Apply Online

If you're applying for driveway access and you have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a DEVELOPMENT- RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

If you're applying for driveway access and you don't have an existing open building permit on your property - Apply for a TPW-RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT

Our new online system allows you to apply for permits 24/7 through your personal customer portal account.

To apply for permits online:

1. You need to register for a customer portal account
2. If you are a contractor, you will need to create your contractor profile.
3. Ensure you have all of the information required before you apply for your permit. Refer to the Before You Begin Checklist.
4. Learn how to Navigate the Customer Portal.
5. For additional support, refer to our quick guide on how to Apply for a Permit Online.

Visit the applying for a permit page to view a library of support documents, videos and common questions to help you best use the customer portal.

Apply Online


Right-of-Way (ROW) Permit 

Getting Started

A Right of Way (TPW-ROW) permit is required for working in the municipal right-of-way and will typically only be used by utility companies and ROW contractors doing roadwork. If you are doing a project and as a result of that project were informed you need to apply for a DEV-ROW, you need a Development-Right of way permit; not this permit. In order to apply for a TPW-ROW permit, you will require an approved ROW contractor. 

Things to Know

This Permit only applies to properties on a municipally-owned road.

Separate Right of Way (TPW-ROW) permit applications are required for each type of work. You must have a municipally approved ROW Contractor listed on your application in order to submit a TPW-ROW permit. Note to Contractors: Please submit your insurance to with the contractor account name.

There are seven types of TPW-Right-of-Way work: 
Special Move: Required for any commercial work, such as moving activities that takes place in the public right of way. This ensures minimal disruption of the movement of people and goods, and protection of the physical asset.

Capital Projects: Work completed in the municipal right of way on behalf of the municipality and part of the capital projects portfolio.

Annual Work License: Required for any commercial construction work that takes place in the public right-of-way, either fully or partially, to conduct emergency or routine repair work. The annual license is applied for and issued at the start of each calendar year and allows for alternative payment and processing processes for emergency and maintenance work in the right of way. 

Driveway Access: Required for any commercial construction work that takes place in the public right-of-way, should a contractor or applicant wish to build driveway access connecting an area of land between the street up to and through the legal property line.

Street Closure: Required for any commercial related construction work that takes place in the public right-of-way, that requires closing the street, either fully or partially.

Temporary Work: Required to temporarily occupy a street before starting a commercial demolition, renovation and/or construction project if you are planning to occupy any portion of the public right of way. Examples include scaffolding, mobile cranes, swinging booms, concrete mixers, disposal bins in the roadway, storage trailers, or construction site fencing.

Utility Work: Required for commercial utility owners, prior to the installation of any new utility infrastructure or modifying existing utility infrastructure within the road Right-of-Way (TPW-ROW), within any municipally owned easement (Utility Right-of-Way) or within any municipally owned property.

Common Questions

Q. How do I know if I need TPW-ROW or DEV-ROW permit?
A. If you are in doubt, you most likely require a DEV-ROW permit. If in the process of applying for other permits you were instructed to also apply for a permit to work in the right of way you need a Development-ROW permit not this ROW permit.

Q. Why are there two different ROW-type permits?
A. The permits are for different types of work and go to different departments. The DEV-ROW permit addresses whether you can impact the ROW to complete your project and is directed to development engineers. TPW-ROW permits are typically applied for by ROW contractors or utility companies to manage their infrastructure. These permits are directed to the Transportation & Public Works department.

Documents Required

Supporting documents are always required as part of making a permit application. 

Construction Plan
Shows the proposed location of the work in relation to the property lines, any buildings on the property, and any items between the front property line and the travelled way (such as curbs, sidewalks, ditches, trees, utility poles, fire hydrants, etc.)

Construction Management Plan (CMP)
Required per Administrative Order on Construction Site Management when construction activity, demolition, excavation, development process or renovation project work is expected to occur within 5 m of the street or is expected to create an obstruction within the street. 
A CMP is a combination of diagrams, documents, drawings, and specifications that clearly define the steps that will be taken to demonstrate how the impacts to the community will be minimized and how the impacts associated with any construction project will be managed. The scale and complexity of the site-specific CMP will be directly proportional to the scale and complexity of the project, the site and the surrounding conditions. 

Document Naming
Automated workflows have been built to expedite the application process when customers use the document naming convention. 
If these Document names are not used during the application phase, the applicant will be required to manually assign the correct document type to each document so the system will know what document has been submitted.

Inspections Required
  • Most work types for this permit will require a Pre-construction Inspection to be completed by municipal staff to confirm permit details and contractor information. 
  • A Warranty Inspection and a Re-Instatement inspection will follow. 
  • Discretionary or Ad Hoc Inspections may occur at any time. 

Streets and Services fees and deposits are dictated by By-law S-300.

For full details of permit fee calculation and a complete list of fee rates, please see the Permit Fees page.

Payment Options
Full payment for the permit must be made at the time of application submission.

Payment can be made online during the application process online using a credit card.

If you prefer to pay in person you can visit our Planning & Development Counter at:
5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. (closed between 12-1 p.m.)
Monday to Friday, excluding Holidays

Apply Online


Our new online system allows you to apply for permits 24/7 through your personal customer portal account.

To apply for permits online:

1. You need to register for a customer portal account
2. If you are a contractor, you will need to create your contractor profile.
3. Ensure you have all of the information required before you apply for your permit. Refer to the Before You Begin Checklist.
4. Learn how to Navigate the Customer Portal.
5. For additional support, refer to our quick guide on how to Apply for a Permit Online.

Visit the applying for a permit page to view a library of support documents, videos and common questions to help you best use the customer portal.

Apply Online