All Online Services
Data Analytics
- Online ServiceInteractive dashboards that help visualize data, trends and patterns to inform decisions that affect the municipality.
- Online ServiceMaps - a user-friendly interactive map of the Halifax Regional Municipality. Find addresses, streets, bus stops, property information and more.
Find your district
- Online ServiceFind your electoral district map, review district maps, and find your councillor by entering your street address.
Halifax Police crime map
- Online ServiceView online maps to see timely information about crime within the municipality.
Mapping Applications
- Online ServiceMaps and Mapping Applications that answer questions about municipal services.
Open data
- Online ServiceData available to the public for download to improve citizen engagement, transparency and accountability to municipal residents.
Property Information Finder
- Online ServiceEnter your civic address or PID into our Property Information tool to see maps and information about your property.
Search the Municipal Archives
- Online ServiceSearch the Municipal Archives online database.
Street Directory Service Maps
- Service InformationSearch a street name to find street ownership maps and maintenance details.
What goes where
- Online ServiceCreate your customized waste collection schedule and search items by name to learn what goes where.