All Online Services
Barrier Maintenance
- Online FormRequests for maintenance of guiderails, retaining walls, fences, or railings.
Community Clean Up / Adopt A Highway
- Online FormSchedule pick up from Community Clean Up programs. Please ensure you have registered for the program prior to contacting HRM
- Online FormRequests for new crosswalks, crosswalk repairs, or crosswalk painting.
Curb and/or Gutter Maintenance
- Online FormRequests for repairs on curbs or gutters
Deceased Animals
- Online FormReport issues on deceased animals or marine life on HRM Property, including parks, playgrounds, and fields.
Drainage Infrastructure Maintenance or Repair
- Online FormReport issues related to repair or maintenance of drainage assets (where flooding is not currently happening). Examples include culverts, ditch, street drains, catch basins, other.
Flooding Requests
- Online FormReport active incidents of flooding; catch basins, water running into the street, culverts and ditches.
Graffiti Removal
- Online FormRequests to have graffiti removed.
Illegally Parked Vehicle
- Online FormReport illegally parked vehicles.
- Online FormRequests for pruning and maintenance of foliage, vegetation, shrubs, flower beds, hanging baskets. Examples include weeds in shrub beds, rodent holes, etc.
- Online FormReport anything impeding the flow of traffic or pedestrians such as MVA debris (including fluids from the vehicle), garbage bags, temporary signs, shopping carts.
Parking Permits
- Online FormInquire about parking permits (inquiry/complaint).
Pavement Markings
- Online FormRequest for new pavement markings or repainting of existing markings.
Road Shoulder
- Online FormRequests for maintenance of road shoulders (pothole, washouts, cracking)
Roadside Memorials
- Online FormThe Roadside Memorials Administrative Order requires the person who places a roadside memorial to submit their contact information to the Municipality.
ROW bench
- Online FormRequests for new ROW Benches or Bench Repairs.
ROW Signage
- Online FormRequest for new ROW/Traffic signs, damage to signs, missing signs, sign maintenance, change or removal of traffic signs.
Street Sign Missing or Damaged
- Online FormReport missing or damaged street signs.
Street Sweeping
- Online FormRequests for street sweeping outside of regularly scheduled weekly sweeping (during warmer months).
Traffic Calming
- Online FormRequests for traffic calming measures.
Traffic Signals
- Online FormMaintenance or repair of traffic signals. This includes flashing lights, stuck lights, lights out, audible crosswalk signal chirping, snow covered traffic heads, etc.
- Online FormRequest work pertaining to tree pruning, tree removal, tree planting, and stump removal, and/or report tree vandalism (illegal cuts or pruning).
Utility Related Street Cuts and Trenches
- Online FormRequests for inspections of a completed utility cut.
Vegetation Maintenance
- Online FormReport on vegetation causing line of site issues, or vegetation in the right-of-way impeding the flow of traffic or pedestrians.
Walking Surface Maintenance
- Online FormRequests for maintenance of sidewalks, pedestrian ramps at intersections/crosswalks, tactile plates, street to street walkways, marked crosswalks or stairs.