Women's Advisory Committee

Find out what’s happening at committee meetings and learn how you can participate.

On November 26, 2019, Halifax Regional Council approved the creation of the Women's Advisory Committee, to support the creation of a gender inclusive municipality and provide advice to Council on matters relevant to the municipal mandate. 

More detail about the committee's role can be found in the staff report [PDF] and the Terms of Reference (Administrative Order 2019-004-GOV) [PDF].

The Women's Advisory Committee normally meets on the first Thursday of each month, at 4:30 p.m. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Check the calendar below, and the agenda (once available) to confirm the exact date and time for each meeting.

You can find agendas and minutes online. You can also search for records of board and committee meetings.

Women's Advisory Committee 2024 Work Plan [PDF]

Women's Advisory Committee Meetings

Date Agenda Minutes (PDF) Video
Agenda Minutes
Agenda Minutes
Agenda Minutes


Councillor Pam Lovelace - District 13 - Hammonds Plains - St. Margarets

Councillor Becky Kent - District 3 - Dartmouth South - Eastern Passage

Jacquie Gahagan, Chair
Hannah Jackson, Vice Chair
Sonia Ikheloa
Liz Fraser
Doreen Redmond
Cheryl Copage-Gehue
Rhiannon Makohoniuk
Sherryll Murphy
Zoey Zhou

Staff Contact for the Women's Advisory Committee

Elizabeth Macdonald
Legislative Assistant

To submit correspondence, email clerks@halifax.ca.  Would you like to learn more about correspondence?