Affordable Access Program
The Affordable Access Program allows residents to apply for municipal subsidized programs, including a low-income transit pass, a recreation access program, and a property tax exemption and deferral program. This page gives you information on how to apply for all three programs with a single application.
Snow Removal Program
The Snow Removal Program provides snow-clearing services to seniors and individuals with disabilities within the Halifax region. This page gives you more information, including how to apply.
Accessible Leisure and Recreation
This page has information regarding accessible recreational options in Halifax, including how to register for accessible recreational programs.
Getting Around
This page has information regarding Access-a-Bus, accessible parking, and Travel Training Program.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Map for Construction Notices
This GIS map will allow you to look up ongoing construction projects in the Municipality so that you can plan your route accordingly.
Snow Clearing Service Standards
Here, you can learn when clearing will take place - per our standards and timelines below - what your street or sidewalk should look like when the job is done. You will also find who to contact if your street or sidewalk is not cleared within timelines.