Taxi, Limousine and TNCs

Taxi & Broker Information:

All taxi brokers, independent brokers and transportation network companies (TNCs) must be licensed to operate in the municipality. 

What is a TNC?

TNC stands for Transportation Network Company. These companies provide prearranged transportation services for compensation within the Municipality using any software, application, telecommunications platform or digital network to connect passengers with TNC Drivers.

TNCs currently approved to operate in HRM are as follows:

  • Uber Canada Inc.

Who is a broker or independent broker?

A broker is a person or company that provides dispatch service to taxis and accessible taxis in HRM.

Currently the municipality has five brokers:

  • Bobs Taxi 
  • Casino Taxi
  • Satellite Taxi
  • Yellow Cab
  • Extra Care - Accessible Service

An independent broker is a person who is a taxi owner and driver and does not subscribe to a dispatch service that would be provided by a broker. This includes all independent taxi owners who may have one or multiple vehicles in their fleet.

What do brokers, independent brokers and TNCs require to be licensed in HRM?

Brokers, independent brokers and TNCs are required to provide the Licensing Authority with reporting of data on trips on a quarterly basis and to pay an annual licensing fee.

How do you apply to become a broker, independent broker or TNC?

Review the information under each section for specific details. A customer account is created through the new Customer Portal, and a Business Account is set up. These are free to create. Once created, the application can be applied for by choosing the right option and uploading the required documents.