Information for TNCs
Starting November 1, 2020, all taxi brokers, independent brokers and transportation network companies (TNCs) must be licensed to operate in HRM.
What is a TNC?
TNC stands for Transportation Network Company. These companies provide prearranged transportation services for compensation within the Municipality using any software, application, telecommunications platform or digital network to connect passengers with TNC Drivers.
How do I apply to become a TNC?
The following documents must be submitted to the Licensing Authority for approval prior to operating in HRM as a TNC:
- Proof that the corporation is legally entitled to conduct business in Nova Scotia:
- if the applicant is a corporation, including but not limited to letters of incorporation or other incorporating documents, duly certified by the proper government official or department of the Province of Nova Scotia or of the Government of Canada
- Proof of insurance – Obtain and maintain an SPF No. 9 – Transportation Network for Nova Scotia Automobile Policy
The annual licensing fee must be paid prior to operating in HRM as a TNC. The fee is based on number of vehicles approved to operate on the TNC platform:
1 – 10 Vehicles | $2,000 |
11 – 25 Vehicles | $5,000 |
26 – 100 Vehicles | $15,000 |
100+ Vehicles | $25,000 |
I’ve been approved to become a TNC, what happens next?
All TNCs will be required to enter into a data sharing agreement with the Municipality and provide the Licensing Authority with data on trips.
Data will be submitted quarterly to the Licensing Authority by uploading through the Secure Form Document.
What do I need to become a TNC Driver?
To become a TNC Driver you must provide the following to the TNC for approval:
- Valid and current unrestricted Class 4 driver’s license issued by the Province of Nova Scotia with a minimum of 3 years driving experience
- Signed declaration confirming you do not have any outstanding criminal charges or warrants pending before any courts
- Within 30 days, and then annually thereafter, of being approved to be a TNC Driver you must provide:
- Criminal Record Check
- Vulnerable Sector Check
- Child Abuse Registry Check
- Driver’s Abstract
I’ve been approved to become a TNC Driver, what happens next?
Congratulations! You have been approved by a TNC to become a TNC Driver. You will receive a TNC Vehicle Decal prior to operating. This decal must be placed in the bottom corner of the front windshield on the passenger side of the vehicle while operating as a TNC Vehicle.
TNC Drivers are not permitted to pick up street-hails. All services must be prearranged through the TNC platform.
TNC Vehicles must be less than 10 years old at the initial time of approval by the TNC. The TNC Vehicle must have a valid and current Province of Nova Scotia Vehicle Inspection and motor vehicle registration and provide these documents to the TNC prior to being approved to operate as a TNC Vehicle.
The TNC Vehicle owner must obtain and maintain an SPF 1 Automobile Insurance Policy issued in the name of the TNC Vehicle owner.
How does a TNC Driver get removed or denied from operating on a TNC Platform?
A TNC must refuse a person to be a TNC Driver or remove them from operating on the platform as a TNC Driver if that person:
- Has accumulated 10 or more demerit points on the driving record abstract
- Within the preceding 5 years:
- Been convicted, or has active charges, of one of the offences under the Motor Vehicle Act set out in Schedule B of By-law T-1000; or
- Had their license suspended pursuant to s.279C of the Motor Vehicle Act;
- Has had a taxi driver’s or owner’s license revoked or refused under By-law T-1000
- Suspended as a taxi driver or owner for engaging in behavior deemed unsafe by the Licensing Authority
- Removed from a TNCs platform for engaging in behavior determined by the TNC to be unsafe; and
- If the TNC receives notification a driver was removed from a TNCs platform for engaging in behavior deemed to be unsafe
As a TNC passenger, what can I expect?
At the time of arranging the trip, TNCs must disclose the following information to the passenger:
- First name and photograph of the TNC Driver;
- Description of the make, model, colour and license plate of the TNC Vehicle that will be providing the service;
- The rate being charged for the trip;
- The surcharge for the trip, if any;
- An estimate of the total cost of the trip, if requested by the passenger;
- Allow the passenger to track the location and route of the TNC Vehicle providing the service; and
- Provide the ability for the passenger to rate the TNC Driver and TNC Vehicle used to provide the service
The TNC must provide the passenger with a secure payment mechanism for the trip. Most TNCs will provide payment through the application software via credit card so cash is not exchanged.
At the end of the trip or shortly thereafter, a print of electronic receipt must be provided to the passenger with the following information:
- The rate and surcharge, if any, charged for the trip;
- Total amount paid for the trip;
- Date and time of the trip;
- Destination(s) of origin and the final destination(s) of the trip;
- The total time and total distance of the trip;
- First name of the TNC Driver who provided the service;
- The make, model and license plate number of the TNC Vehicle used to provide the service