What is changing?
Starting in 2025, based on changes to the T-1000 Bylaw, the municipality is changing regulations around taxis, limousines and transportation networking companies (TNC).
Brokers, both large operators and Independent owner/operators that are not currently affiliated with a broker will be required to become a licensed broker if they wish to remain independent.
What is a Broker?
A broker is a person or company that provides dispatch service of taxis and accessible taxis. Currently HRM has 5 brokers including Bobs Taxi, Casino Taxi, Satellite Taxi, Yellow Cab and Extra Care Accessible Service.
What is an Independent Broker?
An independent broker is a person who is a taxi owner and driver and does not subscribe to a dispatch service with a large broker (i.e. Casino Taxi, Bobs Taxi, Yellow Cab, Satellite Taxi, Extra Care). This includes all independent taxi owners who may have one or multiple vehicles in their fleet.
Is there a fee for an independent broker?
A fee of $380 is required annually for all brokers, including independent brokers.
What is the process to become a broker?
All brokers, both large and independent must apply annually for their broker's license. The process to do this can be found HERE
As part of the application process, a Data Share Agreement (T-1000 Bylaw Section 43.6C) will be completed between the broker - both large and independent - and HRM. Per the T-1000 Bylaw Section 43.0 Requirements of a Broker or Independent Broker, all information as set out in Section 43.2C to HRM Licensing on a quarterly basis.
The quarterly data must include:
- the taxi owner license number for each taxi cab dispatched for each trip;
- the total number of trips requested and fulfilled;
- the total number of trips requested and not fulfilled with;
- the reason for cancellation of the trip, and
- the geographic start point by longitude and latitude
- the total number of taxi drivers providing a ride;
- the taxi driver and vehicle information corresponding with each requested ride, including:
- the full name of the taxi driver;
- the license plate number of the vehicle;
- the date, time and duration of the ride; and
- the longitude and latitude where the passenger was picked up and dropped off
How do I collect this data? How do I report it?
Examples of these GPS systems are HiTech Communications, Northern Business Intelligence, Drive Products and Atlantic Alarm Sound and Trackimo 3G Tracking Kit.
Every global positioning system must:
- be capable of tracking and locating the position of a vehicle;
- include a vehicle location system;
- be equipped with an emergency call button;
- be fully operational at all times when the vehicle is available for hire to the public; and
- be capable of storing data that shall be shared, upon request, with the Licensing Authority
The data must be kept for a minimum period of 1 year. Reports are to be provided quarterly to the Licensing Authority and on demand as required for investigations within 24 hours.
As a broker, all data is reported to the Licensing Authority through GoAnywhere which will be set up once the Data Share Agreement is put in place.