Permit Volume & Processing Times

The municipality’s permit processing times are a calculation of the number of calendar days between when the application is submitted by the customer and when the permit is issued. Permit processing times are shown as an average and are inclusive of both staff time as well as customer time with the application. Permit volume and processing times will be updated monthly by the 5th of each month.

Residential Building Permits

(New Builds, Additions or Renovations to Low Density/6 units or less Residential)
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24

674 Permits Submitted
609 Permits Issued

2123 Permits Submitted
1989 Permits Issued

14 avg # days to issue
(of those submitted within past 3 months)
2 days vs previous reporting period

20 avg # days to issue
2 days vs previous year

Mixed Use & Commercial Building Permits

(New Builds, Additions or Renovations to Commercial Buildings & Large-Scale/High Density Residential)
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24

181 Permits Submitted
164 Permits Issued

591 Permits Submitted
546 Permits Issued

18 avg # days to issue
(of those submitted within past 3 months)
3 days vs previous reporting period

36 avg # days to issue
2 days vs previous year

Construction Permits

(Occupancy, Deck, Demolition, Fence, Mobile Home, Sign, Solar, Pool)
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24

713 Permits Submitted
634 Permits Issued

2483 Permits Submitted
2314 Permits Issued

7 avg # days to issue
(of those submitted within past 3 months)
1 day vs previous reporting period

9 avg # days to issue
No Change vs previous year

*Same avg number of days vs previous reporting period. 

Permit Open Data

Engineering Permits

(Blasting, Development - Right of Way, Grade Alteration, Lot Grading)
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24

468 Permits Submitted
434 Permits Issued

1478 Permits Submitted
1377 Permits Issued

11 avg # days to issue
(of those submitted within past 3 months)
2 days vs previous reporting period

21 avg # days to issue
1 day vs previous year

Land Use Approval Permit

(Development Only)
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24
Rolling previous 3 months: Apr 1/24 - June 30/24 Rolling Year: Jul 1/23 - June 30/24

105 Permits Submitted
81 Permits Issued

400 Permits Submitted
306 Permits Issued

9 avg # days to issue
(of those submitted within past 3 months)
5 days vs previous reporting period

21 avg # days to issue
1 day vs previous year

Residential Unit Volumes

Approved and Pending Units

YEAR Units Approved Units Pending
YEAR Units Approved Units Pending
2024 1943

31.63% of previous years' units approved


92.39% Increase (cumulative year-over-year)

2023 6143

105.48% of previous years' units approved


15.11% Increase (cumulative year-over-year)

2022 5824

142.05%of previous years' units approved


14.97% Increase(cumulative year-over-year)

Number of Residential units issued by Structure Type

Number of Residential units issued by Structure Type