Fees are effective April 1st, 2024.
Permit fees must be paid when you submit your Building Permit application. Building Permit fees are determined by the License, Permit and Processing Fees Administrative Order #15. Permit fees shall be calculated using the following table:
Fees table of contents:
Description | Fee |
Description | Fee |
Residential Occupancy | $50 Application Fee & $50 Occupancy Fee |
Commercial or Mixed Use Occupancy | $100 Application Fee & $100 Occupancy Fee |
Expired Occupancy Renewal | $100 |
A Permanent Sign includes but is not limited to Projection, Roof, Ground, Billboard, Fascia | $250 per sign |
Fee waiver for affordable housing developments
On November 10, 2020, Regional Council approved amendments to several By-laws and Administrative Order 15 to waive the majority of municipal fees related to construction for residential developments by registered non-profit or charitable organizations.
The amendments waive fees related to:
• Construction permits such as a development permit, plumbing permit and encroachment permits/fees;
• Subdivision application such as processing fees for concept or final subdivision plans;
• Discretionary approvals such as processing fees to amend a land use by-law or to enter into a development agreement;
• Variance applications for relaxations to lot area, lot coverage, lot frontage and setback requirements;
• Site Plan Approval applications where site plan approval is required prior to a construction permit; and
• Other services such as a zoning confirmation letter.
The amendments do not include:
• Halifax Water Regional Development Charge (RDC)
• Security Deposits and Liability Insurance
• Pavement Impact Charge
• Parkland Dedication
• Incentive of Bonus Zoning Public Benefit
• Local Improvement or Area Rate Charges (Note: Capital Cost Charges for Solid Waste and Stormwater Capital Cost Charges are included in the amendment and can be waived)
For the application fees to be waived the applicant must provide proof of the following criteria:
- upon the date of application, the applicant must be a registered not-for-profit or registered charity for at least 1 year;
- the provision of affordable housing must be included in the mandate or programs and activities of the registered non-profit or charity (this can be found on the website for the Canadian Revenue Agency or on the provincial application for registering as a non-profit);
- a minimum of 60% of the development must be for housing*;
- the property that is the subject of the application is solely owned by one or a combination of the following: the applicant, the Municipality, the Provincial Government, the Federal Government, or an agent of the Provincial or Federal Government; and
- upon the date of application, the applicant must have fully paid all taxes owing, or all installments or all interim payments due to the Municipality.
* Note:
• where the application is for the development of a building(s), a minimum of 60% of the total gross floor area the development must be for a residential use, or
• where the application is for the subdivision of land a minimum of 60% of
(a) the lots created through the subdivision, or
(b) the lands subject to the subdivision,
must be in a zone, or subject to a development agreement, that would permit a residential use;
View the Frequently Asked Questions document for more information.
Apply to have your municipal fees waived.