November 2024:
Please note, the 2021-2025 Strategic Priorities Plan is nearing its conclusion.
The 2024 Municipal Election has concluded and a newly elected Regional Council has been chosen. A new 2026-2030 Strategic Plan is under development to reflect the direction for the municipality for the term of the new Regional Council.
The 2024 Resident Survey has closed, and results will be made available at a future Council meeting in the form of an information report. The 2024 Resident Survey provided an opportunity for residents to help shape future business plans, budgets and municipal programs and services, that will inform the development of the next strategic plan.
The Strategic Priorities Plan reflects the Halifax Regional Municipality’s vision, mission and values, and establishes our key areas of focus now and into the future.
The four-year plan outlines priority outcomes and strategic initiatives, which guide how we track our progress and align our business plans and budgets. The plan also helps municipal employees understand how their work fits into the long-term goals of the organization, and how we’re all working together to make a difference in our region.
The Strategic Priorities Plan is developed at the start of a new Regional Council term and revisited each year as part of the annual multi-year strategic planning process.
Strategic Priorities Plan 2021-25
Vision: The Halifax Regional Municipality’s vision for the future is to enhance our quality of life by fostering the growth of healthy and vibrant communities, a strong and diverse economy, and a sustainable environment.
Mission: We take pride in providing high-quality public service to benefit our residents. We make a difference.
Values: Respect • Collaboration • Diversity & Inclusion • Integrity • Accountability • Sustainability • Evidence-Based Decision Making

Council Priorities – What We’re Doing
We are working together on key initiatives to ensure we meet the needs of our residents and visitors to the region. Through the capital budget, we are committed to investing over $843 million over four years to help us deliver on the priorities approved by Regional Council.
Transformative capital investments include expanding our integrated mobility network through projects such as the Windsor Street Exchange Redevelopment and Rapid Transit Strategy; implementing recommendations outlined in HalifACT, our ambitious climate action plan; and the development of the Cogswell District, one of the biggest city-building projects in our region’s history. Strategic initiatives aligned with Regional Council and Administrative Priorities and Outcomes are detailed within each priority section below.
Economic Growth
Economic opportunities are seized to promote and maximize balanced growth, reduce barriers for businesses, support local economies and showcase the region’s strengths to the world.
The following initiatives support the Economic Growth priority outcome:
- African Nova Scotian Road to Economic Prosperity Action Plan
- 2022-2027 Inclusive Economic Strategy
- Cogswell District Project
- Rural Community Planning
Holistic Planning
Housing and employment growth is directed to strategic locations across the region in support of our community goals to build healthy, well-serviced and connected communities.
The following initiatives support the Holistic Planning priority outcome:
- Increased Housing Supply
- Fast Residential Permitting and Approvals
- Streetscaping
- Sufficient Supply of Industrial Lands Inventory
- Suburban Community Planning
- Regional Plan
- Planned Growth Areas
Talent Attraction, Retention & Development
A global and welcoming community that attracts, retains, and develops talent.
The following initiatives support the Talent Attraction, Retention & Development priority outcome:
Safe Communities
Residents and visitors feel safe and are supported by a network of social and transportation infrastructure and proactive and responsive community safety services.
The following initiatives support the Safe Communities priority outcome:
- Public Safety Strategy 2023-2026
- Evidence-Based, Community-Focused and Culturally Sensitive Policing (Wortley Report Implementation)
- Halifax Regional Municipality Safe City and Safe Public Spaces Program
- Proactive Community Safety
- Emergency Response Optimization
Involved Communities
Residents are actively involved in their communities and enjoy participating and volunteering in a wide range of leisure, learning, social, recreational and civic opportunities.
The following initiatives support the Involved Communities priority outcome:
- Community-Focused Service Delivery
- Sharing Our Stories (Culture and Heritage Priorities Plan)
- Acquire and Develop Parkland
- One Recreation
- Youth Engagement and Support
- Senior Engagement Plan
- Develop and Implement Parks & Recreation Strategic Plans
Inclusive Communities
Residents are empowered as stewards and advocates for their communities, and work with the municipality and others to remove systemic barriers.
The following initiatives support the Inclusive Communities priority outcome:
- Anti-Black Racism Strategy
- Indigenous Services Strategy
- Promote Equitable Access to Municipal Services
- Accessibility Strategy
- Immigration Strategy
- Social Policy
- Social Value Framework
- Local Immigration Partnership
Affordable Communities
The municipality demonstrates leadership and fosters partnerships that provide access to a range of quality, affordable municipal amenities and services, including housing options, in safe vibrant communities.
The following initiative support the Affordable Communities priority outcome:
- Supporting Affordable Housing
- Increasing Food Security and Strengthening the Local Food System
- Building Community Land Trust
Connected & Healthy Long-Range Mobility Planning
The mobility network supports active living, growth and development, linking people and communities with goods, services and opportunities whether walking, rolling, cycling, using public transit and/or driving.
The following initiatives support the Connected & Healthy Long-Range Mobility Planning priority outcome:
- Transportation Demand Management
- External Stakeholder Integration – Integrated Mobility Plan
- All Ages and Abilities Regional Centre Bicycle Network
- Integrated Mobility Land Acquisition Strategy
- Windsor Street Exchange Redevelopment Project
Safe & Accessible Mobility Network
A well-maintained network supports all ages and abilities by providing safe, flexible and barrier-free journeys throughout the region.
The following initiative supports the Safe & Accessible Mobility Network priority outcome:
Affordable & Sustainable Mobility Network
A responsible investment approach that maximizes the use of existing mobility infrastructure and aligns with climate and social equity goals.
The following initiative supports the Affordable & Sustainable Mobility Network priority outcome:
- Major Strategic Multi-Modal Corridors
Net-Zero Emissions
Achieve net-zero municipal operations emissions by 2030 and strive for community-wide emission reductions of 75 per cent by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.
The following initiatives support the Net-Zero Emissions priority outcome:
- Deep Energy Retrofits of Municipal Buildings
- Net-Zero New Construction
- Community Retrofit, Renewables and Resilience Program
- Decarbonize Transportation
- Decarbonize Public Transit
Climate Resilience
Communities, infrastructure, and natural systems are prepared to withstand and recover quickly from climate impacts.
The following initiatives support the Climate Resilience priority outcome:
- Climate Risk Management
- Protect Critical Infrastructure Against Future Climate and Extreme Weather Impacts
- Transformative Climate Leadership
Protected & Sustainable Environment
Healthy and protected ecosystems support biodiversity and connected habitats, and enhanced quality of life.
The following initiatives support the Protected & Sustainable Environment priority outcome:

Administrative Priorities – How We’re Doing It
As an organization, the municipality also advances our approved administrative priorities. These outline our road map to support Regional Council to deliver on its priorities and to provide employees with the resources and tools they need to not only meet, but exceed expectations, in the delivery of programs and services.
Appropriate stewardship of municipal affairs inspires the trust and confidence of residents.
The following initiatives support the Well-Managed priority outcome:
- Corporate Performance Management Program
- Enterprise Risk Management Framework
- Volunteer Strategy
Financially Prepared
Finances are planned and managed to ensure sustainability, support growth and deliver quality municipal services.
The following initiative supports the Financially Prepared priority outcome:
- Fiscal Sustainability Strategy
Residents are engaged in the development of public policy and plans.
The following initiative supports the Community-Focused priority outcome:
- Community Engagement Strategy
Engaged & Skilled People
People are engaged and have the required skills and experience to provide excellent service to our communities.
The following initiative supports the Engaged & Skilled People priority outcome:
- Talent Management
Diverse, Inclusive & Equitable Environment
Diversity, inclusion and equity are fostered to support all our people in reaching their full potential.
The following initiatives support the Diverse, Inclusive & Equitable Environment priority outcome:
Healthy & Safe Workplace
A commitment to health, safety and wellness is demonstrated to our people.
The following initiative supports the Healthy & Safe Workplace priority outcome:
- Employee Wellbeing
Exceptional Customer Service
Residents receive exceptional accessible and inclusive service provided through customer-centric planning and continuous improvement.
The following initiative supports the Exceptional Customer Service priority outcome:
- Focus on Customer Experience
Innovative Performance Excellence
Current and future needs are met through forward thinking, innovation and collaboration.
The following initiatives support the Innovative Performance Excellence priority outcome:
- Performance Excellence Program
- Information Technology Strategic Plan