While hockey may receive the lion's share of attention from Atlantic Canadian sports fans, baseball also has a rich history in Nova Scotia. Baseball has provided recreation and entertainment opportunities to Nova Scotians for over 160 years. The most successful semi-professional league in Nova Scotia was the Halifax & District Baseball League, 1946-1959, which was considered to have been some of the best baseball played in Canada outside of Triple-A minor league teams. This exhibit explores the history of the H&D League, and showcases a selection of photographs from the Municipal Archives' holdings.

Fitzgerald slides into home plate, [between 1948 and 1950]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.101b
Baseball arrives in the Maritimes
Baseball was introduced to the Maritimes in the 1860s and rapidly grew in popularity. Local clubs and teams were quickly founded across the region, providing communities with both leisure and entertainment. The first reported baseball club from the Halifax region was the Halifax Baseball Club, established in Spring of 1868. As more players took to the fields, local leagues were formed to organize competition between the growing number of teams.

Halifax Standards Baseball Team, 1887. HMA CR67-1-975.01.04 II
The Halifax Amateur Baseball League was created in 1888 and consisted of the Standards, the Young Men’s Literary Association (renamed the Atlantas the following year), St. Patrick’s Society team, the Socials, the Wanderers, the Royal Blues, St. Mary’s Society team, and the Chebuctos. Halifax teams were typically organized around shared occupations (e.g., the Mechanics, the Labourers), neighbourhood teams (e.g., the Southends, the Northends), or company teams (e.g., the Heralds, the Chronicles, Taylor's Factory).
The completion of the Intercolonial Railway in 1876 made regional transportation easier and more dependable, resulting in increased competition between teams across Nova Scotia as well as interprovincial competition against New Brunswick teams. Competition and rivalries with teams from neighbouring towns helped communities develop local identity and community pride, the talent of their local teams and players symbolic of the quality of the town itself.
While baseball flourished at the community level, efforts to establish regional leagues were largely unsuccessful, with few attempts lasting more than one or two seasons. Examples include the New Brunswick League (1888-1890), the Pictou County League (1911), and the Nova Scotia Professional League (1912, 1924). Baseball remained largely relegated to local city leagues.

Baseball game, Wanderers Grounds, [19--]. HMA CR67-1-989.01.118
Social impacts
Baseball became especially popular among the working class, thriving in labour- and industry-based towns and cities such as Halifax, Springhill, Stellarton, Sydney Mines, and Saint John, NB. With the increased mechanization of labour-intensive jobs workers had more time for leisure and recreation, and baseball provided a perfect outlet. Unlike other late 19th century sports and leisure activities, baseball could be played by anyone, regardless of social class or income level. It was an inexpensive sport, easy to organize, required little equipment or infrastructure, and had relatively simple rules.
The game’s accessibility and popularity coincided with social change and democratization efforts underway during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Contemporary moralistic social movements (such as the Temperance Movement) promoted baseball as a wholesome diversion from social woes like idleness, drunkenness, and juvenile delinquency which were considered especially prevalent among the working class.

Halifax Civies Women's Softball Team, [194-]. HMA CR67-1-2015.13.94
With changing social roles women also began playing baseball. A successful tour of the Maritimes in 1891 by a women’s team from Chicago (including a game in Halifax attended by more than 3,000 people) helped to legitimize women’s baseball, and by 1900 women were playing baseball in most major Maritime cities. The Halifax area also has seen a number of talented women's softball teams, including the Halifax Arcade Ladies, the Beaverbank Radettes, and the Halifax Civvies.
There were several notable Black baseball teams across the region in the 1890s and early 1900s, including the Amherst Royals, the Fredericton Celestials, and the Truro Victorians, the Stanleys and the Seasides in Dartmouth, and the Eurekas, the Independent Stars, and the North Ends in Halifax.

Halifax Rangers Softball Team, 1946. HMA CR67-1-990.05.01
Local amateurs or imported professionials?
By the late 1890s interest in baseball had declined from its initial fervor. In part the initial novelty had worn off, but there was also growing tension over the nature of local baseball and whether it ought to be local and amateur or professional and stocked with imported players. Initially, teams were comprised of local amateurs, playing largely for the joy of sport. But by the mid-1880s, some attempted to capitalize on baseball’s popularity and access to skilled players from outside the region in order to professionalize local baseball. These early attempts at professionalization were marred by rampant gambling and allegations of match fixing, and a mercenary use of players (such as the use of highly-paid “ringers” or players breaking contract to abruptly switch teams for more money) considered unsporting by fans who generally preferred the pure amateurism which had previously characterized local baseball.
Maritime baseball would remain largely local and amateur until into the 1930s, when semi-professional and imported players gradually become more common and accepted (though these tensions would resurface during the H&D League years).
The Halifax Twilight League

Opening day Halifax Twilight League, May 24, 1930. HMA CR67-1-989.01.98
The Halifax Twilight League was one of the main sources for local baseball during the interwar period of the 1920s and 1930s. Twilight Leagues were founded across North American in the early 1900s as non-professional leagues, focused on wholesome recreation and sportsmanship. Little information about the Halifax Twilight League is readily available, but both St. Agnes and St. Joseph’s had teams.

St. Joseph's Twilight League baseball team, [ca. 1930]. HMA CR67-1-975.01.02

Vince Ferguson, [between 1946 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-975.01.836
The League’s stand-out player was Vince Ferguson, an all-around talent who played for the St. Agnes team and later played in the H&D League. Ferguson was also a celebrated hockey player and one of the first inductees into the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame.
Wartime and the Halifax Defence League
The outbreak of the Second World War resulted in a massive population increase in Halifax as the city became the east coast base of operations for Canada's war effort and its defense-related industries expanded to meet materiel and supply needs. In addition to dances and other social activities organized by various service and auxiliary groups, sporting events were also heavily relied on to provide troops and residents with entertainment and a reprieve from the hardships of war, as well as alternatives to rowdy and nuisance behaviour. Again, baseball proved a popular diversion.
The Halifax Defence League was established in 1942, made up of the Halifax Air Force team and the Halifax Navy team (both oddly comprised mostly of civilian players). The Halifax Shipyards were founded in 1943 as a company team (though there had been a Shipyards softball team at least as early as 1940) and joined the Defense League as well. Defense League teams also participated in Maritime Championships with New Brunswick teams, such as the Ironmen and the Dockmen from Saint John, NB.
The influx of military personnel into Halifax included many professional athletes and skilled amateurs, who combined with talented local players to make the League a venue for notably high-calibre baseball. The League’s success and popularity further reduced the stigma of non-local players. The Halifax Defence League was discontinued in 1944.
These two scorecards from the Defence League give a sense of what attending the games would have been like. Scorecards like this were available for sale at games and gave fans a way to track the game stats, while also providing ample local advertising opportunities.
The Halifax & District Baseball League

Opening day, Halifax and District League, May 24, 1948. HMA CR67-5-989.01.15
The end of WWII found Halifax with a demand for quality baseball and a surplus of talented players. Halifax was not alone in its hunger for baseball; the late 1940s was a period of near universal interest in the sport, and saw an astonishing number of teams and leagues founded across North America at all levels of competition. Its resurgent popularity brought huge crowds and enough attendance revenue to allow many cities and towns to support semi-professional teams. With the success of the Defense League and a general transition away from amateur sports over the past decades, local ball fans were more than willing to embrace semi-pro teams.
The Halifax & District Baseball League was founded in 1946 as a semi-professional league, operating out of Halifax and central Nova Scotia. The H&D League followed the successful model established by the Defense League of mixing local talent with imported players. Unlike the wartime period where skilled players came to them, H&D League teams had to source their own outside talent. In the colleges, universities, and semi-pro leagues of the eastern United States—especially the Northern League in New Hampshire and Vermont and the Albemarle League in the Carolinas—the H&D League teams found a ready supply of skilled players.
This souvenir program from the League's inaugural year provides interesting details about the start of the League, and shows its clear connection the Defence League (the United Service Team was an amalgamation of the previous Army and Navy teams). It also includes a message from League president Harry Butler, a preview of the upcoming season from Herald sports editor Alex Nickerson, opinion from sports writer Ace Foley, and plenty of vintage advertising.

Acocella tries to make it to first base, [between 1946 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.68.01
The number of teams in the H&D League fluctuated regularly over its 14 seasons. The below chart shows which teams were in the League in each year, and identifies each year’s champions.

H&D League teams and champions
The League consisted of four teams for its first two and last three seasons, seven at its peak 1950-1952, and six for the other years. In its inaugural year the League was comprised of the Halifax Arrows, the Halifax Shipyards, Halifax United Service, and the Truro Bearcats. Both the Halifax United Service and the Truro Bearcats departed after one season, with Truro joining the Central League (1947-1949) to play against teams from Amherst, Kentville, Springhill, Stellarton, and Westville. The Liverpool Larrupers and the Middleton Cardinals joined the H&D League in 1947. In 1948 Halifax merchants Herman and Bob Kaplan bought the Halifax Arrows team, renamed them the Dartmouth Arrows, and moved the team across the harbour where they would remain a powerful mainstay for the League’s duration.
The Kentville Wildcats left the Central League in 1948 to join the H&D League. The Central League folded in 1949, and the Truro Bearcats and the Stellarton Albions both joined the H&D League for its 1950 season. Stellarton was perhaps the League’s most successful team, and the only one to win three consecutive championships (1951-1953). The Middleton Cardinals left the League in 1950, and the Halifax Shipyards dissolved the following year in 1951. The Halifax Cardinals were added to the League for the 1953 season; they were rechristened the Halifax Citadels in 1956, but left the League the following year in 1957, along with the Liverpool Larrupers team. Stellarton left following the 1958 season. The Halifax Red Sox joined the League in 1959 for its last year of operation.

Halifax Shipyards Baseball Team, 1947. HMA CR67-5-989.01.02

Halifax Cardinals Baseball Team, [between 1953 and 1955]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.10

Dartmouth Arrows Baseball Team, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.131

Truro Bearcats Baseball Team, [between 1950 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-2012.01.201

Stellarton Albions Baseball Team, 1952. HMA CR67-5-2001.11.01

Kentville Wildcats Baseball Team, [195-]. HMA CR67-5-2012.01.648

Halifax Capitals Baseball Team, 1948. HMA CR67-5-994.123.01

Halifax and Dartmouth All Star team, 1947. HMA CR67-5-975.01.63a

While some of the American players who came through the H&D League had played or would go on to play in the major leagues, most were minor league players whose talents weren't quite good enough for the majors or the better college players who were ineligible for the minor leagues. Some of the better known players included John "Zeke" Bella, "Smokey" Jim Heller, Irving "Peaches" Ruven, Mike Genthon, Dick Genert (who would go on to play ten years in the majors, mostly with the Boston Red Sox), Johnny Duarte, Tom Dulmage, Bill Brooks, Angelo "Doc" Acocella, Jack Kaiser, Joe Fulghum (a two-time League batting champion), Gair Allie, Kent "Baby" Rogers, and Stan "Chook" Maxwell. Notable Nova Scotia players included Danny Seaman (Liverpool), James Goode "Jimmy" Gray (Joggin Mines), Billy Hannon (Halifax), Harry Reekie (Stellarton), Syd Roy (Stellarton), John "Brother" MacDonald (Stellarton), Johnny "Twit" Clark (Westville), Stan Cann, Gus and Dev Vickers (Sydney Mines), Frankie Redmond, Charlie "Red" Burchell (Sydney Mines), and Neil Staples.
Two of the League's biggest stars were William "Buddy" Condy from Springhill, considered the League's best hitter and who likely would have had a career in the majors had he not instead pursued his studies and become a doctor; and Philip "Skit" Ferguson of Reserve Mines, Cape Breton, a pitcher and first baseman who was as difficult an opponent at bat as he was on the mound.

Buddy Condy with trophy, 1947. HMA CR67-5-996.178.01

Philip "Skit" Ferguson, [between 1946 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-2012.01.195

John Principe and Angelo "Doc" Acocella, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.30

Dartmouth Arrows baseball players, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.17

McLaughlin scores for Kentville, 1951. HMA CR67-5-989.01.106

Dartmouth Arrows pitching staff, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.14

"Skit" Ferguson and Jack Halpin playing shoulder wars with two young boys, [between 1946 and 1959].

Halifax & District League players and group of boys, [between 1948 and 1950]. HMA CR67-5-975.01.532

Bud Condy steps on base, [between 1947 and 1949]. HMA CR67-5-2002.07.18

Dev Vickers argues with umpire Ed Petro, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.105

"Smokey" Jim Heller. [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.18 (resized from original)

Ray Clayton and John "Zeke" Bella, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.46

Morgan, Genthon, Sweeney, and Cann, [between 1946 and 1950]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.91

Stu O'Brien going for a pop-up, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.141

Charlie Shaulis, [between 1948 and 1959]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.56 (resized from original)

Sliding into home plate, [between 1948 and 1952]. HMA CR67-5-989.01.138

Halifax Cardinals vs. Liverpool Larrupers, [between 1947 and 1949]. HMA CR67-5-2002.07.31

The Decline
At its peak in 1950-1953, League games had attracted large crowds, especially during the playoffs. The demise of the Albemarle League in the Carolinas in 1950 produced a surplus of quality players who quickly found their way onto League team rosters, further limiting opportunities for local talent. By the mid-1950s the H&D League had essentially become a summer league for American college players.
Increased reliance on imported players came at a heavy cost, however, and the League struggled to remain financially viable as operating costs escalated and attendance revenue declined. By the mid-1950s season revenues had plummeted. By 1955 the playoffs —usually the highlight of any sports season—had become a poorly-attended, rather shabby affair. Most of the American players returned home to resume their college studies before the season ended, leaving teams to finish out the season and playoffs with less practiced local players.
Interest in local baseball was again dwindling across North America throughout the 1950s. Post-war prosperity had produced new recreation and leisure opportunities to compete for the public's attention, and television was bringing major league games from America into most homes. The near total replacement of homegrown players with imported Americans had largely severed the bond between communities and their local teams, further eroding interest in supporting the League.
The 1959 season would prove to be the H&D League's last; in the face of financial hardship, the League folded in early spring 1960. In its heyday the H&D League was regarded as playing some of the best baseball in Canada and the east coast of the United States. A number of League players went on to careers in the major leagues. Closer to home, many players and teams have been inducted to the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame.
Would You Like to Know More?
To view more photographs from this interesting series as well as other Halifax area sports photographs donated by the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame, visit our online database.
Many players in the H&D League photographs remain unidentified. If you can help put a name to any of these players, please contact us.
Howell, Colin. (1995). Northern Sandlots: A social history of Maritime baseball. University of Toronto Press Incorporated.
Howell, Colin. (1989). Baseball, Class and Community in the Maritime Provinces, 1870-1910. Social History, Vol. XXII, no. 44 (November 1989), 265-286.
Townsend, Hugh. (2006, August 9). Celebrating a great era for baseball in Pictou County. The Pictou Advocate, p. 13.
Townsend, Hugh. (2006, August 30). Up and down 1953 season for the Stellarton Albions. The Pictou Advocate, p.13.
Townsend, Hugh. (2006, September 13). The end of a great baseball league. The Pictou Advocate, p. 11.
Halifax and District Baseball League. (2014, March 11). Retrieved from https://maritimebaseball.wordpress.com/2014/03/11/halifax-and-district-baseball-league/
Halifax Defence League. (2016, July 21). Retrieved from https://maritimebaseball.wordpress.com/2016/07/21/halifax-defence-league/
Timeline of High Level Baseball in the Maritimes. (2018, May 30). Retrieved from https://maritimebaseball.wordpress.com/2018/05/30/timeline-of-high-level-baseball-in-the-maritimes/