World Ocean Day | June 8, 2024

The HalifACT and Halifax Regional Municipality logos side by side

In recognition of World Ocean Day, the Halifax Regional Municipality is highlighting existing partnerships with leaders in the region like Clean Foundation and Dalhousie’s Ocean Frontier Institute who are helping us maintain the health of the ocean and respond to climate-related threats. Many people find environmental issues like sea level rise, plastics pollution and declining coral reefs almost as overwhelming as the scale of the ocean itself. The municipality is working to make these issues more manageable by building partnerships with groups that are adopting proactive, forward-thinking solutions to the problems created by man-made changes to the ocean ecosystem.

Quick facts

The ocean absorbs around 40 per cent of the over 35 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by human activities each year. This quantity of CO2 is equal to the mass of around seven billion adult elephants, despite it being a greenhouse gas. The absorption of this much CO2 is leading to the increasing acidification of the ocean. Celebrated climate scientist Ken Caldeira coined the term “ocean acidification” just 20 years ago when there wasn’t much awareness of the effects of carbon emissions on the ocean. We now know that if we keep burning fossil fuels, it will weaken the ocean’s ability to naturally absorb carbon and lead to chemical changes as the mixture of water and CO2 creates carbonic acid that could threaten aquatic species like mollusks, sea urchins, crustaceans and corals with extinction. 


In an effort to show the ocean an appropriate level of respect, the municipality is focusing on building partnerships with groups that have a vision for adapting effectively to sea level rise. 

  • The national Ocean Supercluster initiative, largely based in Atlantic Canada, aims to create sustainable growth by forming collaborations between fisheries, aquaculture, transportation and marine renewables. 
  • Our Environment and Climate Change team is helping to coordinate Clean Foundation’s resilient home retrofits program, an effort to build homes that can better withstand extreme weather events. 
  • The municipality’s climate action plan HalifACT offers strategies for planning better in response to ocean impacts and establishes a path to net zero emissions by 2050. 

All of our current partnerships are guided by nature in responding to the effects of climate change. The Green Shores project is a joint investment by the municipality and the federal government focusing on climate adaptation. The project aims to replace the existing armour stone that runs along Shore Road with more effective green infrastructure. With a new raised waterfront trail, along with cobble beach, native vegetation and a breakwater system to address increasing wave energy, not only will this protect the road from flooding as the sea level rises through glacial melt and warming waters, it will prevent erosion and restore the habitats of sea life.

Ongoing research

Dalhousie University’s Transforming Climate Action research project recently received a record-setting $154 million grant from the federal government to study the ocean’s role in climate change. As a leader in sustainability, Dalhousie is a key partner in our HalifACT Climate Action network. We have a strong partnership with Dal, having recently collaborated in fall 2022 on the Climate Lecture Series on, and supported research into the effectiveness of passive sampling for indicators of blue green algae. 

We are looking forward to seeing what the Transforming Climate Action project can do for our community and beyond. 

The ocean provides a sense of home to Nova Scotians, but we are faced with a number of issues when it comes to our changing ocean. Saltwater intrusion, or the drawing of saltwater into a freshwater aquifer, is a growing issue in Atlantic Canada. More freshwater is being pumped from the ground than the groundwater will allow in some densely populated areas. Wells in places like Prospect, Lawrencetown, Cow Bay and Wolfville are beginning to fill with seawater, making the water undrinkable. These issues can be addressed, but it will require all of us to act in a partnership with one another. 

  • What are some ways you can show that you care for the ocean?
  • Adopt natural shoreline options if you live near the ocean to reduce coastal erosion. 
  • Participate in beach cleanups.
  • Use sunscreen that doesn’t damage aquatic ecosystems; the chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate are common in sunscreen and can be harmful to sea life. Look for brands that avoid these ingredients.
  • Limit your use of single-use plastics. Visit the municipality’s resource on waste reduction to learn more. 
  • Visit the Back to the Sea Society’s “Touch Tank Hut” on the Dartmouth waterfront to experience hands-on learning about sea life at a community aquarium.


Taking Action

The A-C-T in HalifACT stands for Acting on Climate Together. We need to shift how we use energy, how we move people and goods and how we build for the future. To see how we are addressing climate mitigation in Halifax, check out our Electric Vehicle Strategy, Solar Projects, or our Energy Efficient Lighting Projects.

The shift is going to require all of us taking action to meet our collective goals. Here are some ways you can contribute to climate action. 

Using Energy

  • Efficiency Nova Scotia is the province’s energy efficiency utility working with all Nova Scotians to make homes and businesses across the province more energy efficient. They have created a valuable resource on all of the latest programs and rebates for your home so that you can use energy wisely and stop losing money to energy inefficiency. As an added benefit, Efficiency Nova Scotia offers a wide range of programs at no cost, including the installation of energy efficient products in your home and pickups of appliances like freezers and fridges. 
  • Small things can have a large impact when taken together. Don’t forget to wash your clothes in cold water and hang them to dry. Remember to unplug electronics when not in use. Try to take shorter, cooler showers and install a low-flow showerhead. Only use your dishwasher when it’s full.
  • Install a smart thermostat. Program your thermostat to 17° C for the nighttime hours and when you're away, and to 21° C when you're at home.
  • Use fans instead of air conditioning when possible. 
  • Choose energy efficient appliances.

Moving People and Goods

  • Imagine roads that are quiet, safe and free of air pollution. By switching to an electric vehicle (EV), you can reduce emissions and save money on maintenance. Nova Scotia is currently the only province to offer a rebate for e-bikes as well as used and new EVs. Discover all the ways you can skip the gas station and reduce your emissions at EV Assist Nova Scotia.
  • The transportation sector made up 19 per cent of Halifax’s GHG emissions in 2016. Choosing a green commute makes you healthier, happier and saves money. Choose an alternative transportation option such as walking, cycling, taking public transit or carpooling at least once a week.
  • Check if you are eligible for Halifax Transit’s SmartTrip program through your employer.
  • Support local businesses that prioritize sustainable options like low emission delivery vehicles and compostable take-out containers and cutlery.
  • Make your meals more climate friendly by purchasing organic and local produce, growing your own food and avoiding food waste as much as possible. Learn how to garden by joining a community garden.

Building for the Future

  • Whenever renovating your home, be sure to make investments in residential energy upgrades that lower monthly costs, increase property values and reduce your environmental impact. 
  • The municipality of Halifax offers the Solar City program to access and finance innovative solar energy options for your home. 
  • Consider how your investments are contributing to a low carbon future. Speak to your financial advisor about socially responsible investments.
  • Know what to do in the event of an extreme weather emergency. You can also review and contribute to the adaptation survey for your community. Consider volunteering for the Joint Emergency Management Teams in your region to help respond to a wide range of climate emergencies.

Talking to Each Other

  • The Climate Atlas of Canada is an educational resource for Canadians to learn about climate change through science, mapping, and storytelling. It can be a valuable tool in explaining the problem and inspiring others to adopt common sense solutions to the climate emergency.
  • Use your voting power. Be sure to register to vote and inform yourself about the environmental policies of the candidates and parties. Ask climate-related questions of the candidates to let them know that addressing climate change is important to voters.
  • Talk to your family and friends about climate change. Learn how to talk to people about climate change through CliMate, a Facebook Messenger chatbot created by the David Suzuki Foundation as a way to help people with different viewpoints empathize and find common ground. 
  • Engage kids in conversation about climate change. A few places to start include the National Geographic’s changing climate resource library or a family guide to beginning a climate conversation.
  • Focus on simple pleasures such as exploring nature and with your loved ones. Think about how you consume and whether you could do more sharing, making, fixing, upcycling, repurposing and composting.

Climate adaptation

Climate adaptation means planning for and working to withstand the anticipated impacts of climate change. Climate change is already causing impacts such as warmer temperatures, more frequent and severe storm events, increased drought, a warmer and rising sea, among others.

Adaptation helps us build resilience by increasing our capacity to respond to climate-related impacts and disruptions. 

The municipality is addressing the need for adaptation by collaborating with Clean Foundation on resilient home retrofits, implementing a green infrastructure approach for Shore Road in Eastern Passage and by engaging with communities.

To learn about other local solutions, check out our resource on nature-based solutions for managing water on your property.


Preparing for extreme weather and climate change impacts

Winter storms

Winter storms usually occur between December and March. Winter storms include snow, freezing rain, high winds and cold temperatures. The snow, ice and cold can be challenging, especially if you aren't used to it, and these conditions can put people at risk of injury or harm.

Illustration of a woman in a yellow raincoat holding a yellow umbrella and struggling with stormy weather.

Extreme heat

Extreme heat events occur during the summertime (usually between July and September), when temperatures are high during the day and night for several days. People are at risk of overheating during an extreme heat event. Temperatures can be hotter in tall structures (like apartment and office towers) and in direct sunlight.

Hurricane and tropical storms

From June through November each year, Halifax is on the path of hurricanes traveling up the East Coast of North America. These storms can be powerful and destructive, with high winds, heavy rainfall, flooding and coastal storm surge. People can be at risk during these weather events.

Download the full guide


Protecting homes from climate impacts

The documents included below offer helpful tips on how to prepare your home for extreme heat, wildfires and severe weather events.

These guides were created by many organizations coming together to ensure that frontline communities are informed about climate impacts and equipped with tools to make them more resilient.

Three Steps to a Cost-Effective Firesmart Home graphic

Three Steps to a Cost-Effective Firesmart Home

Three Steps to Cost-Effective Home Heat Protection graphic

Three Steps to Cost-Effective Home Heat Protection

Three Features of a Wildfire-Ready Community graphic

Three Features of a Wildfire-Ready Community

Three Steps to Cost-Effective Apartment and Condo Heat Protection graphic

Three Steps to Cost-Effective Apartment and Condo Heat Protection

Learn more about emergency preparedness

For municipal emergency alerts and notifications, register at:

Follow storm warnings and weather alerts at Environment Canada:

More information to help you prepare:


Organization Phone Number Description
Organization Phone Number Description
911 Emergency Services 911 Police, Fire, Ambulance
Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team 902-429-8167 Emergency mental health service
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 Professional Counselling available 24/7
Transition House Association of NS 1-855-225-0220 Services to women and children experiencing violence and abuse
Organization Phone Number Description
Organization Phone Number Description
Non-emergency Halifax Regional Police Dispatch 902-490-5020 or 902-490-7252 Non-urgent police assistance
Nova Scotia Power Shows where power is out and allows you to report outage
511 Road Conditions 511 Information for road conditions, according or construction
411 Directory Assistance 411 Search for a phone number
311 Halifax Municipal Services and Info 311 Info on city services available in over 150 languages. Check for updates
211 Nova Scotia 211 Connections to community services
Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) 902-423-3607 Services & community connections for newcomers to Canada
YMCA Centre for Immigrant Programs 902-457-9622 Services & community connections for newcomers to Canada
Organization Phone Number Description
Organization Phone Number Description
811 Health Information 811 Health information and advice
Community Health Team 902-460-4560 Free non-urgent health related resources and programs