Common questions about applying for jobs with Halifax

Thank you for your interest in employment with the Municipality! Below is an overview of common questions regarding the application process. 

  • If you need more information regarding our recruitment process or to request an accommodation to the application or recruitment process, contact
  • If you require technical support for our online application system, call 311
  • To access a quick reference guide on how to apply for a job, click “Apply for a job FAQ
  • To access a quick reference guide on how to access your candidate zone, click “Candidate Zone” FAQ


I am interested in working for HRM, and I have messaged an employee and/or councillor, can they refer me for a position?

No they cannot. HRM has a fair hiring policy that informs our hiring practices. All candidates who possess the education, experience and technical/job specific knowledge and abilities as outlined on the posting are invited to apply electronically via our applicant tracking system. We screen candidates based on the requirements of the position and do not accept referrals received from internal or external resources. 

Does HRM hire newcomers who are currently on a work permit, study permit, or maintained status?
Yes, we do! It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure they are eligible to work in Canada and provide proof upon the presentation of an offer that they are eligible to fulfill the term of employment as stated on the job posting.

Does HRM support newcomers who are eligible to apply for permanent residency?
Yes, we have a registered Canadian immigration consultant in our Talent Management division who supports eligible employees who are interested in participating in the Nova Scotia Nominee Program – Employer Streams.

If I earned my educational credentials outside of Canada, how can I have these assessed?
Please refer to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada’s information, accessible here: Educational Credential Assessment – Service Providers -

When do job postings close?
Postings will be removed from the system at midnight on the day they close. All applications are to be received by the deadline. Late applications will not be accepted.

Why do I need to create an online profile/resume?
Building an online profile/resume makes it easy to apply for jobs and helps you keep your information up to date to apply to jobs at any time. You can also create more than one profile to choose from depending upon the type of job you are applying for.

Do I need an email address to apply?

For large recruitments (i.e., firefighter, bus operator, police), you will need an email address to apply, as this is the method the recruiter will use to make contact.

For positions that are not part of a large-scale recruitment, you do not need an email address to apply on-line. However, you will have to create a new profile each time you apply for a position. Also, if you choose not to provide an email, all communications about your job application will be sent to your Message Archive box in Halifax’s job application system and you will need to login to check for messages. Message Archive is located under your “Candidate Zone.”

To ensure you remain updated during the recruitment process and receive timely communications about your job application, we recommend providing an email address. This way, all communications will be sent directly to your email as well as saved in your Message Archive box on the system.

How do I know if my application has been received?
You will receive an immediate on-screen confirmation acknowledging that your submission has been received.

How will I know where I am in the hiring process?
Candidates receive communication through their online account in the form of updated HR statuses. These HR statuses will advise you where you are in the recruitment process.

  • Applied - We have successfully received your application
  • Under review - We are currently reviewing your application/submission
  • Assessment or interview - You are currently in the assessment or interview phase of the competition. Testing or assessments are based on job-relevant criteria and will vary depending on the position.
  • Offer - You have received an offer of employment from HRM
  • Hired - You have accepted an offer from HRM
  • Application declined - After reviewing the applications, yours was not selected for further consideration
  • Withdrawn- indicates that you have selected to withdraw your application from the competition and no longer wish to be considered for the position.
  • Please Note: We thank all applicants for their interest in this position. Only those applicants selected for interviewing/testing will be contacted.

I am having difficulties applying online. Who do I contact?
Halifax Regional Municipality is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals have access to services and programs. If you have a problem applying online, call 311 for assistance.

I am having difficulty using the system because of a disability. How can I get help?
You can send an email to and a response will be provided as soon as possible.

What is an accommodation and why would I ask for one?

Simply put, if you have a disability (physical or mental) that would place you at a disadvantage during the selection process, you may request a reasonable modification or adjustment. The modification is intended to allow you an equal opportunity to demonstrate that you can meet the essential functions of the position.


  • A job competition requires completing a written test using a computer. One of the applicants is visually impaired so they ask for a screen reader in order to complete the test.
  • A person who requires a wheelchair is invited for an interview and requests that the building and meeting room where the interviews are being held is wheelchair accessible.
  • A job competition requires completing a time-limited, written test. One of the applicants has a diagnosed learning disability. In advance of the interview and test, they request extra time to complete the written assignment.

When should I request an accommodation?
Accommodation requests must be requested as soon as you are contacted by a member of the hiring team. The hiring team will need time to arrange for an accommodation. Medical documentation indicating the type of accommodation required may be required to be considered for an accommodation.

Do I have to disclose any personal information?
The only personal information you must provide is your name, and an email address or a phone number, so that the municipality can contact you in the event you are selected for an interview.

You will not be asked to provide any of the following as part of the initial application process:

  • social insurance number
  • driver’s license number
  • financial information
  • reference names and contact information

Although not required, you may choose to provide other personal information such as your home address and details about your educational and/or employment history.

However, you must provide sufficient information to clearly demonstrate in your online profile/resume how you meet the qualifications, experience, certifications, etc. as set out in the job posting. If you choose to provide this information, you may wish to consider stating your community name rather than giving a home address, and you may identify a past employer with a generic title. For example, if a past employer was “Canadian Cheese Processors Ltd.” you may wish to list it as “food processing facility” rather than giving the name of the business.

How is my information stored?
Halifax Regional Municipality’s online recruitment system is hosted by IBM Kenexa Inc., an American company with locations in the United States, Canada, and Europe. IBM Kenexa stores the information you provide to Halifax Regional Municipality’s online recruitment system on its servers in the United States.
Your personal information will be protected with appropriate security safeguards, but once submitted it may be subject to the laws of foreign jurisdictions. IBM Kenexa is required to protect your personal information in a manner that is consistent with Halifax Regional Municipality’s legislative obligations with respect to personal information under Part XX of the Municipal Government Act and under the Personal Information International Disclosure Protection Act, S.N.S. 2006, c. 3. If you have questions about the collection and use of this information please contact Halifax Regional Municipality’s Access & Privacy Office at 902.490.4390

How does Halifax Regional Municipality protect my personal information?
Halifax Regional Municipality is committed to protecting your personal information. The municipality has implemented physical, organizational, contractual and technological security measures to protect your personal information from loss or theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. The only employees who are granted access to your personal information are those with a business need to know.

IBM Kenexa is also committed to ensuring the security of the personal information that it processes for Halifax Regional Municipality. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of personal information, IBM Kenexa has adopted stringent physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the personal information they process.