Halifax Regional Police policies posted below do not represent the service’s entire Policy and Procedures Manual, and are largely part of those policies that have been recently refreshed. Portions of these publicly released Halifax Regional Police policies have been redacted to ensure confidentiality and to prevent harm to the effectiveness of investigative or operational deployment strategies and techniques or procedures currently used, or likely to be used, in law enforcement.
This electronic version of the policies is for private study or research purposes only, and belongs exclusively to Halifax Regional Police. No person or entity is permitted to reproduce, in whole or part, these Policies and Procedures for business or commercial purposes, or the purposes of distribution, trade, sale, rent, or posting on the Internet or on electronic bulletin boards. Further details about copyright protection over these and other public agency owned works can be obtained by reference to the federal Copyright Act. Any other use of the Policies and Procedures requires the permission of Halifax Regional Police.
Halifax Regional Police divides its Policy and Procedures Manual into two sections, Administration and Operational. The policies that are posted below are from one of those sections.
This section will continue to be updated as more policies are refreshed and are vetted for public release. Occasionally those policies that are still under review may also be uploaded if they have been released to some entities.
Policy Name | Public Release Date | Original Policy Release Date | Policy Link |
Policy Name | Public Release Date | Original Policy Release Date | Policy Link |
Police Identity Management Act (PIMA) | 28-Apr-23 | 17-May-22 | Police Identity Management Act (PIMA) |
Property - Seized and Relinquished | 28-Apr-23 | 25-Mar-21 | Property - Seized and Relinquished |
Alert Ready - Direct Access | 28-Apr-23 | 5-Jul-21 | Alert Ready - Direct Access |
Hate Crime and Hate Incident Response | 28-Apr-23 | 2-Jun-22 | Hate Crime and Hate Incident Response |
Conflict of Interest | 23-May-23 | 18-Nov-19 | Conflict of Interest |
Drug Impaired Driving | 23-May-23 | 30-Jul-21 | Drug Impaired Driving |
Entry of General Occurrence Data into RMS | 23-May-23 | 16-Mar-22 | Entry of General Occurrence Data into RMS |
Exposure - Communicable Disease/Hazardous Material | 23-May-23 | 28-Sep-21 | Exposure Communicable Disease Hazardous Material |
Locker and Locker Rooms | 23-May-23 | 19-May-21 | Locker and Locker Rooms |
Restorative Justice Program | 23-May-23 | 9-Apr-20 | Restorative Justice Program |
Uniform & Equipment Kit | 23-May-23 | 7-May-20 | Uniform and Equipment Kit |
HRP Mission, Vision and Values Statement | 20-Jun-23 | 20-Jun-23 | HRP Mission, Vision and Values Statement |
HRP Jurisdiction and Operational Authorities | 20-Jun-23 | 20-Jun-23 | HRP Jurisdiction and Operational Authorities |
Organizational Structure and Other Processes | 20-Jun-23 | 20-Jun-23 | Organizational Structure and Other Processes |
Responsibility for Command | 20-Jun-23 | 20-Jun-23 | Responsibility for Command |
Use of Force (Policy Under Review) | 3-Aug-23 | 20-Sep-96 | Use of Force |
Resistance and Control Levels (Policy Under Review) | 3-Aug-23 | 20-Sep-96 | Resistance and Control Levels |
Incidents Involving Use of a Conducted Energy Weapon (Policy Under Review) | 3-Aug-23 | 8-Sep-11 | Incidents Involving Use of a Conducted Energy Weapon |
Lethal Use of Force (Policy Under Review) | 3-Aug-23 | 20-Sep-96 | Lethal Use of Force |
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics (Policy Under Review) | 4-Aug-23 | 1-Jan-03 | Law Enforcement Code of Ethics |
Entitlement to Dignified Treatment (Policy Under Review) | 4-Aug-23 | 1-Jan-03 | Entitlement to Dignified Treatment |
Valuing Race Relations and Diversity (Policy Under Review) | 4-Aug-23 | 1-Jan-04 | Valuing Race Relations and Diversity |
Cell Phone Usage and Handling | 27-Oct-23 | 12-Oct-23 | Cell Phone Usage and Handling |
Remotely Piloted Aircraft System | 8-Feb-24 | Remotely Piloted Aircraft System | |
Security Clearance | 15-Feb-24 | 6-Mar-98 | Security Clearance |
Policy Governance | 11-Apr-24 | 11-Apr-24 | Policy Governance |
Ride-Along | 16-Dec-24 | Ride-Along | |
Quick Response Unit | 16-Dec-24 | Quick Response Unit | |
Conflict of Interest | 16-Dec-24 | 18-Nov-19 | Conflict of Interest |
Return of Prisoner Property | 25-Feb-25 | Return of Prisoner Property | |
Extra Duty Work | 10-Mar-25 | 31-Dec-99 | Extra Duty Work |
Off Duty Employment/Activities | 10-Mar-25 | 10-Feb-09 | Off Duty Employment Activities |