Planning and Development

A great deal of information relative to Planning & Development can be found on our municipal website. Before submitting a Routine Disclosure request, please feel free to browse their webpages or our Open Data Catalogue as the information you are looking for may already be available online.

You can submit a request online  for any of the information or records listed below in this Routine Disclosure Plan. Before submitting an application  for routine access, remember:

  1.  A request submitted through a Request for Routine Access must be for a reasonable quantity of records – no more than 50 pages, otherwise an Access to Information Application will be required.
  2.  The records will be processed within a reasonable time frame, but no later than 30 days from the receipt of application.
  3.  Routine Disclosure Plans and Requests for Routine Access apply to information created after November 2012.

Records available through routine access include:

General records:

  •  Generic information about current benefits and hours of work
  •  Current job descriptions, salary ranges or hourly rate, classification of positions
  •  Employee Expense Reports for current fiscal year – either monthly totals or current year to date total
  •  Cost of sending a delegation out of the province to attend conferences/training/etc.
  •  Expenditure reports, by cost element (salaries, office supplies, travel, etc), for a maximum of four cost elements per year per requestor

Planning and Development-specific records:

  • Building/Occupancy Permits and inspection reports with personal information redacted (** Note: access to all other documents in a property's lot file will require a formal access application)
  • Other Permits
  • Licenses
  • Standards/Policies
  • Reports
  • Statistics/Data (that is not currently available in the Open Data catalogue)
  • Maps (that are not currently available in ExploreHRM)

Planning and Development will continue to review information which may be provided under the Routine Access Policy and will update this Disclosure Plan accordingly.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Request for Routine Access
Requestor's Information
Requested Information:
How would you like the information returned to you? *
In accordance with Section 485 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), the personal information collected on this form will only be used by municipal  staff and, if necessary, individuals under service contract with the Halifax Regional Municipality, for purposes relating to the processing of your recognition request. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information, please contact the Access and Privacy Office at 902.943.2148, email