About Halifax Regional Police

The Halifax region operates under an integrated policing model with both a municipal police force, Halifax Regional Police and a contracted police force, Halifax district - Nova Scotia (rcmp-grc.gc.ca) serving the citizens of the municipality. 

Halifax Regional Police is responsible for policing the urban core, which includes: 

  • Halifax 
  • Dartmouth 
  • Bedford  
  • all communities extending from Bedford to Sambro Loop 

The remaining areas of the community are policed by Halifax District RCMP.  

This unique integrated model has also resulted in the creation of a number of integrated units where Halifax Regional Police and RCMP employees work together. For example, the Criminal Investigation Division is completely integrated – you’ll see teams made up of officers from both services investigating crimes that have occurred throughout the municipality.  

How Halifax Regional Police is structured 

Organizational structure

Halifax Regional Police is made up of the Chief’s Office and six divisions, each with various units and sections:

  • Chief’s Office: The Halifax Regional Police Chief’s Office provides overall strategic and operational oversight to the service. Reporting directly to the Chief’s Office are HRP’s two Deputy Chiefs as members of the Chief’s senior command.
  • Patrol Division: Reporting to the Deputy Chief of Operations, this division is responsible for HRP’s Patrol operations.  
  • Criminal Investigation Division: Reporting to the Deputy Chief of Operations, this division is responsible for Integrated Criminal Investigations operations, which includes a number of specialized investigative units. 
  • Support Division: Reporting to the Deputy Chief of Support, this division provides support to HRP operations in areas including traffic support, information management, community relations and crime prevention, records & courts and emergency planning. 
  • Administration Division: Reporting to the Deputy Chief of Support, this division provides administrative support to the organization in areas that include human resources, training, information technology and financial services.
  • Professional Standards Division: Reporting to the Chief of Police, this division provides oversight and support to uphold the integrity and professionalism of the organization in such areas as professional standards, audit & oversight, diversity & inclusion and Departmental Sergeant Major functions. 

Rank structure 

Halifax Regional Police is headed by the Chief of Police, who is supported by an executive management team made up of two deputy chiefs, five superintendents, and five inspectors. Non-commissioned officer ranks, from highest to lowest, are: staff sergeant, sergeant, and constable. 

Meet the Executive Management Team

Who does Halifax Regional Police report to? 

In terms of enabling legislation and accountability, Halifax Regional Police is governed by the Nova Scotia Police Act [PDF], which is administered by the Nova Scotia Minister of Justice

Under the act, Halifax Regional Police is accountable to the Halifax Regional Municipality Board of Police Commissioners, which provides civilian governance in regards to strategic policy planning and policy-driven budget planning. The board’s mandate also includes acting as a conduit between the community and Halifax Regional Police to ensure that community needs and values are reflected in policing. 

What is Halifax Regional Police doing to improve its service to the community? 

The 2015–2025 Strategic Plan is a road map that will guide and direct Halifax Regional Police for the next 10 years. The plan establishes 3-, 5-, and 10-year goals that will be incorporated into Halifax Regional Police’s annual business plan. The strategic plan is a work in progress and will be evaluated and adapted as necessary to changing conditions and circumstances.  

Read the complete strategic plan [PDF]. 

Read the phase-I key highlights & refresh report of the strategic plan [PDF].

Halifax Regional Police’s mission, vision and values 

Working together to keep our communities safe 

To build and maintain confidence, trust, and safety in partnership with our communities 


  • People: People are our primary concern. 
  • Respect: Everyone is respected. 
  • Integrity: We do the right thing, in the right way, for the right reason. 
  • Relationships: Community relationships are the foundation from which we work. 
  • Communication: Open, honest, and constructive communication always matters. 

Strategic impact 
To make ongoing and meaningful contributions to the well-being and safety of our communities 

History of Halifax Regional Police 

Halifax Regional Police has a long and proud history of serving the citizens of Halifax. Its history dates back to 1864, when the Halifax Police Department was formally established, although the area has had some form of policing since it was first settled in 1749. 
Halifax Regional Police was formed in April 1996 when the police departments of Halifax, Dartmouth, and Bedford were dissolved and merged into one police service following the creation of the Halifax Regional Municipality.   

Read more about Halifax Regional Police’s history.