Appeals Standing Committee

Find out what’s happening at Appeals Standing Committee meetings and learn how you can participate.

The Appeals Standing Committee hears appeals of decisions taken by staff, where permitted under legislation.  The Committee also considers  demolition orders as brought forward by staff under the dangerous and unsightly process of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter. 

The Appeals Standing Committee normally meets on the second Thursday of each month, at 10:00 a.m. Meetings are held subject to appeals being brought forward. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Check the calendar below, and the agenda (once available) to confirm the exact date and time for each meeting.

You can find agendas and minutes online. You can also search for records of standing committee meetings.

Terms of Reference (Administrative Order One, Schedule 1) [PDF] 
Order of Proceeding for Appeals Standing Committee [PDF]

Appeal forms

You can use one of the forms below to assist you in making your appeal. Please note that only the property owner(s) or a representative with written and signed consent from the property owner(s) can file an appeal. If you choose not to use one of the forms, your appeal must still be in writing and should include: 

  • case number (if applicable)
  • your name and mailing address
  • reason you are appealing

All forms are in PDF format. 

Appeals are to be sent to the Office of the Municipal Clerk at 

If filing an appeal, be advised that your submission and appeal documents will form part of the public record, and will be posted on-line at If you feel that information you consider to be personal is necessary for your appeal, please attach that as a separate document, clearly marked “PERSONAL”. It will be provided to the committee and/or council members and staff, and will form part of the public record, but it will not be posted on-line. You will be contacted if there are any concerns.

Appeals Standing Committee Meetings

Date Agenda Minutes (PDF) Video
Agenda Minutes

Agenda Minutes
Agenda Minutes

Agenda Minutes

Agenda Minutes
Agenda Minutes


Membership of the Appeals Standing Committee

Councillor Becky Kent - Chair
Councillor Trish Purdy
Councillor Kathryn Morse
Councillor Janet Steele - Vice Chair
Councillor Nancy Hartling
Councillor Billy Gillis

Staff contact for the Appeals Standing Committee

Andrea Lovasi-Wood
Legislative Assistant