Special Events, Applications & Permits
Welcome to the Halifax Fire & Emergency Special Events page where you can find applications, permit requests and resources to ensure your event is fire safe. For our frequently asked questions section click here.
If you answer yes to any of the questions below you must first go to the Halifax Special Events Task Force page.
- Is the event being held on municipal land?
- Will the event be using municipal services?
- Will there be a parade or street closures?
If you answered no to all of the above questions, please email fireprevention@halifax.ca with your event details and contact information. We will respond with details on what forms and/or approvals will be necessary for your event. Please include in your email if you:
- Have tents or air supported structures onsite.
- Will be serving alcoholic beverages.
- Will be using fireworks or pyrotechnic displays.
- Have a performance stage.
- Are using electrical installations.
- Will have food trucks / vendors.
- Will have a ceremonial and/or open fire.
- Any site plans.
Some of the forms that may apply to your event can be found below for reference:
Special Event Food Trucks Permit
Tent & Air Supported Structure Permit Application
Special Event Electrical Inspection Permit
Fireworks & Pyrotechnics Application
Additional information related to a tent application is available in the Tent Permit Information Package
Domestic Burn Permits
A domestic burn permit is required in a Permit Required Zone during the Winter Season (October 16th – March 14th).
The domestic burn permit linked below is filled out by you and kept on site during burning. There is no requirement for the permit to be approved by Municipal staff.
Industrial, Religious & Ceremonial Burning Permits
Industrial, religious, or ceremonial burning may exempt some requirements of the O-109 By-law, but they require special permission. In general, these types of burning would include anything that is not classified as domestic burning.
In most cases of industrial, religious, or ceremonial burning, you will also need to obtain a permit from the Province of Nova Scotia. More information on the Provincial requirements can be found here.
Please note that industrial permits will require a $10,000 bond.
Please contact 311 or fireprevention@halifax.ca to initiate the permit process or find out more about permits for religious, ceremonial, or industrial purposes. Someone from our Fire Prevention Division will contact you and help you through the process.
Frequently asked questions
Does my tent have to be fire resistant?
Yes, all tents require one of the following certifications:
- CAN/ULC S109
- NFPA 701 Test Method #2
Examples Include:

Do I need a tent permit?
If you meet any of the following conditions, you require a tent permit:
- Your tent is greater than 10ft x 10ft (3.48m2);
- Your tent is within 10ft or another tent or;
- If members of the public will be under the tent.
Prior to completing the application, please review the Tent Permit Information Package.
Do I have to apply for an electrical permit?
If your event requires more than 6 electrical outlets or more than 2 generators, you must apply for a Special Event Electrical Inspection Permit. Further information on the electrical requirements for outdoor concerts, special events and events of a similar nature can be viewed here Provincial Electrical Requirements .
Do I need a permit to set off fireworks?
You do not require a permit for consumer grade fireworks (fireworks you can buy without a federal license). You do require a permit for display and pyrotechnic fireworks. Please note that fireworks cannot be used while a “burning ban” is in effect.
There are also noise bylaws related to the use of fireworks. For more information on fireworks please use the following link Fireworks Info Page
What if I am serving alcohol?
You will require a license from Nova Scotia Alcohol & Gaming . As part of the approval process, you may require a fire inspection from Halifax Fire Prevention Division. To request a fire inspection please call 311 or email fireprevention@halifax.ca