Police Remind Citizens to Lock Vehicle Doors and Remove Valuables



Issued by Halifax District RCMP

During the spring and summer season, many people will be venturing out to the parks, trails and beaches of HRM.

HRM Partners in Policing want to remind the public that they should lock their car doors and remove any valuables. Often these areas are targeted by opportunistic criminals looking for an easy theft.  Leaving purses, electronics and other possessions only tempts the criminal in targeting your vehicle.  Criminals are opportunistic and will look for anything that can be sold, used, or be of value to them. To avoid becoming a victim, simply remove the items and lock your doors.

'Thieves want to make an easy score. This type of theft continues to be a crime of opportunity. Police continue to apprehend people responsible for these crimes. However, we would like people to play a role in not becoming a victim.' states Cpl. MacRae, Halifax District Media Relations Officer. A great reminder also came from a youth that was arrested by police. The youth stated 'We only check unlocked cars. But if there is something really good, I would smash the window'.

So let's all have fun this summer season in the sun. Take a second peak to ensure that you have locked your car doors and removed anything that might attract criminals.

HRM Partners in Policing will continue to patrol the parks, trails and beaches. If you see anything suspicious at these areas, please call the RCMP or Halifax Regional Police. An officer will gladly make a patrol to check it out.