(8:40 a.m.)
The week leading up to the Victoria Day long weekend (May 14-20, 2013) marks National Road Safety Week, a national campaign that aims to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world. During this time, police agencies from across the country will promote safe driving practices and public awareness of road safety issues.
This year, HRP will share a series of traffic safety messages on the HRP Traffic Cop and HRP social media sites. Our hope is to educate citizens by focusing on a different theme each day, providing information and statistics through postings, videos and discussions.
Officers assigned to the HRP/RCMP Integrated Traffic Unit will be conducting roadside traffic safety checkpoints during the campaign, with a focus on behaviors that increase risks for drivers, passengers and other road users, including impaired driving, dangerous operation of a vehicle, speeding, crosswalk and stop sign infractions, seat belt non-compliance, driving while prohibited and cell phone violations.
The Traffic Unit will also be passing out information on behalf of Canadian Blood Services to encourage citizens to donate blood before, after and during the Victoria Day long weekend – a time when more people are on the road and there’s a higher likelihood of accidents which means an increased need for blood donations. The clinic at 7071 Bayers Road is open on the holiday Monday, with special hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For a full list of hours and to make an appointment, visit or call 1-888-2-DONATE.
Please do your part to help keep our roads safe and remember:
- Pay attention to the road and don’t drive when you’re tired
- Be a patient and courteous driver and refrain from all aspects of aggressive driving
- Reduce your speed
- Wear your seatbelt
- Distractions kill: don’t use your cell phone while driving
- Don’t drink and drive
- Call 911 if you suspect an impaired driver
Follow HRP on social media for information on National Road Safety Week.