(12:30 p.m.)
A man and a youth face charges in connection with a number of vehicles that were broken into in Halifax.
Shortly before midnight, officers responded to the 800 block of Herring Cove Road after a report of two males breaking into vehicles. Police responded quickly and a K-9 Unit conducted a track that resulted in two suspects being arrested in the area.
A 20-year-old man and a 17-year-old male youth have been charged in this incident. They were later released and will appear in Halifax court at a later date.
Halifax Regional Police reminds citizens not to leave valuables in a vehicle while it is unattended. Thefts from vehicles are generally a crime of opportunity, with the sight of items being a temptation for would-be thieves. We recommended that you remove all items from your vehicle and lock the doors upon exiting. If you must leave items in a vehicle, they should be locked in the trunk out of plain view before arriving at your destination.