Break and Enter Charges



(3:56 p.m.)

Four people face charges in connection with an overnight break and enter into a business in Dartmouth.

At 8:23 a.m., police were called to a business on Atlantic Street after staff discovered a window had been smashed and someone had stolen a quantity of liquor. At the same time, police were called to an address in the 200 block of Pleasant Street to a report of a male passed out and graffiti damage to the building. One male was arrested near the scene and four additional people who had fled on foot and were located nearby. With the assistance of video, four of the people arrested were identified as being connected with the break and enter.

A 19-year-old man, a 15-year-old male youth and two female youths, aged 14 and 15, all face charges of break and enter and are scheduled to appear in court tomorrow. The fifth person was released without charges.
