Commemorative naming

The Halifax region has almost 6,000 streets, many of which are rich in history and paint a picture of our past. As the Municipality continues to grow, new streets, parks, sports fields, and buildings all require names. You can help to keep the tradition of commemorative naming alive and play an important role in building the Municipality by submitting names of notable people or groups, historic events, geographic features, or native flora and fauna. Your submission could end up on a street sign or at a new park in your community.

Nominate someone today or see a list of approved names available for streets and parks below.

Where will the names be used?

The Municipality is looking for names for streets,  parks, park features and buildings. A new subdivision development is required to choose half of their street names from the approved commemorative names list below.

How do I submit an application?

Print out the Commemorative Naming Application form and submit it along with all supporting documentation to the Civic Addressing Office.

There is no deadline, anyone can apply.

A committee will review each application and make recommendations to Regional Council. Council considers recommendations for commemorative names twice a year. Names approved by Council will either be used immediately or put on the commemorative names list for future use.

List of commemorative names for streets and parks

Halifax Regional Municipality has approved the following  list of commemorative names yet to be placed on municipal assets. If you would like to have a name added to the list please complete the application form [PDF].

Available Commemorative Names

Name Biography Location Asset Type Reserved Approval Date
Name Biography Location Asset Type Reserved Approval Date
Agnes Dennis Halifax Herald publisher, advocate for women's rights Urban Core Street No 23-Jul-13
Aileen Meagher Athlete, Sports Hall of Fame Dartmouth: Burnside Phase 13 Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Alvena Cain North End Halifax Volunteer, pioneer behind the Four Plus Program Halifax Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Alvina Mae Perrier Recognized for excellence in community service and work with L'Arche Movement Downtown Halifax Street No 2-Dec-14
Amalamek Mi'kmaw for mackerel Any Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Andrew W. Robb First Chairman of the Bedford Ratepayers Association in 1921, senior manager at Halifax Herald and involved with YMCA Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Archie Fader Former Halifax County Councillor, recipient of the Queens Jubilee Medal for community service. Advocate for recycling programs in HRM. Lower Sackville Street or Building No 21-Jun-11
Atoqwa'su Mi'kmaw for trout Any Street No 22-Mar-22
Barrys Run Geographic place name Dartmouth: Parks at Port Wallace Street Yes 13-Dec-22
Basil Landry The only Halifax Fire Fighter to recieved the Medal of Bravery Halifax: Briarwood Subdivision Street Yes 2-Dec-14
Beechville Park Geographic Place Name Beechville Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Bessie Egan 1st female police officer in Halifax Bedford: Parks at West Bedford Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Bill Withers Veteran, community leader and philanthropist Dartmouth Street or Park No 17-10-23
Brian Warshick Former Municipal Councillor and Community Volunteer Dartmouth Park No 18-Jul-17
Captain Edward How Owner of the first land grant in the area of Admiral's Rock Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Carroll Morgan Sports Hall of Fame Boxer and Volunteer Any Street or Park No 16-Jul-19
Charles C. Blackadar Publisher and editor of the Acadian Recorder Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Charles Pender Organized the Pender Bus Lines Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Clyde Fletcher Pivotal role in Bedford schools from 1942-1967 Bedford: Parks at West Bedford Street Yes 21-Jun-11
Constable Charles R Fulton Halifax Police officer killed in the Line of Duty Halifax: Briarwood Subdivision Street Yes 2-Dec-14
Darius Pace Resident later 1700s; gave the name Trafalgar Hill to Admiral Rock and Dartmouth Road Hill Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Dr Alfred Waddell One of Dalhousie Medical School’s first Black graduates, who dedicated his career to providing medical services to isolated people and communities. Waddell also dedicated his life to fighting systems of oppression and speaking out against racial injustices Urban Core Street Yes 28-Jun-22
Dr. Eddy Ennis Key supporters of the Bedford Tennis Club (c. 1990). He donated the land now used by BBYC. Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Dr Donald Skeir Pastor, teacher and human rights activist. Any of the historic Preston Township Communities Any Asset Yes 13-Dec-22
Dr. Marial T Mosher Dancer, women's educator Any Location Any Asset No 23-Jul-13
Dugger McNeil Douglas McNeil was an MLA and an inductee of the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame Halifax Street No 8-Dec-15
Edith Archibald VP of NS Red Cross During WWI Bedford: Parks at West Bedford Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Edmund Ryan SS Atlantic Volunteer & Rescuer District 11 Street, Building, Park, Commercial Vessel or Ferry No 31-Aug-21
Eight Mile Inn Old inn in the area of Glenmont Avenue Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Frances Fish First female lawyer admitted to the Bar of Nova Scotia Halifax Street of Building No 25-Feb-20
Graham Downey First African Nova Scotian Municipal Coucillor and Councillor for Halifax Downtown Halifax Street or Park No 12-Dec-17
Grand Chief Gabriel Silliboy First Mi'kmaq elected as grand chief, first to fight for treaty recognition Penninsula Halifax Any Asset No 8-May-18
Granny Ross 17th century pioneer, herbalist Halifax: Parkmoor Ridge Any Asset Yes 23-Jul-13
Harold J Shanks WWII Sergeant in the West Nova Scotia Regiment Dartmouth: Burnside Phase 13 Street Yes 21-Jun-11
Harrison Eisenhauer Forest Ranger killed in the line of duty Hammonds Plains Street No 2-Dec-14
Heroes Way Pay tribute to all men and women who lost their lives defending our country. Urban Core Street No 21-Jun-11
Isabel MacNeill Commanding Officer of the HMCS Comestoga, recipient of the Order of the British Empire Halifax: Briarwood Subdivision Street Yes 2-Dec-14
Isleview Name of the neighbourhood and the train stop in the area at the foot of Sullivan's Hill. Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Jack Innis Prominent Bedford family, Chickenburger owner Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
James McGrath Early "Irishtown" settler Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Janet Kitz Halifax Explosion Historian - Order of NS Recipient Halifax Street, Park or Ferry No 26-Jan-21
John Gray Among the first to actively settle along the Bedford Highway Halifax: Princes Lodge Neighbourhood) Street No 21-Jun-11
Kastik Mi'kmaw for ground juniper Bedford Park Yes 22-Mar-22
Kate Mackintosh Noted Educator, Civic Organizer, Musician and Composer Dartmouth: Burnside Phase 13 Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Kesalul Mi'kmaw word meaning "I Love You" Any Any Asset No 13-Dec-22
Kuow Mi'kmaw for pine Any Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Kuowa’quamikt Mi'kmaw for Halifax Peninsula Halifax Peninsula Any Asset No 13-Dec-22
Lamont Power Harbour Pilot during both World Wars. Invested as a Member of the British Empire. Dartmouth: Burnside Phase 13 Street Yes 14-Aug-12
Layton Reid Merchant Navy Veteran with Master Mariner Papers. Land Surveyor for Nova Scotia. Eastern Passage: Blue Ocean Estates Street Yes 14-Aug-12
Lentuk Mi'kmaw for deer Any Street No 22-Mar-22
Leonard Kitz First Jewish Mayor of Halifax (1955). Member of the National Arts Centre. Halifax Park No 14-Aug-12
L’nu The term Mi'kmaq use for themselves, their autonym, meaning us the people. It is derived from the word for tongue. This shows the connectiveness with the people and the language. Any Any Asset No 13-Dec-22
Maj. Margaret C. Macdonald Military Nurse, Awarded Royal Red Cross Halifax: Briarwood Subdivision Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Margaret M Saunders Award winning author, Commander of the British Empire Dartmouth: Burnside Phase 13 Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Margaret Meagher Order of Canada, Dept of External Affairs Halifax: Parkmoor Ridge Any Asset Yes 23-Jul-13
Marie M. Rose Key figure in the initial phase of freeing black slaves Halifax: Parkmoor Ridge Any Asset Yes 23-Jul-13
Mark Smith First player from Nova Scotia to be inducted into the Softball Hall of Fame, ISC American Softball Hall of Fame and the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame and the first African Canadian. Halifax (North End) Park or Park Feature (preference Ball Diamond) No 22-Mar-22
Meagher Prominent Judge, knighted by the Pope for his services to his church Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Mel Boutilier Extraordinary Community Service Halifax Street No 27-Nov-18
Mi’kma’ki The traditional and current territories of the Mi'kmaq people. This area covers the area of Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland, New Brunswick and the Gaspe region of Quebec. Any Any Asset No 13-Dec-22
Muriel Duckworth Peace Activist, recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia. Peninsula Halifax Street, Park or Building No 14-Aug-12
Myles Goodwyn Canadian musician Waverley or Dartmouth Street, building or Park No 17-10-23
Patuo'qn Mi'kmaw for driftwood Dartmouth Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Pearleen Oliver Religious and human rights leader, author Bedford: Parks at West Bedford Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Peter Cox North America's First official full time Town Crier Halifax Downtown Park No 16-Jul-19
Phyllis Blakeley Provincial Archivist, Order of Canada Bedford Street No 31-Aug-21
Piers Cove Original name for the mouth of Nine Mile River Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Plamuipkl Mi'kmaw for peppermint Any Street No 22-Mar-22
Port Wallace Geographic Place Name Dartmouth: Parks at Port Wallace Street Yes 8-May-18
Proctor Reinstatement of historical street name Halifax Peninsula Street Yes 18-Jul-17
Rae's Awareness One of the slogan's of the Rehtaeh Parsons Society, a non profit society focused on wellness through the education, awareness and prvention of sexualized violence and cyber abuse. Cole Harbour Park Feature or Trail No 22-Mar-22
Rear Admiral Leonard Murray Only Canadian officer to command an Allied operation in WWI or WWII Halifax Downtown Street or Park No 16-Jul-19
Reconciliation To reflect on National Truth and Reconciliation Day - an important step in the reconciliation process. Urban Core Street Yes 28-Jun-22
Rocky Jones Lawyer and black Canadian civic rights pioneer. Urban Core Street No 28-Jun-22
Sarah Jane O'Reilly SS Atlantic Volunteer & Rescuer District 11 Building Yes 31-Aug-21
Sir Frederick Fraser Blind from youth, advocate for better conditions for the blind. Founded a school and Knighted by the King. Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Skokomul Mi'kmaw for new wooden boat Dartmouth Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Suoman Mi'kmaw for beech nut Any Street Yes 22-Mar-22
The Princess Louise Fusiliers Infantry battalion of the Canadian Army Primary Reserve with many battle honours Halifax Commons Area Park No 16-Jul-19
Tupsi Mi'kmaw for alder tree Any Street Yes 22-Mar-22
Viola Desmond Part of a movement to end segregation Bedford: Parks at West Bedford Street Yes 23-Jul-13
Wabanaki The Mi’kmaq Nation belonged to a much larger tribal grouping known as the ‘Wabanaki Confederacy’. Any Any Asset No 13-Dec-22
Wasoqiman Mi'kmaw for red ground berries Any Street No 22-Mar-22
Wela’lin Mi'kmaw word meaning "Thank You". Any Any Asset No 13-Dec-22
William Davey Early Settler and owner of Four Mile House Halifax: Seton Ridge Street Yes 16-Jul-19
William MacKenzie Town's stationmaster for over 50 years (c. 1800s) Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
William Sabatier Third owner of Scot Manor House. Involved with Shubenacadie Canal. Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
William White Only black Chaplain in the entire British Army during World War 1 Halifax Northend Street No 21-Jul-15
William Yeadon Gray Successful accountant and business man. Operated a hotel in Princes Lodge, carried on tradition of hosting picnics on his grounds. Urban Core Street or Park No 21-Jun-11
Willis The Willis family built the hotel later known as the Lewis house. Bedford Street No 21-Jun-11
Wowkwis Mi'kmaw for fox/foxes Any Street No 22-Mar-22