Make March the month to protect your money



(2:05 p.m.)

 There is a lot more fraud taking place than most people realize. It is a type of crime that can cover everything from passing bad cheques to identity theft. March is Fraud Prevention Month. HRM Partners in Policing want to help people learn as much as they can about fraud-related crime because the best way to prevent fraud is to learn how to recognize it.

The four major types of fraud investigated by the RCMP/HRP Integrated Financial Crime Section include:

Payment Card Fraud
Small Business Fraud
Internet-related Fraud
Identity Theft
Over the course of the month, HRM Partners in Policing will be examining each of those areas in greater detail to identify the tricks criminals are using, and the steps people can take to minimize their chances of becoming victims. Generally speaking, there are a few common themes that everyone should be on the watch for in order to protect themselves against fraud. At its very essence, fraud is simply a way for criminals to steal money. As additional information on each topic is released, it will also be posted online at the web sites listed below:

RCMP in Nova Scotia: ; ;

Halifax Regional Police: