(10:10 a.m.)
As the weather forecast is calling for hot and humid temperature in the coming days, HRM Partners in Policing remind citizens about the dangers of leaving children and pets alone in unattended vehicles.
The body temperature of a child rises faster than an adult, making them more vulnerable to temperature changes. Even with the windows partially down, the temperature inside a parked car can reach over 40 degrees Celsius within minutes. Leaving windows slightly opened does not slow the heating process or decrease the maximum temperature attained.
To prevent deadly consequences for your children, never leave them inside an unoccupied vehicle. Remember that young children cannot get out of their car seats alone and are unable to open cars doors and windows.
Here are some tips to prevent heat related injuries or deaths:
- Never leave a child unattended inside a vehicle, even if the air conditioning is on or a window is slightly opened.
- Never let children play in or around a parked car.
- Keep vehicles locked, even when parked in your garage.
- Place your handbag, purse, cell phone, or laptop on the back seat and always check the back seat of your car before walking away from it.
Pets face similar risk on hot days. Animal owners are encouraged to not leave their pets in their vehicles on hot days, even for a few minutes. If you can’t take them with you when you park your vehicle, leave your pets at home
If you see a child or a pet in distress, contact 9-1-1 immediately.