The HRP/RCMP Integrated Financial Crime Unit has laid charges against a landlord in an apartment rental scam targeting university students.
In April, 2012, Halifax Regional Police received a fraud complaint from a man who became the victim of an apartment rental scam. He replied to a Kijiji post advertising an apartment for rent at 1740 Robie Street. He met with the landlord, inspected the apartment and then provided a deposit and signed a lease. The landlord subsequently cut off all communication with the renter. Ultimately, a total of eight complaint involving 24 victims were filed with police in relation to this address. On August 30, 2012, investigators arrested 26-year-old Cyrano Carette of Bedford and laid nine fraud related charges against him in relation to the property at 1740 Robie Street.
Investigators continued to follow-up with this file and uncovered another scam involving a 6010 Cedar Street property owned by Carette. A total of three complaints involving six victims were filed with police in relation to this address. On January 10, 2013, investigators re-arrested Cyrano Carette and charged him with 31 additional fraud-related charges in relation to both dwellings. He was released from custody and will appear in Halifax Provincial Court at a later date.
Anyone who has been a victim of such a scam is encouraged to report it to the HRP/RCMP Integrated Financial Crime Unit at 490-1985 or online at