Halifax Regional Police (HRP) is pleased to announce a new structure for its senior management team.
For the past several months, we have been working to restructure the organization of the senior officer portion of our management team so that it that will eventually be comprised of four non-union ranks, including Chief, Deputy Chief, Superintendents and Inspectors – a rank structure that’s similar to other Canadian police agencies.
To achieve this structure, we:
Made three Superintendent positions more all-encompassing and with broader responsibilities in three work areas – Patrol Division under the command of Superintendent Robin McNeil, Criminal Investigation Division under the responsibility of Superintendent Jim Perrin and the Administration Division under the command of Superintendent Brenda Young.
Realigned the remaining four Superintendent positions, who will continue to be an integral part of our Executive Management Team:
- Superintendent Don MacLean will become the new Human Resources Officer
- Superintendent Sean Auld will become the new Operational Planning Officer
- Superintendent Cliff Falkenham will become the new Operations Support Officer
- Superintendent Colleen Kelly will become the Executive Officer to the Chief
Created four new Inspector roles that will fill the newly created Information Management Officer position and three existing divisional commander positions. We are currently conducting a competition from among Staff Sergeants and Sergeants who qualified and applied for the Inspector position.
The above changes will be gradually phased in to allow for a seamless transition during the months of April and May. The restructuring of our management team will allow us to be more strategic in our policing approach in alignment with our newly developed 2015-2025 Strategic Plan which will be rolled out over the next several months.