February vehicle/pedestrian collision stats



Halifax Regional Police (HRP) and Halifax District RCMP release a monthly vehicle/pedestrian collision report to provide police and citizens with more contextual information on this issue.

Year to date, January 1 – February 28, 2018, there were 38 vehicle/pedestrian/bicycle collisions reported in the municipality. Of the 38 collisions 2 involved a bicycle while the remaining 36 were vehicle/pedestrian collisions, with 40 pedestrian victims.

During the month of February, there were 21 vehicle/pedestrian collisions reported. Month over month, this represents an increase (6 incidents) from the 15 incidents reported in January 2018. Year over year, there was an increase (4 incidents) from the 17 incidents reported in February 2017.

For January 1- February 28, 2018, 61 per cent (22 incidents) of vehicle/pedestrian collisions occurred in crosswalks. Of the 40 pedestrians involved:

  • 2 were fatally injured
  • 1 experienced severe injuries
  • 3 experienced moderate injuries
  • 22 experienced minor injuries
  • 5 experienced no injuries
  • 7 did not report their injuries to police

The full monthly report, which includes a summary of the vehicle/pedestrian collisions, location by HRP division and RCMP area, pedestrian and driver characteristics, and the summary offence tickets issued, is available online