In their continued effort to address traffic safety issues and educate citizens on the rules of the road, the Halifax Regional Police Traffic Unit and Patrol Officers will focus on speeding enforcement and aggressive driving during the month of April.
With the spring weather hopefully upon us, police encourage citizens to watch their speed and be aware of other drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. Motorists are reminded that the faster you drive, the less time you have to react. Also, refrain from aggressive driving or high risk driving behaviours which may lead to a collision.
Officers will also be monitoring construction zones to protect road crews, motorists and pedestrians. Remember to slow down and obey construction zone signs and traffic-control people and respect their work areas. Fines are doubled in construction zones and initial fines can go up to $697.50.
Our focus during March was seatbelt enforcement and officers issued 2,113 tickets during the month for a variety of Motor Vehicle Act violations.