
In the event of an emergency evacuation, the municipality's Emergency Management Division of Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) will notify residents and explain the evacuation procedures.


  • Learn the type of disasters that are likely in your community and the local emergency, evacuation, and shelter plans for each specific disaster.
  • Plan how will you leave and where you will go if you’re advised to evacuate
  • Identify several places you could go in an emergency 
  • Be familiar with alternate routes and other means of transportation out of your area
  • If needed identify a place to stay that will accept pets
  • Assemble supplies that are ready for an evacuation in a “go-bag ”
  • If you have a car keep a full tank of gas if an evacuation seems likely, or a half tank of gas in at all times


  • A list of open shelters can be found during an active disaster in your local area by accessing  the Emergency Management website.
  • Listen to a battery-operated radio
  • Take your emergency supply kit
  • Leave early enough to avoid being trapped
  • If you are trapped or injured call 911
  • Take your pets with you
  • Secure your home
  • Unplug electrical equipment
  • Wear sturdy shoes and clothing that provides some protection
  • Check with neighbors that may need a ride
  • Follow recommended evacuation routes
  • Be alert of road hazards 
  • Do not drive into flooded areas


  • Charge devices and consider getting back-up batteries
  • Avoid downed power or utility lines If a tree or tree limbs have fallen on a power line or pulled it down, keep a safe distance from the line or the tree. Call 911 as soon as you can!
  • Only use generators away from your home and never run a generator inside a home,  a garage, or connect it to your homes electrical system 
  • Examine your walls, doors, staircases, and windows for damage
  • Take picture of damage, both building and its contents 
  • Do not use water that may have been contaminated
  • If you suspect your home is unsafe, do not enter. Rely on the professionals to clear your home for re-entry if you are unsure. 
  • Check with local authorities on how to properly dispose of damaged items from your home 


How will we be notified of an evacuation? 

  • You can expect to be notified of an emergency evacuation by a member of the Halifax regional fire and Emergency Team, a Halifax police officer, or a ground search and rescue team member will visit your residence to advise an evacuation order.
  • A public safety announcement will be made to all local media outlets and social media channels:  @hfxgov @hfxmoments
  • Stay informed with hfxALERT.

Where should we go if we are notified of an evacuation?

  • Residents of the affected area will be asked to relocate to a designated comfort Centre or their preferred safe location site.
  • Comfort centers will always be opened outside the affected zone.
  • If you have been affected by a personal disaster and require assistance, contact the Red Cross at 1-800-222-9597

Where can I find more information?

  •  Stay informed by following us on social media @hfxgov @hfxmoments, and listening to the radio and local news channels. 
  • Stay up-to-date  on warnings and risks through Environment Canada 

What should I do to stay safe?

  • Listen to your authorities follow their direction, be ready for evacuation, and help your neighbours.
  • Make an emergency plan 

How can I help?

  • Join our JEM team!