JANUARY 29, 2025
TAKE NOTICE THAT a Development Officer of Halifax Regional Municipality did, on Thursday, January 23, 2025, approve the Amending Development Agreement to allow for construction of five (5) multi-unit residential buildings ranging from 4 to 16 storeys and a public park.
Zzap Consulting, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting to amend an existing development agreement to allow for construction of five (5) multi-unit residential buildings ranging from 4 to 16 storeys and a public park.
The proposal is broken down into four (5) lots, plus the public park. The major aspects of the proposal for each lot are as follows:
• Lot 1
o 8-storey and 10-storey residential buildings with a shared podium
o 158 dwelling units
• Lot 2
o One 4-6-storey residential building
o 31 dwelling units
• Lot 3
o One 4-6-storey residential building
o 39 dwelling units
• Lot 4
o Two 6-storey residential buildings
o 78 dwelling units
• Lot 5
o 14-storey and 16-storey residential building with a shared podium
o 268 dwelling units
The total number of proposed parking spaces is 685 with the majority being located underground.
The application will be considered under the non-substantive amending development agreement process.
TAKE NOTICE THAT a Development Officer did, on Thursday, January 23, 2025, approve the following:
PLANAPP 2023-01096 - Application by Zzap Consulting Inc., on behalf of the property owner, to amend an existing development agreement to allow for construction of five (5) multi-unit residential buildings ranging from 4 to 16 storeys and a public park.
There is no ability to appeal the decision of the Development Officer to the Nova Scotia Utility Review Board in accordance with the provisions of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter.
Documents Submitted for Evaluation
The applicant has submitted plans and studies required by HRM staff to properly evaluate the application. The documents are also available for review at the Planning Applications office at 5251 Duke St, 3rd Floor, Suite 300, Duke Tower, Halifax.
- Applicant Letter (PDF)
- Site Plan (PDF)
- Phasing Plans (PDF)
- Massing (PDF)
- Traffic Impact Statement (PDF)
- Servicing Schematic (PDF)
Contact Information
For further information, please contact:
Kelly Greenland
Planner II
Current Planning
Telephone: 902.497.5088
Email: kelly.greenland@halifax.ca
Mailing Address
HRM Planning and Development
PO Box: 1749,
Nova Scotia,
B3J 3A5
Attention: Kelly Greenland